Research Publications
Aucun résultat
Articles (non ranked journals)
Toward Human-Centered AI Management: Methodological Challenges and Future Directions
Dong, M., J.-F. Bonnefon, I. Rahwan, "Toward Human-Centered AI Management: Methodological Challenges and Future Directions", Technovation, 2024, vol. 131
Discovering the unknown unknowns of research cartography with high-throughput natural description
Bonnefon, J.-F., T. Katiyar, S. A. Mehr, M. Singh, "Discovering the unknown unknowns of research cartography with high-throughput natural description", Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2024, vol. 47, no. e50
The effects of servant leadership on performance and health: A multilevel and multisource study
Human Resource Management
Perrier, A., A. El Akremi, C. Manville, "The effects of servant leadership on performance and health: A multilevel and multisource study", Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023, no. 1
Dynamic and Multi-Party Approaches to Interpersonal Workplace Mistreatment Research
Human Resource Management
Vranjes, I., Y. Griep, M. Fortin, G. Notelaers, "Dynamic and Multi-Party Approaches to Interpersonal Workplace Mistreatment Research", Group and Organization Management, 2023, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 995-1013
Actionnaires, responsabilité sociale des entreprises et biens publics mondiaux
Casamatta, C., S. Pouget, "Actionnaires, responsabilité sociale des entreprises et biens publics mondiaux", Revue d'Économie Financière, 2023, no. 151, pp. 67-79
Polarized Citizen Preferences for the Ethical Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources in 20 Countries
Awad, E., B. Bago, J.-F. Bonnefon, N. A. Christakis, I. Rahwan, A. Shariff, "Polarized Citizen Preferences for the Ethical Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources in 20 Countries", Medical Decision Making & Practice, July 2022
How Should We Distribute Rewards in Social Sustainable Organizations? Investigating Individual Preferences for Justice Allocation Norms
Human Resource Management
Cugueró-Escofet, N., M. Fortin, "How Should We Distribute Rewards in Social Sustainable Organizations? Investigating Individual Preferences for Justice Allocation Norms", Sustainability, February 2022, vol. 14, no. 3
The quantified moral self
Purcell, Z., I. Rahwan, J.-F. Bonnefon, "The quantified moral self", Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2022
Stratégie de communication fiscale et évitement fiscal : étude de cas des entreprises du SBF 120
Arnaud, Q., G. Dumas, C. Bouvet, "Stratégie de communication fiscale et évitement fiscal : étude de cas des entreprises du SBF 120", Revue Française de Comptabilité, 2022, no. 572
Citizens from 13 countries share similar preferences for COVID-19 vaccine allocation priorities
Dutch, R., L. Roope, M. Violato, M. Becerra, T. S. Robinson, J.-F. Bonnefon, J. Friedman, P. J. Loewen, P. Mamidi, A. Melegaro, M. Blanco, J. Vargas, J. Seither, P. Candio, A. G. Cruz, X. Hua, A. Barnett, P. M. Clarke, "Citizens from 13 countries share similar preferences for COVID-19 vaccine allocation priorities", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021
L’anxiété liée à la COVID-19 : Une analyse de ses effets en milieu de travail
Robert, V., C. Vandenberghe, "L’anxiété liée à la COVID-19 : Une analyse de ses effets en milieu de travail", Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, March 2021, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 3-16
Une analyse du leadership laissez-faire dans les organisations : le rôle des orientations d’objectifs des employés
Robert, V., C. Vandenberghe, "Une analyse du leadership laissez-faire dans les organisations : le rôle des orientations d’objectifs des employés", Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, 2021
Shelter or Ghetto: Stigmatization and The Narrative Around The Creation of a LGBT Retirement Home
Vacquier, R., B. A. Hudson, "Shelter or Ghetto: Stigmatization and The Narrative Around The Creation of a LGBT Retirement Home", Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021, no. 1
“Whatever it takes”: first budgetary responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in France
Cho, C. H., T. Jérôme, J. Maurice, "“Whatever it takes”: first budgetary responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in France", Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, January 2021, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 12-23
Truth Distortion: A Process to Explain Polarization over Unsubstantiated Claims Related to COVID-19
Chaxel, A.-S., S. Laporte, "Truth Distortion: A Process to Explain Polarization over Unsubstantiated Claims Related to COVID-19", Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, January 2021, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 196-203
Engagement envers le changement et departs volontaires : Un test du modèle à trois composantes
Robert, V., C. Vandenberghe, "Engagement envers le changement et departs volontaires : Un test du modèle à trois composantes", Le Travail Humain, 2021, vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 35-61
Engagement envers les buts d’équipe et l’organisation : Test d’un modèle intégrateur
Human Resource Management
Boulay, A., V. Robert, C. Vandenberghe, "Engagement envers les buts d’équipe et l’organisation : Test d’un modèle intégrateur", Le Travail Humain, 2021, vol. 84, no. 4, pp. 349-381
De la stratégie éditoriale de CCA entre 2015 et 2020 à un nouveau projet
André, P., V. Capkun, F. Déjean, I. Martinez, "De la stratégie éditoriale de CCA entre 2015 et 2020 à un nouveau projet", Comptabilité, Contrôle, Audit, 2021, pp. 7-12
Locus of control and leader-member exchange: A dimensional, contextualized, and prospective analysis
Robert, V., C. Vandenberghe, "Locus of control and leader-member exchange: A dimensional, contextualized, and prospective analysis", Frontiers in Psychology, 2020, vol. 11
Reply to Claessens et al.: Maybe the Footbridge sacrifice is indeed the only one that sends a negative social signal
Awad, E., S. Dsouza, A. Shariff, I. Rahwan, J.-F. Bonnefon, "Reply to Claessens et al.: Maybe the Footbridge sacrifice is indeed the only one that sends a negative social signal", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, June 2020, vol. 117, no. 24, pp. 13205-13206
If you do not know who knows what: Advice seeking under changing conditions of uncertainty after an acquisition
Mirc, N., A. Parker, "If you do not know who knows what: Advice seeking under changing conditions of uncertainty after an acquisition", Social Networks, May 2020, vol. 61, pp. 53-66
Intelligent machines as social catalysts
Rahwan, I., J. W. Crandall, J.-F. Bonnefon, "Intelligent machines as social catalysts", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, April 2020, vol. 117, no. 14, pp. 7555-7557
Universals and variations in moral decisions made in 42 countries by 70,000 participants
Awad, E., S. Dsouza, A. Shariff, I. Rahwan, J.-F. Bonnefon, "Universals and variations in moral decisions made in 42 countries by 70,000 participants", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, February 2020, vol. 117, no. 5, pp. 2332-2337
Age-related neural correlates of facial trustworthiness detection during economic interaction
Salvia, E., K. Mevel, G. Borst, N. Poirel, G. Simon, F. Orliac, O. Etard, A. Hopfensitz, O. Houdé, J.-F. Bonnefon, W. De Neys, "Age-related neural correlates of facial trustworthiness detection during economic interaction", Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 2020, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 19–33
Finance Climatique
Boissinot, J., C. Casamatta, P. Crifo, "Finance Climatique", Revue d'Économie Financière, 2020, vol. 138
Do learners declining to seek help conform to rational principles?
Marina Miranda, L. S., A. Tricot, J.-F. Bonnefon, "Do learners declining to seek help conform to rational principles?", Thinking and Reasoning, 2020, vol. 26, no. 1
L'export: présentation des enjeux et structuration de l'écosystème
Pradels, G., P. Lattes, É. Jolivet, "L'export: présentation des enjeux et structuration de l'écosystème", La Lettre 3AF, March-April 2020, vol. 42, pp. 39-45
On a Class of Smooth Preferences
Attar, A., T. Mariotti, F. Salanié, "On a Class of Smooth Preferences", Economic Theory Bulletin, May 2019, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 37–57
Blockchains, Coordination, and Forks
Biais, B., C. Bisière, M. Bouvard, C. Casamatta, "Blockchains, Coordination, and Forks", AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2019, vol. 109, pp. 88-92
Quel avenir pour l’industrie spatiale française : un essai d’analyse prospective fondé sur la théorie de la disruption stratégique
Jolivet, É., G. Pradels, "Quel avenir pour l’industrie spatiale française : un essai d’analyse prospective fondé sur la théorie de la disruption stratégique", Annales des Mines - Réalités industrielles, May 2019, pp. 49-53
Bientôt une nouvelle formule éditoriale ... mais toujours une revue ouverte et aux services de notre communauté : Chronique de CCA de 2013 à 2019,
Martinez, I., V. Capkun, "Bientôt une nouvelle formule éditoriale ... mais toujours une revue ouverte et aux services de notre communauté : Chronique de CCA de 2013 à 2019,", Comptabilité, Contrôle, Audit, 2019, pp. 5-8
Sovereign bond spreads and extra-financial performance: An empirical analysis of emerging markets
Margaretic, P., S. Pouget, "Sovereign bond spreads and extra-financial performance: An empirical analysis of emerging markets", International Review of Economics & Finance, November 2018, vol. 58, pp. 340-355
Stratégie d’entreprise et management des projets d’innovation
Fernez-Walch, S., "Stratégie d’entreprise et management des projets d’innovation", Techniques de l’ingénieur, Génie industriel, August 2018
Guest editors Introduction: Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy in France
Gibassier, D., J. Maurice, C. H. Cho, "Guest editors Introduction: Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy in France", Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, July 2018, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 202-206
L’injustice fait mal au sens propre du terme
Human Resource Management
Manville, C., A. El Akremi, M. Niezborala, K. Mignonac, "L’injustice fait mal au sens propre du terme", Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l’Environnement, May 2018, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 278-279
Des solutions low costs disruptives pour le secteur spatial
Pradels, G., É. Jolivet, "Des solutions low costs disruptives pour le secteur spatial", Le Journal de l’Ecole de Paris du Management, 2018, vol. 32, pp. 8-14
Gestion des ressources humaines et santé au travail : science de l’action ou de la réaction ?
Gamassou, C. E., G. Bouville, T. Chakor, S. Pezé, V. Moisson, "Gestion des ressources humaines et santé au travail : science de l’action ou de la réaction ?", PISTE (Perspectives interdisciplinaires sur le travail et la santé), 2018, vol. 20, no. 1
L’affectivité positive et négative: des facteurs de protection ou de vulnérabilité à l’engagement au travail
Robert, V., C. Vandenberghe, "L’affectivité positive et négative: des facteurs de protection ou de vulnérabilité à l’engagement au travail", Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, 2018, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 21-38
Comment la finance peut-elle soutenir l’intérêt commun ?
