Toulouse School of Management is committed to a continuous insurance process, both in the content of its programmes and in its organisation.
The School offers a high-quality programme portfolio that is recognised by its peers. It has numerous labels, accreditations and certifications, which ensures that future students receive an education that meets their expectations and those of their future employers.
Labels, accreditations and certifications

TSM obtained EQUIS (EFMD Quality Improvement System) accreditation, in October 2023. This is a European label awarded by the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) to prestigious business and management schools for a period of 3 or 5 years.
The school as a whole, and not just a particular program, is evaluated according to a number of criteria:
- the school's governance, strategy and resources,
- teaching programs and staff, student services and personal development,
- the international dimension of the school, its students, teachers and programs,
- corporate relations,
- the school's contributions to the wider community.

TSM complies with international accreditation procedures proposed by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). They represent powerful levers for the continuous improvement of its programme portfolio. In particular, they contribute to the School's international visibility.
Internationally recognised by students, employers and the media, the EFMD Accreditation is the leading certification for business schools.
Awarded following a rigorous review and audit process by higher education and management professionals, the label underlines the academic excellence, practicality, international outlook, ethics and social responsibility of a programme.
TSM's EFMD accreditations
Since 2008
The Master in International Management has been accredited since 2008 and was renewed in June 2024 for a period of 5 years.
Since 2020
The Master's in Finance is EFMD accredited for a maximum of 5 years; only ten Masters in Finance are EFMD accredited in the world.
The Doctoral Programme is EFMD accredited for a maximum of 5 years; it is one of the few doctoral level programmes to be EFMD accredited.

The Online Course Certification System (EOCCS) is delivered by EFMD for reference programmes in which digital technology is applied. It has been obtained for the "Strategic Diagnosis" course of the 3rd of the Bachelor of Science in Global Management, since October 2022 for 3 years.

The Toulouse Capitole University has obtained Qualiopi certification for all its continuing professional education and Validation of Prior Learning (VPL) services for a period of three years. Article L.6316-4 II of the French Labour Code recognises the status of higher education establishment under the 4 categories of actions contributing to skills development.
The awarding of Qualiopi certification to TSM, as part of the University:
- Recognises the professionalism of TSM as an educational organisation for all its associated services;
- Attests to the quality of the process implemented by the School to contribute to the development of its learners' skills;
- Guarantees learners legitimacy and credibility of the quality of the training services provided;
- Opens access for learners to a request for financial support;
- Facilitates the management of learners' professional careers, particularly in the context of the "Compte personnel de formation (CPF)";
- Enables companies to obtain funding via public funding schemes.
"Qualiopi": the quality certification mark for education and training providers
The objective of the Qualiopi certification is to attest to the quality of the processes implemented by the higher education institutions contributing to the development of skills, whether they are training actions, skills assessments, actions allowing for the VPL or training actions through apprenticeship. It makes the programme portfolio more easily understandable to companies and users.

The Toulouse Capitole University is "datadocked" by having obtained the status of "referenced" in Datadock. The presence of the University in this database is a guarantee of quality which allows TSM's programme portfolio to be included in the reference catalogues of work-study programmes' funders and thus to benefit from public funding.
Datadock is a unique database on professional training from a quality perspective.
Datadock allows the professional training funders, gathered within the GIE D2OF, to verify the conformity of training organisations with the 6 quality criteria defined by the Law.
These 6 criteria are:
- The precise identification of the training objectives and their adaptation to the target public;
- The adaptation of the reception, pedagogical accompaniment and evaluation systems to the target audience;
- The adequacy of the teaching, technical and supervisory resources to the programme portfolio;
- The professional qualifications and ongoing development of the faculty and staff in charge of training;
- The conditions for informing the public about the programme portfolio, its access times and the results obtained;
- The evaluation of trainees' assessments.

By signing the PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) charter, TSM affirms its willingness to promote sustainable values and to encourage all its stakeholders in a process of continuous improvement in CSR.
Further information on PRME Charter
Education for responsible management
The PRME Charter is a global commitment platform based on 6 principles derived from the UN Global Compact. It is the first organised relationship between the United Nations and schools worldwide.
- Principle 1 | Purpose: we will develop the capabilities of students to be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large and to work for an inclusive and sustainable global economy.
- Principle 2 | Values: we will incorporate into our academic activities, curricula, and organisational practices the values of global social responsibility as portrayed in international initiatives such as the United Nations Global Compact.
- Principle 3 | Method: we will create educational frameworks, materials, processes and environments that enable effective learning experiences for responsible leadership.
- Principle 4 | Research: we will engage in conceptual and empirical research that advances our understanding about the role, dynamics, and impact of corporations in the creation of sustainable social, environmental and economic value.
- Principle 5 | Partnership: we will interact with managers of business corporations to extend our knowledge of their challenges in meeting social and environmental responsibilities and to explore jointly effective approaches to meeting these challenges.
- Principle 6 | Dialogue: we will facilitate and support dialogue and debate among educators, students, business, government, consumers, media, civil society organisations and other interested groups and stakeholders on critical issues related to global social responsibility and sustainability.
TSM PRME reports
Since 2023, TSM has been awarded the prestigious HappyIndex®AtSchool label by ChooseMyCompany 2023, which attests to the school's commitment to student satisfaction and well-being.

The HappyIndex®AtSchool label embodies the values of simplicity, authenticity, and transparency in education. It is based solely on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) certified reviews provided by the students. Their opinions and feedback are the driving force behind the achievement of this valuable recognition.