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TSM’s international dimension of is reflected in the inclusion of international experience in its programmes. With almost 100 partner universities around the world and numerous internationalisation opportunities on campus, Toulouse School of Management makes the experience of its students with the outside world a priority. Internationalisation is seen as a cross-cutting element of programmes, with the goal of educating open-minded, skilled and engaged students focused on proposing solutions to address global challenges.

Academic mobility, Degree Programmes, Summer Schools... Discover all the opportunities for internationalisation at TSM.
Whether you are a French national or an international student, you can apply individually for the international programmes offered by TSM in order to obtain a diploma.
Take part in an academic mobility with one of TSM's 81 partner universities around the world.
Find out about TSM's 81 partner universities where you can go on exchange, or as part of a Double Degree, or to attend a Summer School.