Casamatta, C., "Comment la finance peut-elle soutenir l’intérêt commun ?", Les cahiers Louis Bachelier, 2018
Editorial. Le social, un risque à défaut d’un projet pour l’entreprise
Human Resource Management
El Akremi, A., M. Brasseur, "Editorial. Le social, un risque à défaut d’un projet pour l’entreprise", Revue Interdisciplinaire de Management, Homme & Entreprise (RIMHE), 2018, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 2
Diversification and Contagion: Connections and some regulatory implications
Guembel, A., "Diversification and Contagion: Connections and some regulatory implications", Revue bancaire et financière, 2017
Psychological roadblocks to the adoption of self-driving vehicles
Shariff, A., J.-F. Bonnefon, I. Rahwan, "Psychological roadblocks to the adoption of self-driving vehicles", Nature Human Behaviour, 2017, vol. 1, no. 10, pp. 694-696
Experimental assessment of aggregation principles in argumentation-enabled collective intelligence
Awad, E., J.-F. Bonnefon, M. Caminada, T. Malone, I. Rahwan, "Experimental assessment of aggregation principles in argumentation-enabled collective intelligence", ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 2017, vol. 17
What Types of Training Improve Learners’ Performances in Second Language Listening Comprehension?
Roussel, S., B. Gruson, J.-P. Galan, "What Types of Training Improve Learners’ Performances in Second Language Listening Comprehension?", International Journal of Listening, 2017, pp. 1-14
Les nouveaux défis juridiques et normatifs des ressources humaines
Human Resource Management
Igalens, J., "Les nouveaux défis juridiques et normatifs des ressources humaines", Économie et Management, 2017, no. 163, pp. 11-14
Vigilance et parties prenantes
Human Resource Management
Igalens, J., P. Francoual, "Vigilance et parties prenantes", Revue Lamy Droit des Affaires, 2017, no. 124, pp. 30-33
Ouverture à l’expérience, engagement et intention de quitter : l’effet modérateur des opportunités de carrière
Robert, V., C. Vandenberghe, "Ouverture à l’expérience, engagement et intention de quitter : l’effet modérateur des opportunités de carrière", Le Travail Humain, 2017, vol. 80, no. 4, pp. 337-366
Guest Editors
Human Resource Management
Fortin, M., C. M. Bell, J. R. Crawshaw, R. Cropanzano, T. Nadisic, "Guest Editors", Journal of Business Ethics, September 2016, vol. 137, no. 4, pp. 639-647
The Bubble Game: A classroom experiment
Moinas, S., S. Pouget, "The Bubble Game: A classroom experiment", Southern Economic Journal, April 2016, vol. 82, no. 4, pp. 1402-1412
Justice Judgment: Individual Self-Insight and Between- and Within-Person Consistency
Human Resource Management
German, H., M. Fortin, D. Read, "Justice Judgment: Individual Self-Insight and Between- and Within-Person Consistency", Academy of Management Discoveries, 2016, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 33-50
Introducing a fund for open-access fees. Editorial
Sloman, S., A. Kim, J.-F. Bonnefon, A. Al, "Introducing a fund for open-access fees. Editorial", Cognition, 2016, no. 154, pp. iii-iv
Coordination et Introduction du numéro : Impact de la recherche
Human Resource Management
Igalens, J., "Coordination et Introduction du numéro : Impact de la recherche", Revue Française de Gestion, 2016, vol. 20, no. 261, pp. 11-20
Note de lecture : Tirole. J, "Économie du bien commun"
Human Resource Management
Igalens, J., "Note de lecture : Tirole. J, "Économie du bien commun"", Revue Interdisciplinaire de Management, Homme & Entreprise (RIMHE), 2016, no. 23, pp. 101-105
Le lobbying en France, un exemple inachevé de corégulation
Human Resource Management
Igalens, J., A. Sachet-Milliat, "Le lobbying en France, un exemple inachevé de corégulation", Économie et Management, 2016, no. 159, pp. 38-45
Is environmental disclosure good for the environment? A meta-analysis and research agenda
Cho, C. H., J. Maurice, E. Nègre, M.-A. Verdier, "Is environmental disclosure good for the environment? A meta-analysis and research agenda", Korean Accounting Review, 2016, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 239-277
Vocational training in France as a source of renewal for the national system of education
d’Iribarne, A., É. Jolivet, "Vocational training in France as a source of renewal for the national system of education", Revista Espanola de Sociologia, 2016, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 409-420
Dans la peau d’un manager
Théron, C., H. Laroche, "Dans la peau d’un manager", Economia, 2016, pp. 43-46
La recherche au coeur de l'enseignement en RH. Dans enseigner les RH, Dossier
Human Resource Management
Igalens, J., "La recherche au coeur de l'enseignement en RH. Dans enseigner les RH, Dossier", Personnel, 2016
Introduction du numéro. La culture : facteur d'intégration
Human Resource Management
Igalens, J., "Introduction du numéro. La culture : facteur d'intégration", Management et Sciences Sociales, 2015, no. 18, pp. 4-7
Chronique : Quand un Prix Nobel d’économie peut intéresser la recherche en gestion des ressources humaines : analyse d’une contribution de Jean Tirole
Human Resource Management
Roussel, P., A. Fall, "Chronique : Quand un Prix Nobel d’économie peut intéresser la recherche en gestion des ressources humaines : analyse d’une contribution de Jean Tirole", Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 2015, no. 95, pp. 78-80
Regulating Performance Based Compensation in the Financial Sector, LABEX Louis Bachelier
Guembel, A., S. Villeneuve, "Regulating Performance Based Compensation in the Financial Sector, LABEX Louis Bachelier", Opinions & Débats, 2014, no. 3 février
Special number about CRM journal (Chief guest editor)
Meyer-Waarden, L., P. Volle, "Special number about CRM journal (Chief guest editor)", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2012, no. 4
De la pertinence des dispositifs de financement public de l’innovation
Fernez-Walch, S., "De la pertinence des dispositifs de financement public de l’innovation",, 2012
Identification Processes in Post-Acquisition Integration: The Role of Social Interactions
Rouziès, A., H. L. Colman, "Identification Processes in Post-Acquisition Integration: The Role of Social Interactions", Corporate Reputation Review, 2012, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 143-157
The Relationship Between Members' Trust and Participation in Governance of Cooperatives: The Role of Organizational Commitment
Human Resource Management
Barraud-Didier, V., M.-C. Henninger, A. El Akremi, "The Relationship Between Members' Trust and Participation in Governance of Cooperatives: The Role of Organizational Commitment", International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 2012, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 1-24
Les freins d’ordre comptable à l’innovation dans les entreprises - A propos de la 18ème rencontre IAE Toulouse/Experts-Comptables "Innovation, recherche & développement et comptabilité"
Fernez-Walch, S., "Les freins d’ordre comptable à l’innovation dans les entreprises - A propos de la 18ème rencontre IAE Toulouse/Experts-Comptables "Innovation, recherche & développement et comptabilité"",, 2012
A best evidence synthesis on the link between budgetary participation and managerial performance
Bonache, A. B., J. Maurice, K. Moris, "A best evidence synthesis on the link between budgetary participation and managerial performance", Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 2010, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 34-47
Détection de fraudes et loi de Benford : quelques risques associés
Bonache, A. B., J. Maurice, K. Moris, "Détection de fraudes et loi de Benford : quelques risques associés", Revue Française de Comptabilité, 2010, no. 431, pp. 24-27
Articles (ranked journals)
Unlocking minds: Psychological roadblocks to the adoption of AI-powered brain–machine interfaces
Cloarec, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, K. Timmler, S. Thiele, M. Weiss, M. Wiese, "Unlocking minds: Psychological roadblocks to the adoption of AI-powered brain–machine interfaces", Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition), 2024
Experiential Narratives in Marketing: A Comparison of Generative AI and Human Content
Wen, Y., S. Laporte, "Experiential Narratives in Marketing: A Comparison of Generative AI and Human Content", Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 2024
Tax disclosure strategies and reputational risks: An exploration based on the standard GRI 207
Arnaud, Q., S. Giordano-Spring, "Tax disclosure strategies and reputational risks: An exploration based on the standard GRI 207", Journal of Cleaner Production, September 2024, vol. 470, no. 143278, pp. 9
Opening the moral machine’s cover: How algorithmic aversion shapes autonomous vehicle adoption
Gordillo Chávez, D., J. Cloarec, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Opening the moral machine’s cover: How algorithmic aversion shapes autonomous vehicle adoption", Transportation Research - Part A: Policy and Practice, September 2024, vol. 187
Of headlamps and marbles: A motivated perceptual approach to the dynamic and dialectic nature of fairness
Human Resource Management
Bashshur, M., L. J. Barclay, M. Fortin, "Of headlamps and marbles: A motivated perceptual approach to the dynamic and dialectic nature of fairness", Organizational Psychology Review, September 2024
How Traditional Production Shapes Perceptions of Product Quality
Wilcox, K., S. Laporte, G. Ward, "How Traditional Production Shapes Perceptions of Product Quality", Journal of Consumer Research, August 2024, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 256–275
Do Climate Risk Disclosures Matter to Financial Analysts?
