TSM amphi

Professional Conferences

Attend Professional Conferences at TSM

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Toulouse School of Management collaborates with many practitioners from different backgrounds to offer specialised professional conferences to students. An opportunity to discover the world of practice in a different way and to meet companies!

By joining a TSM programme, students benefit from company events organised in addition to their courses.

Corporate conferences

Numerous conferences are organised throughout the curriculum. Students have the opportunity to attend conferences led by professionals and alumni in order to discover the diversity of professions by sector of activity. This also allows them to keep an eye on current projects and issues in the world of practice.

Thematic professional days

Professional days by speciality are also offered throughout the year.

  • "Discover Bloomberg in Toulouse": recruiters come specially from London to present the company, explain what a multinational company expects from the applications it receives and organise a recruitment session for internships and jobs.
  • "The annual TSM-OEC (Ordre des Experts-Comptables) meetings - 28th edition in 2022.
  • The TSM and DFCG Midi-Pyrénées meetings (Association des directeurs financiers et de contrôle de gestion) - 7th edition.
  • Conference cycles organised each year with the ANDRH (Association Nationale des Directeurs de Ressources Humaines).
  • For some specialities, CV consultation workshops and recruitment interview training sessions are held each time with our alumni.
  • Business Games.
Many other professional projects are available at TSM!

Consulter l'agenda des conférences