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Conferences, symposiums, workshops

Facilitating New Product Development for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Role of a Research and Technology Organization" at R&D Management Conference

Par Prince Gilbert FIALOR

Co-organizing Creativity for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Role of a Research and Technology Organization" at European Academy of Management Conference

Par Prince Gilbert FIALOR

Three Essays on Research and Technology Organizations and Small and Meidum-Sized Enterprise Relations" at the Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC) 2024 Doctoral Colloquium

Par Prince Gilbert FIALOR

Co-Organizing Creativity for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Role of a Research and technology Organization Open Lab" at the Research Group on Collaborative Spaces (RGCS) Symposium, 2024, Toulouse, France

Par Prince Gilbert FIALOR

Job Integration of Highly Skilled Migrants: A Process Re-Examination and Conceptual Framework


A Re-Examination and Conceptual Framework Development for Highly Skilled Migrants' Job Integration Process


Open lab as a key intermediary to foster collaborations between a Research and Technology Organization and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Par Prince Gilbert FIALOR

Conceptual Framework and Analysis of the Process of Job Integration of Highly Skilled Immigrants


Quand l'incertitude décourage les comportements pro-environnementaux : le rôle des défaillances du contrôle de soi

Par Sai Prashanth RAMACHANDRAN

Systèmes de contrôle de gestion et performance sociale : packages, leviers de contrôle et maturité organisationnelle de la RSE

Par Youssef LAGSAIBI

Systèmes de contrôle de gestion et performance sociale : packages, leviers de contrôle et maturité organisationnelle de la RSE

Par Youssef LAGSAIBI

An exploratory study to understand the intangible knowledge transfer in university- industry relationships.

Par Carlos PLATA

The role and impact of an open lab in the open innovation strategy of a research technology organisation towards small and medium-sized enterprises

Par Prince Gilbert FIALOR

Research proposal: The role of first-line managers in post-acquisition integration

Par Dang Huy CAO

Micro and Meso Perspectives on Skilled Migration: Entrepreneurial Cases from the Lebanese Diaspora


Investigating a Field on the Rise: A Bibliometric Study of Artificial Intelligence and Human Resource Management

Par Elizabeth RAMBERG

The role of an open lab in a research & technology organization to foster the innovative capabilities of SMEs

Par Prince Gilbert FIALOR

Pourquoi rompre avec sa destinée sociale une fois diplômé ? Réflexions méthodologiques pour l'étude de nouvelles dispositions individuelles

Par Gaspard JOLIVET

Comprendre les dynamiques sociales des "bifurqueurs" : l'intérêt des portraits sociologiques

Par Gaspard JOLIVET

EDEN Doctoral Seminar on How to Design Your PHD (9TH Edition)

Par Dang Huy CAO

"Consommation éco-responsable" : macroanalyse des oppositions intergénérationnelles

Par Gaspard JOLIVET

Les femmes, influençables et plus sensibles aux tabous ? impact normatif du groupe lors de l’évaluation individuelle de publicités provocantes sexualisant le corps féminine


Staffing for Competitiveness of Multinational Enterprises in Emerging Markets


Family Dynamics in Business Succession and Longevity


Multiplicity of corporate Governance code in Nigeria: The present explained by the past

Par Monday IGWE

Corporate Governance in Context, Board diversity and the value of agricultural Nigeria Companies

Par Monday IGWE

Differences between secular and religious universities in Colombia, a first approach

Par Carlos PLATA

International conferences

Ethics in Sustainable Workplace: Employees’ Emotional Expertise as Spinozist Fortitude While Enduring Abusive Supervision


Business Ecosystems as Vertical Networks? Outlining a Criteria-Based, Multidimensional Ecosystem Landscape: An Abstract

Par Selina STROBEL

Transformative Marketing in B2B: Facing Dynamic Changes in Mobility Ecosystems: An Abstract

Par Selina STROBEL

Navigating Stormy Waters: Employee’s Emotional Abilities and Motives Interplay while Enduring Abusive Supervision


An exploratory study to comprehend the transmission of intangible information between universities and businesses

Par Carlos PLATA

The roles of First-line managers in navigating the post-acquisition integration

Par Dang Huy CAO

Management control systems and social performance : packages, levers, and CSR maturity

Par Youssef LAGSAIBI

An exploratory study to understand university’s industrial collaborations of intangible knowledge transfer.

Par Carlos PLATA

Knowledge transfer a new index and holistic review of the literature

Par Carlos PLATA

Unity Index, an alternative method to analise the authors production in bibliometric analysises

Par Carlos PLATA

Artificial Intelligence and the Changing Nature of Managing Human Resources

Par Elizabeth RAMBERG

Research proposal: The role of first-line managers in post-acquisition integration

Par Dang Huy CAO

A sensemaking perspective on the role of first-line managers in post-acquisition integration

Par Dang Huy CAO

A theoretical approach to understanding the relationship between leadership and feedback in a post-covid environment.

Par Carlos PLATA

A Counterbalance to Supervisors' Abusive Feedbacks: When Employees' Emotional Intelligence Dampens Revenge Without Triggering Off Forgiveness Intentions


Artificial Intelligence and the future of work: What do we know so far?

Par Carlos PLATA

Interventions en psychologie positive et pleine conscience : impacts sur les expériences, traits et comportements positifs

Par Carlos PLATA

Understanding the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the evolution of managerial skills: an exploratory study


Characteristics of the entrepreneurial university: The Colombian case

Par Carlos PLATA

The normative social influence exerted by a group on the individual assessment of taboo sexual advertising stimuli: comparison of compliance between men and women


L'évolution des compétences managériales face à la généralisation de l'Intelligence Artificielle


Characterization of the mission statement on the higher education system in Colombia and its relationship with structural variables

Par Carlos PLATA

Differences between secular and religious universities in Colombia, a first approach

Par Carlos PLATA

Adaptation Needed: Eye-Tracking Study of Cross-Cultural Differences in Perception of B2B Websites

Par Nikolay SLIVKIN

Characteristics and personal trends toward entreperurship: The MBA case at Unviversidad Externado de Colombia

Par Carlos PLATA

Characteristics of the universities and the entrepreneurship: a preliminary study in Colombia

Par Carlos PLATA

Invited speaker

Joint and multidisciplinary research on Climate Change

Par Carlos PLATA

Adaptation of the business sector to the climate change

Par Carlos PLATA

I Encuentro Regional Semilleros de Investigación Aplicada en las Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas - SENA

Par Carlos PLATA