Ben Amar, W., D. Castro Herrera, I. Martinez, "Do Climate Risk Disclosures Matter to Financial Analysts?", Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, August 2024, vol. 51, no. 7-8, pp. 2153-2180
Navigating Uncharted Waters: Insights into Transformative Marketing in the B2B Mobility Ecosystem
Berger, S., L. Meyer-Waarden, M. Kuhn, A. Hanisch, "Navigating Uncharted Waters: Insights into Transformative Marketing in the B2B Mobility Ecosystem", Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 2024
Transformative privacy calculus: Conceptualizing the personalization-privacy paradox on social media
Cloarec, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "Transformative privacy calculus: Conceptualizing the personalization-privacy paradox on social media", Psychology & Marketing, July 2024, vol. 41, no. 7, pp. 1574-1596
Nonstandard Errors
Declerck, F., S. Moinas, Al, "Nonstandard Errors", Journal of Finance, 2024, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 2339-2390
In Pursuit of Impact: How Psychological Contract Research Can Make the Work-World a Better Place
Human Resource Management
Kraak, J., S. D. Hansen, M. Fortin, A. G. Tekleab, A. al, "In Pursuit of Impact: How Psychological Contract Research Can Make the Work-World a Better Place", Group and Organization Management, 2024
Engagement de continuité et santé mentale des employés : le rôle des traits d’affectivité. [Continuance commitment and employee mental health: The role of trait affectivity]
Human Resource Management
Robert, V., C. Vandenberghe, "Engagement de continuité et santé mentale des employés : le rôle des traits d’affectivité. [Continuance commitment and employee mental health: The role of trait affectivity]", Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, February 2024
How Organizational Cynicism Can Promote Customer-Directed Deviance Via Employee Resource Depletion And How Experiencing Supervisory Support May Help Overcome This Effect
Human Resource Management
Mignonac, K., S. Boujendar, G. Bergon, "How Organizational Cynicism Can Promote Customer-Directed Deviance Via Employee Resource Depletion And How Experiencing Supervisory Support May Help Overcome This Effect", Group and Organization Management, 2024
Vers un effet de traitement paradoxal : les fablabs comme facilitateurs «accidentels » de l’entrepreneuriat des utilisateurs
Saldago, S., C. Vellera, "Vers un effet de traitement paradoxal : les fablabs comme facilitateurs «accidentels » de l’entrepreneuriat des utilisateurs", Innovations - Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation, 2024, vol. 2, no. 74, pp. 183-210
Concurrence mono-marché : le phénomène de retenue mutuelle
Rouane, S., J. E. Azzam, "Concurrence mono-marché : le phénomène de retenue mutuelle" Forthcoming Management International
L’accès à la formation des salariés en emplois non qualifiés : s’il suffisait d’aspirer !
Human Resource Management
Béduwé, C., A. El Akremi, C. Stephanus, "L’accès à la formation des salariés en emplois non qualifiés : s’il suffisait d’aspirer !", Formation Emploi, 2024, pp. 153-177
The moral psychology of Artificial Intelligence
Bonnefon, J.-F., I. Rahwan, A. Shariff, "The moral psychology of Artificial Intelligence", Annual Review of Psychology, 2024, vol. 75
The Construction of A Strategic Issue: Issue Selling as A Narrative Process
Vacquier, R., L. Garreau, S. Dameron, "The Construction of A Strategic Issue: Issue Selling as A Narrative Process", M@n@gement, 2024, vol. 27, no. 1
Half Just or Half Unjust? the Influence of Dispositional Optimism on the Link Between Interpersonal Peer Injustice, Negative Emotions and Sleep Problems
Human Resource Management
Ohana, M., M. Fortin, "Half Just or Half Unjust? the Influence of Dispositional Optimism on the Link Between Interpersonal Peer Injustice, Negative Emotions and Sleep Problems", Group and Organization Management, September 2024
In platform we trust: How interchangeability affects trust decisions in collaborative consumption
Chameroy, F., S. Salgado, V. De Barnier, D. Chaney, "In platform we trust: How interchangeability affects trust decisions in collaborative consumption", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, November 2024, vol. 198, pp. 122997
Marcher sur des lignes de crête - Collectifs de salariés pour le climat et transformation de leur entreprise
Pezé, S., C. Théron, "Marcher sur des lignes de crête - Collectifs de salariés pour le climat et transformation de leur entreprise", Revue Française de Gestion, 2024, vol. 2, no. 315, pp. 101-123
The benefits of codevelopment for talent management: a case study in the banking sector
Human Resource Management
Gonzalo, P., D. Bonneton, "The benefits of codevelopment for talent management: a case study in the banking sector" Forthcoming Management International
When Are We More Ethical? A Review and Categorization of the Factors Influencing Dual-Process Ethical Decision-Making
Human Resource Management
Warner, C., M. Fortin, T. Melkonian, "When Are We More Ethical? A Review and Categorization of the Factors Influencing Dual-Process Ethical Decision-Making", Journal of Business Ethics, 2024, vol. 189, pp. 843-882
Mobile payments and interoperability: Insights from the academic literature
Bianchi, M., M. Bouvard, "Mobile payments and interoperability: Insights from the academic literature", Information Economics and Policy, 2023, vol. 65, pp. 101068
Stock Market Reaction to News: Do Tense and Horizon Matter
Brière, M., K. Huynh, O. Laudy, S. Pouget, "Stock Market Reaction to News: Do Tense and Horizon Matter", Finance Research Letters, 2023, vol. 58 (D)
Quantitative Research on Corporate Social Responsibility: A Quest for Relevance and Rigor in a Quickly Evolving, Turbulent World
Human Resource Management
Du, S., A. El Akremi, M. Jia, "Quantitative Research on Corporate Social Responsibility: A Quest for Relevance and Rigor in a Quickly Evolving, Turbulent World", Journal of Business Ethics, 2023, vol. 187, no. 1, pp. 1-15
Change in Newcomers’ Perceived Insider Status Over Time: An Examination of its Relationships with Abusive Supervision and Well-Being
Human Resource Management
Manville, C., K. Bentein, M.-A. Abid-Dupont, "Change in Newcomers’ Perceived Insider Status Over Time: An Examination of its Relationships with Abusive Supervision and Well-Being", Group and Organization Management, 2023
Machine Culture
Brinkmann, L., F. Baumann, M. Derex, J.-F. Bonnefon, "Machine Culture", Nature Human Behaviour, 2023, vol. 7, pp. 1855–1868
Mergers and acquisitions research: Time for a theory rejuvenation of the field
Angwin, D., D. Kroon, N. Mirc, N. Oliveira, S. Prashantham, A. Rouziès, J. Tienari, "Mergers and acquisitions research: Time for a theory rejuvenation of the field", Long Range Planning, 2023, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 102398
Revisiting the consequences of loans secured by patents on technological firms' intellectual property and innovation strategies
Ayerbe, C., J. E. Azzam, S. Boussetta, J. Pénin, "Revisiting the consequences of loans secured by patents on technological firms' intellectual property and innovation strategies", Research Policy, 2023, vol. 52, no. 8
From Fit to Fitting: A routine dynamics perspective on M&A synergy realization
Mirc, N., K. Sele, A. Rouziès, D. Angwin, "From Fit to Fitting: A routine dynamics perspective on M&A synergy realization", Organization Studies, 2023, vol. 44, no. 9, pp. 1465–1490
The power implications of the shift to customer reviews: A field perspective on jobbing platforms operating in France
Barbe, A.-S., J.-P. Gond, C. Hussler, "The power implications of the shift to customer reviews: A field perspective on jobbing platforms operating in France", Organization Studies, August 2023, vol. 44, no. 8, pp. 1309-1331
The COVID-19 pandemic: opportunity or challenge for climate change risk disclosure ?
Ben Amar, W., B. Cosyms, I. Martinez, "The COVID-19 pandemic: opportunity or challenge for climate change risk disclosure ?", Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, August 2023, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 649-676
Social integration in subsidiary-building acquisitions
Colman, H. L., A. Rouziès, R. Lunnan, "Social integration in subsidiary-building acquisitions", Journal of International Business Studies, July 2023
Three Paths to Feeling Just: How Managers Grapple with Justice Conundrums During Organizational Change
Fortin, M., J. Zwank, M.-R. Diehl, "Three Paths to Feeling Just: How Managers Grapple with Justice Conundrums During Organizational Change", Journal of Business Ethics, 2023, vol. 186, pp. 217-236
Relationship quality matters: How restaurant businesses can optimize complaint management
Meyer-Waarden, L., W. Sabadie, "Relationship quality matters: How restaurant businesses can optimize complaint management", Tourism Management, June 2023, vol. 96
Humans Feel Too Special for Machines to Score Their Morals
Purcell, Z., J.-F. Bonnefon, "Humans Feel Too Special for Machines to Score Their Morals", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023, vol. 2, no. 6
Ownership concentration and firm risk: The moderating role of mid-sized blockholders
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Trust within human-machine collectives depends on the perceived consensus about cooperative norms
Makovi, K., A. Sargsyan, W. Li, J.-F. Bonnefon, T. Rahwan, "Trust within human-machine collectives depends on the perceived consensus about cooperative norms", Nature Communications, 2023, no. 3108
Equilibrium Bitcoin Pricing
Biais, B., C. Bisière, M. Bouvard, C. Casamatta, A. Menkveld, "Equilibrium Bitcoin Pricing", Journal of Finance, April 2023, vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 967-1014
Loyalty programs, loyalty engagement and customer engagement with the company brand: Consumer-centric behavioral psychology insights from three industries
Meyer-Waarden, L., J. Bruwer, J.-P. Galan, "Loyalty programs, loyalty engagement and customer engagement with the company brand: Consumer-centric behavioral psychology insights from three industries", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, March 2023, vol. 71, no. 103212
How Do You Sleep? The Impact of Sleep Apps on Generation Z's Well-Being
Attié, É., L. Meyer-Waarden, "How Do You Sleep? The Impact of Sleep Apps on Generation Z's Well-Being", Journal of Interactive Marketing, August 2023, vol. 58, no. 2-3, pp. 222–247
Crowdsourcing innovation challenges: How participants react when their ideas are rejected
Hemonnet-Goujot, A., É. Jouny-Rivier, C. Vellera, "Crowdsourcing innovation challenges: How participants react when their ideas are rejected", Creativity and Innovation Management, March 2023, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 158-173
Perceived organizational support and task performance of employees with disabilities: a need satisfaction and social identity perspectives
Human Resource Management
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Rage Against the Machine: Experimental Insights into Customers’ Negative Emotional Responses, Attributions of Responsibility, and Coping Strategies in Artificial Intelligence–Based Service Failures
Pavone, G., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "Rage Against the Machine: Experimental Insights into Customers’ Negative Emotional Responses, Attributions of Responsibility, and Coping Strategies in Artificial Intelligence–Based Service Failures", Journal of Interactive Marketing, February 2023, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 52–71
The myth of workforce reductions efficiency: the performativity of accounting language
Verdier, M.-A., J. Boutant Lapeyre, "The myth of workforce reductions efficiency: the performativity of accounting language", Critical Perspectives on Accounting, January 2023, vol. 90
Le reporting fiscal : un moyen de lutte contre l’évasion fiscale en France ?
