TSM places the well-being of its students at the heart of its identity. Therefore, various facilities have been established and made available to all learners on the campus to contribute to their personal development. The objective is to provide the best possible support to each student according to their individual needs!
Health and social services implemented at TSM
The SIMPPS, a medical and social service
The Interuniversity Service for Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion (SIMPPS) is a medical and social service reserved for all students. Located in the former IEP premises, this service provides you with a team of healthcare professionals who provide listening, support, and medical care through phone, video, and physical appointments.
The physical and telephone reception is available from Monday to Friday, from 8.30 am to 5 pm. During these hours, nurses are available to advise and, if necessary, direct students to the appropriate medical personnel:
- General practitioners (with training in gynaecology), vaccination;
- Social workers;
- Psychiatrists and psychologists;
- Nutritionists, tobacco specialists, sexologists.
For more information, please contact the SIMPPS :
- Anciennes Facultés campus - Building 11
- Secretary’s office: +33 (0)5 61 63 37 25
- Nurses’ reception desk: +33 (0)5 61 63 37 49

The SIMPPS student health relays
The student health relays (ERS) are present on several campuses in France, including in Toulouse. Trained by professionals on health-related topics, they act as intermediaries between the various official structures and the students. Being students themselves, they are at the heart of the universities and their functioning and are thus able to understand the problems you may face.
Listening to you, they can address various topics such as addictions, sexual health, and well-being in general. In addition to listening to you, their mission is also to guide and direct you to the SIMPPS or other services and associations that you may need.
In Toulouse, there are 13 ERS that can be contacted:
The other support services of CROUS
The CROUS, under certain conditions, provides students with many other support services, such as:
- The possibility to consult with a psychologist through the PRISM Association (For Social and Medical Research and Information);
- A free night-time helpline called "Nightline" managed by trained student volunteers for active listening, available via chat or phone from 9pm to 2:30am.
Learn more about the various psychological support and listening service provided by the CROUS

The Equality Mission, a listening unit to promote equality
Because the well-being of students is crucial, the Toulouse Capitole University created the Mission Égalité initiative in 2022. This initiative is aimed at all students of the School and aims to promote gender equality in the workplace, equal treatment between female and male students, and to fight against sexual and sexist violences. As part of this initiative, a listening unit was launched on campus, where several equality representatives are present to listen to you and guide you. They are also there to collect your reports, assist you in your efforts, and, if necessary, alert the competent authorities to fight against:
- All forms of harassment (moral, sexual, etc.);
- All forms of discrimination (racism, disability, etc.);
- All forms of violence;
- All forms of inequality (male/female, gender inequality, etc.).
If you are a victim or witness of this type of behaviour, do not hesitate to report it in complete confidentiality via the anonymous reporting portal provided for this purpose.
The Disability Office, to facilitate the welcoming of students with disabilities at TSM
TSM is committed to facilitating the integration, support and success of its students with disabilities, through a Disability Mission Officer within the University. The Disability Office is available to welcome, advise and support you throughout your academic path. Whether you have a temporary or permanent disability, or a serious health problem, you can benefit from special measures and personalised support put in place by the school.
For more information, please contact Nathalie CASTEX :
- Arsenal campus - Room J104-2 - Building J (on the UT Capitole International Office)
- From Monday to Friday : 9h-12h / 13h-16h30
- Tel. +33 (0)5 61 63 39 25
- email : handicap@ut-capitole.fr
To benefit from all these necessary measures for the smooth progress of your studies at TSM, it is necessary to follow the following procedure :
Steps to follow to declare a disability
- Ask for an appointment at the beginning of the school year with a doctor from the Interuniversity Service of Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion (SIMPPS).
- Taking your situation into account, the doctor will draw up an accommodation recommendation sheet for you.
- Once the interview with the SIMPPS is over, contact the UTC Disability Office to finalise your application.
- Wait for the validation of the President of the University.
Validated measures are valid for one academic year and are not automatically renewable.
Find out more about Mission Handicap and its various services