TSM organises events throughout the year in order to establish a link between companies, students and graduates looking for employment. Find out about our fairs and sign up for a different way to hire!
The Masters Internship Fair
Are you looking to recruit TSM Masters students? The Masters Internship Fair takes place every autumn (mid-November) and gathers all of our Masters students, whatever their discipline. This event is the perfect time to exchange ideas and recruit the right person for your needs.
The Work-study Fair
The Work-study Fair takes place in the spring of each academic year and is open to all TSM students and future students, regardless of their discipline.
It is the ideal time to meet and recruit the profile that suits you!
It will be open remotely from April 4 to 16, 2024, and will take place face-to-face on Tuesday April 23, 2024 from 2pm to 7pm at TSM's premises.