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L’innovation du business model par les entreprises de services professionnels réglementées : le cas de l’expertise-comptable « 100% en ligne »
Azzam, J. E., M. Caussimont, X. Lecocq, "L’innovation du business model par les entreprises de services professionnels réglementées : le cas de l’expertise-comptable « 100% en ligne »", Innovations - Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation, 2023, vol. 1, no. 70, pp. 241 - 270
Equilibrium (non-)existence in games with competing principals
Attar, A., E. Campioni, G. Piaser, "Equilibrium (non-)existence in games with competing principals", Economics Letters, January 2023, vol. 222, no. 110932
Moral artificial intelligence and machine puritanism
Bonnefon, J.-F., "Moral artificial intelligence and machine puritanism", Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2023, vol. 46, no. e297
Dynamic and Multi-Party Approaches to Interpersonal Workplace Mistreatment Research
Human Resource Management
Fortin, M., I. Vranjes, Y. Griep, G. Notelaers, "Dynamic and Multi-Party Approaches to Interpersonal Workplace Mistreatment Research", Group and Organization Management, 2023, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 995-1013
Le « marquage brevet » comme stratégie de signalisation : influence sur l’innovation perçue des produits et sur leur adoption
Azzam, J. E., D. H. Henard, S. Salgado, "Le « marquage brevet » comme stratégie de signalisation : influence sur l’innovation perçue des produits et sur leur adoption", Décisions Marketing, January-March 2023, vol. 58, no. 109, pp. 222-247
La carrière entre perspectives cognitive et comportementale : Une étude des scripts de carrière des magistrats au sein de l’institution judiciaire.
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Why Should We (Study) Care? Shedding New Light on the Concept of Care to Examine Work Relationships
Fortin, M., M.-R. Diehl, J. Zwank, "Why Should We (Study) Care? Shedding New Light on the Concept of Care to Examine Work Relationships", Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023, no. 1
Catch me if you can! L’épisode stratégique à la recherche du strategizing
Pezé, S., C. Théron, "Catch me if you can! L’épisode stratégique à la recherche du strategizing", Management International, 2023, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 100-116
Fragmentation and Strategic Market-Making
Daures-Lescouret, L., S. Moinas, "Fragmentation and Strategic Market-Making", Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2023, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1675 - 1700
Research on Artificial Intelligence is reshaping our definition of morality
BONNEFON, J.-F., "Research on Artificial Intelligence is reshaping our definition of morality", Psychological Inquiry, 2023, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 100-101
Why, how, and when divergent perceptions become dysfunctional in organizations: A Motivated cognition perspective
Human Resource Management
Lyubykh, Z., L. J. Barclay, M. Fortin, M. Bashur, M. Khakhar, "Why, how, and when divergent perceptions become dysfunctional in organizations: A Motivated cognition perspective", Research in Organizational Behavior, 2022, vol. 42, no. 100177
No more taboos for young people? sex and death in provocative advertisement
Destoumieux, L., J. Grobert, É. Vernette, "No more taboos for young people? sex and death in provocative advertisement", Journal of Marketing Trends, December 2022, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 2-15
Investment Strategies and Corporate Behaviour with Socially Responsible Investors: A Theory of Active Ownership
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Managerial Control of Employees’ Intercorporeality and the Production of Unethical Relations
Paring, G., S. Pezé, "Managerial Control of Employees’ Intercorporeality and the Production of Unethical Relations", Journal of Business Ethics, October 2022, vol. 180, no. 2, pp. 393–406
From a dyadic to a triadic perspective: Divestiture research implications for understanding pre- and post-acquisition processes
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Leadership laissez-faire, menace identitaire et engagement organisationnel
Human Resource Management
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L’audit RSE à la croisée des chemins. Ce que nous enseigne le vécu quotidien des auditeurs
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Assessing the impact of environmental accounting research: evidence from citation and journal data
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When a clean scent soothes the soul: Developing a positive attitude toward sharing service space with strangers
Ardelet, C., N. Fleck, J. Grobert, "When a clean scent soothes the soul: Developing a positive attitude toward sharing service space with strangers", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, September 2022, vol. 68, no. 103051
The personalization–privacy paradox at the nexus of social exchange and construal level theories
Cloarec, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "The personalization–privacy paradox at the nexus of social exchange and construal level theories", Psychology & Marketing, 2022, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 647-661
Regulating Insurance Markets: Multiple Contracting and Adverse Selection
Attar, A., T. Mariotti, F. Salanié, "Regulating Insurance Markets: Multiple Contracting and Adverse Selection", International Economic Review, August 2022, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 981-1020
When Managers Become Robin Hoods: A Mixed Method Investigation
Human Resource Management
Cropanzano, R., D. Skarlicki, T. Nadisic, M. Fortin, P. Van Wagoner, K. Keplinger, "When Managers Become Robin Hoods: A Mixed Method Investigation", Business Ethics Quarterly, 2022, vol. 32, pp. 209-242
Equilibrium CEO Contract with Belief Heterogeneity (special issue on Decision Making Under Uncertainty in Honor of Larry Epstein),
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Lisibilité des informations non financières des entreprises françaises : impact de l’intégration et conséquences sur le marché financier
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Laissez-faire leadership and employee well-being: The contribution of perceived supervisor organizational status
Human Resource Management
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Irresponsabilité et résipiscence
Human Resource Management
El Mawla, B., A. El Akremi, J. Igalens, "Irresponsabilité et résipiscence", Revue Française de Gestion, 2022, vol. 2, no. 303, pp. 35-67
The acceptance and usage of smart connected objects according to adoption stages: an enhanced technology acceptance model integrating the diffusion of innovation, uses and gratification and privacy calculus theories
Attié, É., L. Meyer-Waarden, "The acceptance and usage of smart connected objects according to adoption stages: an enhanced technology acceptance model integrating the diffusion of innovation, uses and gratification and privacy calculus theories", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, March 2022, vol. 176
Beyond the tipping point: the curvilinear relationships of transformational leadership, leader–member exchange, and emotional exhaustion in the French police
Human Resource Management
Molines, M., A. El Akremi, M. Storme, P. Celik, "Beyond the tipping point: the curvilinear relationships of transformational leadership, leader–member exchange, and emotional exhaustion in the French police", Public Management Review, 2022, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 80-105
Who wants to be a franchisee? Explaining individual intentions to become franchisees
Human Resource Management
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Diversification, intégration et synergies : le tiercé gagnant de la croissance
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Motivated to Serve: A Regulator Perspective on Public Service Motivation and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Human Resource Management
Molines, M., M. Mifsud, A. El Akremi, A. Perrier, "Motivated to Serve: A Regulator Perspective on Public Service Motivation and Organizational Citizenship Behavior", Public Administration Review, 2022, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 102-116
Connectivité entre le reporting financier et extra-financier : une exploration à travers la comptabilité « climat »
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Baby, you can drive my car : Psychological antecedents that drive consumers’ adoption of AI-powered autonomous vehicles
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Climate Reporting Related to the TCFD Framework: An Exploration of the Air Transport Sector
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Shareholder heterogeneity, asymmetric information, and the equilibrium manager
Bianchi, M., R.-A. Dana, "Shareholder heterogeneity, asymmetric information, and the equilibrium manager", Economic Theory, 2022, vol. 73, pp. 1101-1134
Time to embrace change: A longitudinal study of logo change in a higher education institution
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Labor leverage, coordination failures, and aggregate risk
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Knowledge Engineering Framework for IoT Robotics Applied to Smart Healthcare and Emotional Well-Being
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The myth of workforce reduction efficiency: The performativity of accounting language
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Uncharted waters of justice enactment - Venturing into the social complexity of doing justice in organizations
Human Resource Management
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Liquidity Formation and Preopening Periods in Financial Markets
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Bad machines corrupt good morals
Köbis, N., J.-F. Bonnefon, I. Rahwan, "Bad machines corrupt good morals", Nature Human Behaviour, June 2021, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 679–685
Home, sweet home: How well-being shapes the adoption of artificial intelligence-powered apartments in smart cities
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How safe is safe enough? Psychological mechanisms underlying extreme safety demands for self-driving cars
Shariff, A., J.-F. Bonnefon, I. Rahwan, "How safe is safe enough? Psychological mechanisms underlying extreme safety demands for self-driving cars", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2021, vol. 126, no. 103069
A Dynamic Model of the Effects of Feedback-Seeking Behavior and Organizational Commitment on Newcomer Turnover
Human Resource Management
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Learning in Speculative Bubbles: theory and experiments
Hong, J., S. Moinas, S. Pouget, "Learning in Speculative Bubbles: theory and experiments", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2021, vol. 185, pp. 1-26
The most human bot: Female gendering increases humanness perceptions of bots and acceptance of AI
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De l'idée du créatif à la production par le collectif: Concepteurs d'artefacts et routines d'interprétation à l'opéra
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The role and effectiveness of corporate social responsibility assurance in a mandatory setting: professional accountants’ perceptions
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Entry-Proofness and Discriminatory Pricing under Adverse Selection
Attar, A., T. Mariotti, F. Salanié, "Entry-Proofness and Discriminatory Pricing under Adverse Selection", American Economic Review, August 2021, vol. 111, no. 8, pp. 2623-2659
Effect of congruent scent diffusion on individual creative fluidity: Mental imagery instruction and iconic stimulus as possible moderators
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Temporal work by consultants in nascent market categories: constructing a market for knowledge in quantum computing
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L’attribution de stock-options : un outil efficace de lutte contre le court-termisme managérial en matière de R&D ?
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Public opinion on global rollout of COVID-19 vaccines
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Competing mechanisms and folk theorems: Two examples
Attar, A., E. Campioni, T. Mariotti, G. Piaser, "Competing mechanisms and folk theorems: Two examples", Games and Economic Behavior, January 2021, vol. 125, pp. 79-93
Intuition rather than deliberation determines selfish and prosocial choices
Bago, B., J.-F. Bonnefon, W. De Neys, "Intuition rather than deliberation determines selfish and prosocial choices", Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2021, vol. 150, no. 6, pp. 1081–1094
Three decades of research on loyalty programs: A literature review and future research agenda
Chen, Y., T. Mandler, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Three decades of research on loyalty programs: A literature review and future research agenda", Journal of Business Research, 2021, vol. 124, no. 1, pp. 179-197
Quand les technologies nomades influencent simultanément le bien-être et le stress au travail
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How do people judge fairness in supervisor and peer relationships? Another assessment of the dimensions of justice.
