Internationalisation isn't just for students! TSM promotes the internationalisation of its faculty and administrative staff through various programmes.
Administrative staff
TSM's 80 or so administrative staff can take part in international training trips as part of the Erasmus + programme.
This programme enables them to travel to one of TSM's partner universities in Europe for a few days to learn and exchange best practices in their field.
It is also possible to attend a Staff Week in a European country, where participants learn about a subject related to higher education in English.
Teaching assignments
Within the framework of the Erasmus + programme, teacher mobility is financed and provided for by bilateral agreements signed between partner universities in the Erasmus network. Preference should be given to teaching or training mobility within an ENGAGE partner institution.
Mobility lasts between 2 and 5 days and must include at least 8 hours of teaching.
Research visits
To encourage international cooperation, each year TSM finances the visit of six professors from non-French universities for 4 weeks. The professors are chosen according to the disciplines taught at TSM: accounting - auditing - management control, marketing, strategy, human resource management and finance.
Here are some higher education institutions which professors have visited from:
- University of Uppsala, Sweden,
- University of Lugano, Switzerland,
- WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management - Vallendar, Germany,
- Tilburg University, Netherlands,
- Bocconi University - Milan, Italy,
- ESADE Business School - Barcelona, Spain,
- Bayes Business School - London University, UK,
- BI Norwegian Business School - Oslo, Norway.
North America:
- Université Laval - Faculté des sciences de l'administration Québec, Canada,
- University of York - Schulich School of Business Toronto, Canada,
- University of Virginia, USA,
- Telfer School of Management - University of Ottawa, Canada,
- Rotman School of Management - University of Toronto, Canada,
- MIT Sloan School of Management - Cambridge, USA,
- University of Suffolk - Boston, USA,
- University of Illinois - Chicago, USA,
- University of Purdue - West Lafayette, USA,
- Warrington College of Business - Florida University, USA,
- University of Utah - Salt Lake City, USA.

Further information
Inviting a professor
Would you like to invite a foreign faculty member?
Consult the inviting professor's guide (access after authentication) and send them the guest professor's guide (access after authentication).
Visiting professor
Have you been invited to Toulouse Capitole University?
Download the presentation brochure