Human Resource Management
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Big data and firm performance: The roles of market-directed capabilities and business strategy
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Gendered products act as the extended phenotype of human sexual dimorphism: They increase physical attractiveness and desirability
Borau, S., J.-F. Bonnefon, "Gendered products act as the extended phenotype of human sexual dimorphism: They increase physical attractiveness and desirability", Journal of Business Research, November 2020, vol. 120, pp. 498-508
Machine Thinking, Fast and Slow
Bonnefon, J.-F., I. Rahwan, "Machine Thinking, Fast and Slow", Trends in Cognitive Sciences, December 2020, vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 1019-1027
Anxiety-induced miscalculations, more than differential inhibition of intuition, explain the gender gap in cognitive reflection
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The politics of smart expectations: Interrogating the knowledge claims of smart mobility
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The dynamics of innovation contest experience: An integrated framework from the customer’s perspective
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The Social Costs of Side Trading
Attar, A., T. Mariotti, F. Salanié, "The Social Costs of Side Trading", Economic Journal, August 2020, vol. 130, no. 630, pp. 1608-1622
Should I Stay, or Should I Go? Multi-focus Identification and Employee Retention in Post-Acquisition Integration
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Value creation and value appropriation in innovative coopetition projects
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Horizontal Reputation and Strategic Audience Management
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Risk Management Failures
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Bundlers' dilemmas in financial markets with sampling investors
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The Pecking Order of Segmentation and Liquidity-Injection Policies in a Model of Contagious Crises
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Reply to: Life and death decisions of autonomous vehicles
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Crowdsourcing moral machines
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Drivers are blamed more than their automated cars when both make mistakes
Awad, E., S. Levine, M. Kleiman-Weiner, S. Dsouza, J. Tenenbaum, A. Shariff, J.-F. Bonnefon, I. Rahwan, "Drivers are blamed more than their automated cars when both make mistakes", Nature Human Behaviour, February 2020, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 134-143
Saisir les épreuves du travail contemporain
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Enhancing In Situ Observation with the SCI Design (Shadowing–Conversations–Interview to the Double) to Capture the Cognitive Underpinnings of Action
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Crise du Covid-19, une nouvelle génération de trolling de brevets contaminant démasquée ?
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Créez le prochain Uber et soyez rentables d’ici la fin de l’année
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How Service Quality Influences Customer Acceptance and Usage of Chatbots?
Meyer-Waarden, L., G. Pavone, T. Poocharoentou, P. Prayatsup, M. Ratinaud, A. Tison, S. Torne, "How Service Quality Influences Customer Acceptance and Usage of Chatbots?", Journal of Service Management Research, 2020, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 35-51
How Could You be so Gullible? Scams and Over-Trust in Organizations
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An Organizational Perspective on Patenting and Partnering: Unpacking Capacities to Manage Participation in Patent Pools
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Private communication in competing mechanism games
Attar, A., E. Campioni, G. Piaser, "Private communication in competing mechanism games", Journal of Economic Theory, September 2019, vol. 183, pp. 258-283
Synergy or substitution? The interactive effects of insiders’ fairness and support and organizational socialization tactics on newcomer role clarity and social integration
Human Resource Management
Nasr, M. I., A. El Akremi, J. Coyle-Shapiro, "Synergy or substitution? The interactive effects of insiders’ fairness and support and organizational socialization tactics on newcomer role clarity and social integration", Journal of Organizational Behavior, July 2019, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 758-778
Contracting Sequentially with Multiple Lenders: the Role of Menus
Attar, A., C. Casamatta, A. Chassagnon, J.-P. Décamps, "Contracting Sequentially with Multiple Lenders: the Role of Menus", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, June 2019, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 977-990
The imaginary intrasexual competition: Advertisements featuring provocative female models trigger women to engage in indirect aggression
Borau, S., J.-F. Bonnefon, "The imaginary intrasexual competition: Advertisements featuring provocative female models trigger women to engage in indirect aggression", Journal of Business Ethics, June 2019, vol. 157, no. 1, pp. 45–63
The Blockchain Folk Theorem
Biais, B., C. Bisière, M. Bouvard, C. Casamatta, "The Blockchain Folk Theorem", Review of Financial Studies, May 2019, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 1662-1715
Multiple Lenders, Strategic Default and Covenants
Attar, A., C. Casamatta, J.-P. Décamps, A. Chassagnon, "Multiple Lenders, Strategic Default and Covenants", American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2019, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 98-130
Development and Validation of a Commitment to Organizational Career Scale: At the Crossroads of Individuals’ Career Aspirations and Organizations’ Needs
Human Resource Management
Lapointe, É., C. Vandenberghe, K. Mignonac, A. Panaccio, G. Schwarz, N. Richebé, P. Roussel, "Development and Validation of a Commitment to Organizational Career Scale: At the Crossroads of Individuals’ Career Aspirations and Organizations’ Needs", Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, May 2019, vol. 92, no. 4, pp. 897-930
Postacquisition Boundary Spanning: A Relational Perspective on Integration
Colman, H. L., A. Rouziès, "Postacquisition Boundary Spanning: A Relational Perspective on Integration", Journal of Management, May 2019, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 2225–2253
Recasting the dynamics of post-acquisition integration: An embeddedness perspective
Rouziès, A., H. L. Colman, D. Angwin, "Recasting the dynamics of post-acquisition integration: An embeddedness perspective", Long Range Planning, April 2019, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 271-282
Machine behaviour
Rahwan, I., M. Cebrian, N. Obradovich, J. Bongard, J.-F. Bonnefon, "Machine behaviour", Nature, April 2019, vol. 568, no. 7753, pp. 477-486
Similarity as a Double-Edged Sword: The Positive and Negative Effects of Showcasing Similar Previous Winners on Perceived Likelihood of Winning in Sweepstakes
Laporte, S., B. Briers, "Similarity as a Double-Edged Sword: The Positive and Negative Effects of Showcasing Similar Previous Winners on Perceived Likelihood of Winning in Sweepstakes", Journal of Consumer Research, April 2019, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 1331-1349
The polite wiggle-room effect in charity donation decisions
Juanchich, M., M. Sirota, J.-F. Bonnefon, "The polite wiggle-room effect in charity donation decisions", Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, April 2019, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 179-193
The present value relation over six centuries: The case of the Bazacle company
Le Bris, D., W. N. Goetzmann, S. Pouget, "The present value relation over six centuries: The case of the Bazacle company", Journal of Financial Economics, April 2019, vol. 132, no. 1, pp. 248-265
All for One and One for All? - Knowledge broker roles in managing tensions of internal coopetition: The Ubisoft case
Chiambaretto, P., D. Massé, N. Mirc, "All for One and One for All? - Knowledge broker roles in managing tensions of internal coopetition: The Ubisoft case", Research Policy, April 2019, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 584-600
Ambiguity Preferences and Portfolio Choices: Evidence from the Field
Bianchi, M., J.-M. Tallon, "Ambiguity Preferences and Portfolio Choices: Evidence from the Field", Management Science, April 2019, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 1486-1501
La faible diffusion des innovations en contrôle de gestion est-elle vraiment paradoxale ? Une méta-analyse du lien entre diversité des produits et adoption de la méthode ABC
Alcouffe, S., J. Maurice, N. Galy, L. Gate, "La faible diffusion des innovations en contrôle de gestion est-elle vraiment paradoxale ? Une méta-analyse du lien entre diversité des produits et adoption de la méthode ABC", Comptabilité, Contrôle, Audit, April 2019, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 133-164
Quand les choix comptables liés à l’environnement ne sont pas qu’opportunistes : cas des provisions comptables environnementales
Maurice, J., "Quand les choix comptables liés à l’environnement ne sont pas qu’opportunistes : cas des provisions comptables environnementales", Finance Contrôle Stratégie, March 2019, vol. 22, no. 1
Time-based differences in the effects of positive and negative affectivity on perceived supervisor support and organizational commitment among newcomers
Human Resource Management
Vandenberghe, C., A. Panaccio, K. Bentein, K. Mignonac, P. Roussel, "Time-based differences in the effects of positive and negative affectivity on perceived supervisor support and organizational commitment among newcomers", Journal of Organizational Behavior, March 2019, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 264–281
Brand loyalty evolution and the impact of category characteristics
Casteran, G., P. Chrysochou, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Brand loyalty evolution and the impact of category characteristics", Marketing Letters, March 2019, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 57-73
Repairing Broken Trust Between Leaders and Followers: How Violation Characteristics Temper Apologies
Human Resource Management
Grover, S. L., M.-A. Abid-Dupont, C. Manville, M. C. Hasel, "Repairing Broken Trust Between Leaders and Followers: How Violation Characteristics Temper Apologies", Journal of Business Ethics, March 2019, vol. 155, no. 3, pp. 853-870
Quand le logo olfactif reflète les valeurs de la marque : une application dans le secteur des services
Grobert, J., C. Massa, "Quand le logo olfactif reflète les valeurs de la marque : une application dans le secteur des services", Décisions Marketing, 2019, vol. 93, pp. 71-92
On Competitive Nonlinear Pricing, Theoretical Economics
Attar, A., T. Mariotti, F. Salanié, "On Competitive Nonlinear Pricing, Theoretical Economics", Theoretical Economics, January 2019, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 297-343
The Disruption Dilemma
Azzam, J. E., "The Disruption Dilemma", M@n@gement, 2019, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 507-513
“1-in-X” bias: “1-in-X” format causes overestimation of health-related risks.
Sirota, M., M. Juanchich, J.-F. Bonnefon, "“1-in-X” bias: “1-in-X” format causes overestimation of health-related risks.", Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 2018, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 431-439
Concurrence Non-Exclusive et Sélection Adverse
Attar, A., T. Mariotti, F. Salanié, "Concurrence Non-Exclusive et Sélection Adverse", Revue Économique, November 2018, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 1009-1023
Triggers entrepreneurship among creative consumers
Hamdi-Kidar, L., C. Vellera, "Triggers entrepreneurship among creative consumers", Journal of Business Research, November 2018, vol. 92, pp. 465-473
How can firms stop customer revenge? The effects of direct and indirect revenge on post-complaint responses
Grégoire, Y., F. Ghadami, S. Laporte, S. Sénécal, D. Larocque, "How can firms stop customer revenge? The effects of direct and indirect revenge on post-complaint responses", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, November 2018, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 1052-1071
The Moral Machine experiment
Bonnefon, J.-F., E. Awad, S. Dsouza, A. Kim, J. Schulz, I. Rahwan, "The Moral Machine experiment", Nature, October 2018, vol. 563, pp. 59–64
Can Clicker-use support learning in a dual-focused L2 German course
Roussel, S., J.-P. Galan, "Can Clicker-use support learning in a dual-focused L2 German course", Language Learning & Technology, October 2018, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 45–64
On competing mechanisms under exclusive competition
Attar, A., E. Campioni, G. Piaser, "On competing mechanisms under exclusive competition", Games and Economic Behavior, September 2018, vol. 111, pp. 1-15
Navigating ambivalence: Perceived organizational prestige–support discrepancy and its relation to employee cynicism and silence
Human Resource Management
Mignonac, K., O. Herrbach, C. Serrano-Archimi, C. Manville, "Navigating ambivalence: Perceived organizational prestige–support discrepancy and its relation to employee cynicism and silence", Journal of Management Studies, July 2018, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 837-872
The social side of sustainability: Well-being as a driver and an outcome of social relationships and interactions on social networking sites
Munzel, A., L. Meyer-Waarden, J.-P. Galan, "The social side of sustainability: Well-being as a driver and an outcome of social relationships and interactions on social networking sites", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, May 2018, vol. 130, pp. 14-27
Financial Literacy and Portfolio Dynamics
Bianchi, M., "Financial Literacy and Portfolio Dynamics", Journal of Finance, April 2018, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 831-859
The pros and cons of identifying critical thinking with System 2 processing
Bonnefon, J.-F., "The pros and cons of identifying critical thinking with System 2 processing", Topoi, March 2018, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 113–119
How Do Employees Perceive Corporate Responsibility? Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Corporate Stakeholder Responsibility Scale
Human Resource Management
El Akremi, A., J.-P. Gond, V. Swaen, K. De Roeck, J. Igalens, "How Do Employees Perceive Corporate Responsibility? Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Corporate Stakeholder Responsibility Scale", Journal of Management, February 2018, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 1141-1168
Le lobbying en France : une approche par le concept de corégulation
Human Resource Management
Sachet-Milliat, A., J. Igalens, "Le lobbying en France : une approche par le concept de corégulation", Management International, 2018, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 158-171
Les méthodes mixtes en systèmes d’information : Enjeux épistémologiques et méthodologiques
Pascal, A., B. Aldebert, A. Rouziès, "Les méthodes mixtes en systèmes d’information : Enjeux épistémologiques et méthodologiques", Systèmes d'Information et Management, 2018, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 99-126
L’effet d’interaction des primes contingentes et de la motivation autonome sur la performance dans la tâche, contextuelle et adaptative
Human Resource Management
Roussillon, C., P. Roussel, A. Charbonnier, K. Bentein, D. Balkin, "L’effet d’interaction des primes contingentes et de la motivation autonome sur la performance dans la tâche, contextuelle et adaptative", Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 2018, vol. 109, no. 3, pp. 25
Cooperating with machines
Crandall, J. W., M. Oudah, F. I.-O. Tennom, S. Adballah, J.-F. Bonnefon, A. Shariff, M. A. Goodrich, I. Rahwan, "Cooperating with machines", Nature Communications, January 2018
Getting By or Getting Ahead on Social Networking Sites? The Role of Social Capital in Happiness and Well-Being
Munzel, A., J.-P. Galan, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Getting By or Getting Ahead on Social Networking Sites? The Role of Social Capital in Happiness and Well-Being", International Journal of Electronic Commerce, March 2018, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 232-257
Performance Implications of centrality in franchisee advice networks, Managerial and Decision Economics
Human Resource Management
Meiseberg, B., K. Mignonac, R. Perrigot, A. El Akremi, "Performance Implications of centrality in franchisee advice networks, Managerial and Decision Economics", Managerial and Decision Economics, December 2017, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 1227–1236
Do academics actually collaborate in the study of interdisciplinary phenomena? –a look at half a century of research on mergers and acquisitions
Mirc, N., A. Rouziès, S. Teerikangas, "Do academics actually collaborate in the study of interdisciplinary phenomena? –a look at half a century of research on mergers and acquisitions", European Management Review, Fall 2017, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 333-357
Incentives for Information Production in Markets where Prices Affect Real Investment
Dow, J., I. Goldstein, A. Guembel, "Incentives for Information Production in Markets where Prices Affect Real Investment", Journal of the European Economic Association, August 2017, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 877–909
Value similarity and overall performance: Trust in responsible investment
Bonnefon, J.-F., M. Heimann, K. Lobre-Lebraty, "Value similarity and overall performance: Trust in responsible investment", Society and Business Review, July 2017, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 200-215
Split-second trustworthiness detection from faces in an economic game
De Neys, W., A. Hopfensitz, J.-F. Bonnefon, "Split-second trustworthiness detection from faces in an economic game", Experimental Psychology, July 2017, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 231-239
Motivated Cognition and Fairness: Insights, Integration, and Creating a Path Forward
Human Resource Management
Barclay, L. J., M. Bashshur, M. Fortin, "Motivated Cognition and Fairness: Insights, Integration, and Creating a Path Forward", Journal of Applied Psychology, June 2017, vol. 102, no. 6, pp. 867-889
A Mind is a terrible Thing to Change: Confirmation Bias in Financial Market
Pouget, S., J. Sauvagnat, S. Villeneuve, "A Mind is a terrible Thing to Change: Confirmation Bias in Financial Market", Review of Financial Studies, June 2017, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 2066–2109
Can we Detect Cooperators by Looking at their Face?
Bonnefon, J.-F., A. Hopfensitz, W. De Neys, "Can we Detect Cooperators by Looking at their Face?", Current Directions in Psychological Science, June 2017, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 276-281
Reasons for delistings and consequences: a literature review and research agenda
Martinez, I., S. Serve, "Reasons for delistings and consequences: a literature review and research agenda", Journal of Economic Surveys, 2017, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 733-770
L’entrée dans la carrière d’enseignant-chercheur en GRH : quelles sont les spécificités d’accès à un poste en Business school ou Université ?
Human Resource Management
Point, S., A. El Akremi, J. Igalens, "L’entrée dans la carrière d’enseignant-chercheur en GRH : quelles sont les spécificités d’accès à un poste en Business school ou Université ?", Revue Française de Gestion, March 2017, vol. 43, no. 263, pp. 97-119
The Psychological Micro-Foundations of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Person-Centric Systematic Review
Human Resource Management
Gond, J.-P., A. El Akremi, V. Swaen, N. Babu, "The Psychological Micro-Foundations of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Person-Centric Systematic Review", Journal of Organizational Behavior, February 2017, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 225-246
L’influence de la rémunération fixe sur la motivation autonome au travers du soutien organisationnel perçu et ses conséquences en termes d’engagement et de satisfaction au travail
Human Resource Management
Roussillon, C., P. Roussel, A. Charbonnier, D. Balkin, K. Bentein, "L’influence de la rémunération fixe sur la motivation autonome au travers du soutien organisationnel perçu et ses conséquences en termes d’engagement et de satisfaction au travail", Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 2017, vol. 4, no. 106, pp. 32-45
Using Patent to orchestrate ecosystem stability: The case of a French aerospace company
Azzam, J. E., C. Ayerbe, R. J. Dang, "Using Patent to orchestrate ecosystem stability: The case of a French aerospace company", International Journal of Technology Management, January 2017, vol. 75, no. 1/2/3/4, pp. 97-120
De la compétition à la coopétition : les nouvelles formes de crowdsourcing d'idées
Elmoukhliss, M., D. Renard, Z. Zhao, C. Balagué, "De la compétition à la coopétition : les nouvelles formes de crowdsourcing d'idées", Revue Française de Gestion, 2017, vol. 6, no. 267, pp. 11-24
Identity regulation, identity work and phronesis
Bardon, T., A. D. Brown, S. Pezé, "Identity regulation, identity work and phronesis", Human Relations, January 2017, vol. 70, no. 8, pp. 940-965
La recherche en GRH entre rigueur et pertinence : apport de la contextualisation
Human Resource Management
Igalens, J., N. Tahri, "La recherche en GRH entre rigueur et pertinence : apport de la contextualisation", @GRH, January 2017, vol. 3, no. 24, pp. 9-28
The advertising performance of non-ideal female models as a function of viewers' body mass index: a moderated mediation analysis of two competing affective pathways
Borau, S., J.-F. Bonnefon, "The advertising performance of non-ideal female models as a function of viewers' body mass index: a moderated mediation analysis of two competing affective pathways", International Journal of Advertising, 2017, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 457-476
Delisted versus remain listed: Founding the future of French IPO firms
Martinez, I., E. Nègre, N. D. Nguyen, "Delisted versus remain listed: Founding the future of French IPO firms", Revue Française de Gouvernance d'Entreprise, 2017, vol. 19
Trustworthiness perception at zero acquaintance : consensus, accuracy, and prejudice
Bonnefon, J.-F., A. Hopfensitz, W. De Neys, "Trustworthiness perception at zero acquaintance : consensus, accuracy, and prejudice", Behavioral and Brain Sciences, January 2017, vol. 40, pp. 24-25
Welcome to the whiteboard, the new member of the team : Identity regulation as a sociomaterial process
Paring, G., S. Pezé, I. Huault, "Welcome to the whiteboard, the new member of the team : Identity regulation as a sociomaterial process", Organization, January 2017, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 844-865
L’effet de la justice organisationnelle perçue sur la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques fondamentaux au travail
Human Resource Management
Fall, A., P. Roussel, "L’effet de la justice organisationnelle perçue sur la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques fondamentaux au travail", @GRH, 2017, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 35
Mettre en oeuvre des dispositifs managériaux en vue de valoriser le savoir : applications aux cas d'un systémier de l'aéronautique.
Charfi, A., S. Fernez-Walch, N. Kachlouf, R. Soparnot, "Mettre en oeuvre des dispositifs managériaux en vue de valoriser le savoir : applications aux cas d'un systémier de l'aéronautique.", La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 2017, vol. 1, no. 118, pp. 97-124
Apparition d’un nouveau risque, le risque inhérent à la RSE, analyse de la littérature internationale et point de vue d’experts français
Human Resource Management
Igalens, J., N. Tahri, "Apparition d’un nouveau risque, le risque inhérent à la RSE, analyse de la littérature internationale et point de vue d’experts français", Question(s) de Management, 2017, vol. 1, no. 16, pp. 113-123
Consistency matters! How and when does Corporate Social Responsibility affect employees’ organizational identification? Journal of Management Studies
Human Resource Management
De Roeck, K., A. El Akremi, V. Swaen, "Consistency matters! How and when does Corporate Social Responsibility affect employees’ organizational identification? Journal of Management Studies", Journal of Management Studies, November 2016, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 1141-1168
Beyond the particular and universal: The dependence, independence, and interdependence of context, ethics and justice
Human Resource Management
Fortin, M., T. Nadisic, C. M. Bell, J. R. Crawshaw, R. Cropanzano, "Beyond the particular and universal: The dependence, independence, and interdependence of context, ethics and justice", Journal of Business Ethics, September 2016, vol. 137, no. 4, pp. 639–647
Encouraging and rewarding consumer creativity in new product development processes: How to motivate consumers involved in creative contests?
Salgado, S., V. De Barnier, "Encouraging and rewarding consumer creativity in new product development processes: How to motivate consumers involved in creative contests?", Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition), August 2016, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 88-110
The social dilemma of autonomous vehicles
Bonnefon, J.-F., A. Shariff, I. Rahwan, "The social dilemma of autonomous vehicles", Science, June 2016, vol. 352, no. 6293, pp. 1573-1576
The effect of critical reviews on exhibitors' decisions: Do reviews affect the survival of a movie on screens?
Legoux, R., S. Laporte, D. Larocque, S. Belmati, T. Boquet, "The effect of critical reviews on exhibitors' decisions: Do reviews affect the survival of a movie on screens?", International Journal of Research in Marketing, June 2016, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 357-374
Identifier les individus créatifs par leur capacité d’imagerie mentale
Vellera, C., M.-L. Gavard-Perret, "Identifier les individus créatifs par leur capacité d’imagerie mentale", Décisions Marketing, June 2016, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 17-32
What affects creative performance in idea co-creation: competitive, cooperative or coopetitive climate?
Elmoukhliss, M., Z. Zhao, D. Renard, C. Balagué, "What affects creative performance in idea co-creation: competitive, cooperative or coopetitive climate?", International Journal of Innovation Management, April 2016, vol. 20, no. 4
Une meilleure compréhension du rôle et du mécanisme d’action des stimulations de l’imagerie mentale dans l’amélioration de la créativité d’utilisateurs « ordinaires »
Vellera, C., M.-L. Gavard-Perret, "Une meilleure compréhension du rôle et du mécanisme d’action des stimulations de l’imagerie mentale dans l’amélioration de la créativité d’utilisateurs « ordinaires »", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, March 2016, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 122-143
Injustice hurts, literally: The role of sleep and emotional exhaustion in the relationship between organizational justice and musculoskeletal disorders
Human Resource Management
Manville, C., A. El Akremi, M. Niezborala, K. Mignonac, "Injustice hurts, literally: The role of sleep and emotional exhaustion in the relationship between organizational justice and musculoskeletal disorders", Human Relations, March 2016, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 1315-1339
It's time for Justice: How time changes what we know about justice judgments and justice effects
Human Resource Management
Fortin, M., I. Cojuharenco, D. Patient, H. German, "It's time for Justice: How time changes what we know about justice judgments and justice effects", Journal of Organizational Behavior, February 2016, vol. 37, no. S1, pp. S30-S56
Dynamique des relations coopératives suites à une acquisition d’entreprise
Mirc, N., G. Favre, "Dynamique des relations coopératives suites à une acquisition d’entreprise", Revue Française de Gestion, 2016, vol. 6, no. 259, pp. 121-138
L’influence des primes ex-ante et des primes ex-post sur la motivation autonome au travail : le rôle médiateur de la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux et de la justice organisationnelle perçue
Human Resource Management
Fall, A., P. Roussel, "L’influence des primes ex-ante et des primes ex-post sur la motivation autonome au travail : le rôle médiateur de la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux et de la justice organisationnelle perçue", Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 2016, vol. 3, no. 101, pp. 65-87
L'influence de la personnalité proactive sur la performance adaptative : le rôle du sentiment d'auto-efficacité et de la justice organisationnelle perçue
Human Resource Management
Charbonnier, A., A. El Akremi, "L'influence de la personnalité proactive sur la performance adaptative : le rôle du sentiment d'auto-efficacité et de la justice organisationnelle perçue", Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 2016, vol. 3, no. 101, pp. 45-63
Surprise ! we changed the logo
Grobert, J., C. Cuny, M. Fornerino, "Surprise ! we changed the logo", Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2016, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 239-246
Les études critiques en comptabilités des entreprises : L'apport de la perspective foulcadienne
Human Resource Management
Igalens, J., I. Dhaouadi, "Les études critiques en comptabilités des entreprises : L'apport de la perspective foulcadienne", Management et Sciences Sociales, 2016, no. 20, pp. 4-17
Les dirigeants gèrent-ils les résultats comptables avant d’annoncer une réduction d’effectifs ? Le cas des entreprises françaises cotées
Verdier, M.-A., J. Boutant Lapeyre, "Les dirigeants gèrent-ils les résultats comptables avant d’annoncer une réduction d’effectifs ? Le cas des entreprises françaises cotées", Comptabilité, Contrôle, Audit, 2016, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 9-45
Managers et espions. L’affaire Renault
Laroche, H., C. Théron, "Managers et espions. L’affaire Renault", Revue Française de Gestion, 2016, vol. 42, no. 254, pp. 37-51
Historical Cost vs. Fair Value to Measure Income in Accounting: A Comparison of Specialists’ Arguments
Giordano-Spring, S., I. Martinez, O. Vidal, "Historical Cost vs. Fair Value to Measure Income in Accounting: A Comparison of Specialists’ Arguments", Comptabilité, Contrôle, Audit, December 2015, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 119-148
Performance Contingent Pay and Autonomy: Implications for Facilitating Extra-Role Creativity
Human Resource Management
Balkin, D., P. Roussel, S. Werner, "Performance Contingent Pay and Autonomy: Implications for Facilitating Extra-Role Creativity", Human Resource Management Review, December 2015, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 384–395
L’analyse des effets de médiation modérée : Applications en marketing
Borau, S., A. El Akremi, L. Elgaaied-Gambier, L. Hamdi, C. Ranchoux, "L’analyse des effets de médiation modérée : Applications en marketing", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, October 2015, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 95-138
Le mentorat envers les consultants salariés du secteur du conseil en management : Levier de fidélisation ou source d’opportunités externes ?
Human Resource Management
Tillou, C., A. K. Ben Ayed, A. El Akremi, C. Vandenberghe, "Le mentorat envers les consultants salariés du secteur du conseil en management : Levier de fidélisation ou source d’opportunités externes ?", Management International, October 2015, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 67-77
Les incitations à la gestion des résultats des sociétés absorbantes : le cas des fusions-absorptions françaises
Boutant Lapeyre, J., M.-A. Verdier, "Les incitations à la gestion des résultats des sociétés absorbantes : le cas des fusions-absorptions françaises", Revue Française de Gestion, October 2015, vol. 41, no. 252, pp. 33-50
Conditional sentences create a blind spot in theory of mind during narrative comprehension
Haigh, M., J.-F. Bonnefon, "Conditional sentences create a blind spot in theory of mind during narrative comprehension", Acta Psychologica, September 2015, vol. 160, pp. 194–201
Face-ism and kernels of truth in facial inferences
Bonnefon, J.-F., A. Hopfensitz, W. De Neys, "Face-ism and kernels of truth in facial inferences", Trends in Cognitive Sciences, August 2015, vol. 19, no. 8, pp. 421-422
Non-reflective thinkers are predisposed to attribute supernatural causation to uncanny experiences
Bouvet, R., J.-F. Bonnefon, "Non-reflective thinkers are predisposed to attribute supernatural causation to uncanny experiences", Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, July 2015, vol. 41, no. 7, pp. 955–961
Risk Attitude, Beliefs Updating and the Information Content of Trades: An Experiment
Bisière, C., J.-P. Décamps, S. Lovo, "Risk Attitude, Beliefs Updating and the Information Content of Trades: An Experiment", Management Science, June 2015, vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 1378-1397
IAS 38 et activation des dépenses de développement : Comptabilisation opportuniste ou informative ?
Dumas, G., I. Martinez, "IAS 38 et activation des dépenses de développement : Comptabilisation opportuniste ou informative ?", Revue Française de Gestion, May 2015, vol. 41, no. 249, pp. 93–111
Financial reporting and market efficiency with extrapolative investors
Bianchi, M., P. Jehiel, "Financial reporting and market efficiency with extrapolative investors", Journal of Economic Theory, May 2015, vol. 157, pp. 842–878
A multi-study investigation of outcomes of franchisees’ affective commitment to their franchise organization
Human Resource Management
Mignonac, K., C. Vandenberghe, R. Perrigot, A. El Akremi, O. Herrbach, "A multi-study investigation of outcomes of franchisees’ affective commitment to their franchise organization", Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, May 2015, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 461-488
More Prizes are not always more Attractive: Factors Increasing Prospective Sweepstakes Participants’ Sensitivity to the Number of Prizes
Laporte, S., G. Laurent, "More Prizes are not always more Attractive: Factors Increasing Prospective Sweepstakes Participants’ Sensitivity to the Number of Prizes", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, May 2015, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 395–410
When normative commitment leads to lower well-being and reduced performance
Human Resource Management
Vandenberghe, C., K. Mignonac, C. Manville, "When normative commitment leads to lower well-being and reduced performance", Human Relations, May 2015, vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 843-870
Effects of loyalty program rewards on store loyalty
Meyer-Waarden, L., "Effects of loyalty program rewards on store loyalty", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, May 2015, vol. 24, pp. 22-32
Equilibrium Fast-Trading
Biais, B., T. Foucault, S. Moinas, "Equilibrium Fast-Trading", Journal of Financial Economics, May 2015, vol. 116, no. 2, pp. 292–313
Adolescents gradually improve at detecting trustworthiness from the facial features of unknown adults
De Neys, W., A. Hopfensitz, J.-F. Bonnefon, "Adolescents gradually improve at detecting trustworthiness from the facial features of unknown adults", Journal of Economic Psychology, April 2015, vol. 47, pp. 17-22
Examining the frustration-aggression model among Tunisian Blue-Collar Workers
Human Resource Management
Sassi, N., C. Vandenberghe, A. El Akremi, "Examining the frustration-aggression model among Tunisian Blue-Collar Workers", Journal of Managerial Psychology, April 2015, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 336-353
Voice and Culture: A Prospect Theory Approach
Human Resource Management
Paddock, E. L., J. Ko, R. Cropanzano, J. Bagger, A. El Akremi, G. J. Greguras, A. Mladinic, C. Moliner, K. Nam, K. Törnblom, K. Van Den Bos, "Voice and Culture: A Prospect Theory Approach", Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, April 2015, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 167–175
People's views about the acceptability of remuneration policies and executive bonuses
Heimann, M., J.-F. Bonnefon, E. Mullet, "People's views about the acceptability of remuneration policies and executive bonuses", Journal of Business Ethics, March 2015, vol. 127, no. 3, pp. 661-671
The Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale: Validation evidence in seven languages and nine countries
Human Resource Management
Gagné, M., J. Forest, M. Vansteenkiste, L. Crevier-Braud, A. Van Den Broeck, J. Bellerose, C. Benabou, E. Chemolli, S. T. Güntert, H. Halvari, D. L. Indiyastuti, P. A. Johnson, M. H. Molstad, M. Naudin, A. Ndao, A. H. Olafsen, Z. Wang, C. Westbye, P. Roussel, "The Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale: Validation evidence in seven languages and nine countries", European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2015, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 178-196
Intrasexual competition shapes men's anti-utilitarian moral decisions
Trémolière, B., G. Kaminski, J.-F. Bonnefon, "Intrasexual competition shapes men's anti-utilitarian moral decisions", Evolutionary Psychological Science, March 2015, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 18-22
Has brand loyalty declined? The longitudinal évolution of repeat purchase behavior in the US and UK
Dawes, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, C. Driesener, "Has brand loyalty declined? The longitudinal évolution of repeat purchase behavior in the US and UK", Journal of Business Research, February 2015, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 425-432
Ownership structure, Voting, and Risk
Dhillon, A., S. Rossetto, "Ownership structure, Voting, and Risk", Review of Financial Studies, February 2015, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 521-560
(Mis)Using employee volunteering for public relations: implications for corporate volunteers' organizational commitment
Human Resource Management
Gatignon Turnau, A.-L., K. Mignonac, "(Mis)Using employee volunteering for public relations: implications for corporate volunteers' organizational commitment", Journal of Business Research, January 2015, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 7-18
Eye movements reveal how readers infer intentions from the beliefs and desires of other
Haigh, M., J.-F. Bonnefon, "Eye movements reveal how readers infer intentions from the beliefs and desires of other", Experimental Psychology, 2015, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 206-213
Examining the Drivers for Fransised Chains Performance Through the Lens of the Dynamic Capabilities Approach
Human Resource Management
El Akremi, A., R. Perrigot, I. Piot-Lepetit, "Examining the Drivers for Fransised Chains Performance Through the Lens of the Dynamic Capabilities Approach", Journal of Small Business Management, January 2015, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 145–165
Pratiques coopétitives dans l'Open Innovation : Les enseignements des patent pools
Ayerbe, C., J. E. Azzam, "Pratiques coopétitives dans l'Open Innovation : Les enseignements des patent pools", Management International, Winter 2015, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 95-114
Some but not all dispreferred turn markers help to interpret scalar terms in polite contexts
Bonnefon, J.-F., E. Dahl, T. M. Holtgraves, "Some but not all dispreferred turn markers help to interpret scalar terms in polite contexts", Thinking and Reasoning, 2015, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 230-249
Eye movements disrupt episodic future thinking
De Vito, S., A. Buonocore, J.-F. Bonnefon, S. Della Sala, "Eye movements disrupt episodic future thinking", Memory, 2015, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 796-805
Restructurations et évolution de la représentation de la performance dans le discours médiatique français
Boutant Lapeyre, J., M.-A. Verdier, "Restructurations et évolution de la représentation de la performance dans le discours médiatique français", La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 2015, vol. 3-4, no. 273-274, pp. 21-29
Follower Reactions to Leader Trust Violations: A Grounded Theory of Violation Types, Likelihood of Recovery, and Recovery Process
Human Resource Management
Grover, S. L., M. C. Hasel, C. Manville, C. Serrano-Archimi, "Follower Reactions to Leader Trust Violations: A Grounded Theory of Violation Types, Likelihood of Recovery, and Recovery Process", European Management Journal, October 2014, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 689-702
Good Cop, Bad Cop: Complementarities in Debt and Equity in Disciplining Management
Guembel, A., L. White, "Good Cop, Bad Cop: Complementarities in Debt and Equity in Disciplining Management", Journal of Financial Intermediation, October 2014, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 541–569
Dealing with Venture Capitalists: Shopping Around or Exclusive Negotiation
Casamatta, C., C. Haritchabalet, "Dealing with Venture Capitalists: Shopping Around or Exclusive Negotiation", Review of Finance, August 2014, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 1743–1773
One justice or two? A model of reconciliation for normative justice theories and empirical research on organisational justice
Human Resource Management
Cugueró, N., M. Fortin, "One justice or two? A model of reconciliation for normative justice theories and empirical research on organisational justice", Journal of Business Ethics, June 2014, vol. 124, no. 3, pp. 435-451
Righting the wrong for third parties -- how monetary compensation, procedure changes and apologies restore justice for observers of injustice
Human Resource Management
Cugueró, N., M. Fortin, M.-A. Canela, "Righting the wrong for third parties -- how monetary compensation, procedure changes and apologies restore justice for observers of injustice", Journal of Business Ethics, June 2014, vol. 122, no. 2, pp. 253-268
Activité d’innovation et gestion des résultats comptables : une étude empirique sur le marché français
Djama, C., G. Dumas, I. Martinez, "Activité d’innovation et gestion des résultats comptables : une étude empirique sur le marché français", Finance Contrôle Stratégie, June 2014, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 65-87
How Organizational Support impacts Affective Commitment and Turnover among Italian Nurses: A Multilevel Mediation Model
Human Resource Management
El Akremi, A., G. Colaianni, I. Portoghese, M. Galletta, A. Battistelli, "How Organizational Support impacts Affective Commitment and Turnover among Italian Nurses: A Multilevel Mediation Model", International Journal of Human Resource Management, May 2014, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 1185-1207
Equilibrium Discovery and Preopening Mechanisms in an Experimental Market
Biais, B., C. Bisière, S. Pouget, "Equilibrium Discovery and Preopening Mechanisms in an Experimental Market", Management Science, March 2014, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 541-804
Quelle place pour les méthodes mixtes dans la recherche francophone en management ?
Aldebert, B., A. Rouziès, "Quelle place pour les méthodes mixtes dans la recherche francophone en management ?", Management International, Fall 2014, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 43-60
Parce que je le vaux bien : Les relations entre caractéristiques du travail, estime de soi et engagement affectif envers l’organisation
Human Resource Management
Manville, C., "Parce que je le vaux bien : Les relations entre caractéristiques du travail, estime de soi et engagement affectif envers l’organisation", Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 2014, vol. 2, no. 92, pp. 52-68
La socialisation des nouvelles recrues : un modèle en triple interaction entre les déterminants relationnels, organisationnels et individuels
Human Resource Management
El Akremi, A., M. I. Nasr, N. Richebé, "La socialisation des nouvelles recrues : un modèle en triple interaction entre les déterminants relationnels, organisationnels et individuels", M@n@gement, 2014, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 317-345
Peut-on prédire la consommation des 50-65 ans à partir du critère du Bien Vieillir Désiré ?
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Ensemble mais différents : ambivalence et mimétisme dans les dynamiques d’identification organisationnelle au sein des équipes composites
Jacob, M.-R., A. Rouziès, "Ensemble mais différents : ambivalence et mimétisme dans les dynamiques d’identification organisationnelle au sein des équipes composites", Revue Française de Gestion, 2014, vol. 3, no. 240, pp. 149-164
L'effet modérateur des perceptions de justice sur la relation entre pénibilité perçue au travail et trouble du sommeil
Human Resource Management
Manville, C., A. El Akremi, M. Niezborala, "L'effet modérateur des perceptions de justice sur la relation entre pénibilité perçue au travail et trouble du sommeil", Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 2014, vol. 1, no. 91, pp. 3-12
Non-Exclusive Competition under Adverse Selection
Attar, A., T. Mariotti, F. Salanié, "Non-Exclusive Competition under Adverse Selection", Theoretical Economics, 2014, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1–40
On the Financial Performance of Socially Responsible Investments
Pouget, S., "On the Financial Performance of Socially Responsible Investments", Bankers, Markets & Investors, 2014, no. 128, pp. 31-35
A Wallet Full of Calories: The Effect of Financial Dissatisfaction on the Desire for Food Energy
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Twetnographie : perspectives théoriques et managériales d’un service de microblogging
Galan, J.-P., A. Vignolles, "Twetnographie : perspectives théoriques et managériales d’un service de microblogging", Revue Française du Marketing, December 2013, no. 244-245, pp. 113-124
IPO activity and information in secondary market prices
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Sociocultural Integration in Mergers and Acquisitions: Unresolved Paradoxes and Directions for Future Research
Stahl, G. K., A. Rouziès, N. Mirc, A. Al, "Sociocultural Integration in Mergers and Acquisitions: Unresolved Paradoxes and Directions for Future Research", Thunderbird International Business Review, August 2013, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 333-356
Income Redistribution and Public Good Provision: An Experiment
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The Bubble Game: An Experimental Study of Speculation
Moinas, S., S. Pouget, "The Bubble Game: An Experimental Study of Speculation", Econometrica, July 2013, vol. 81, no. 4, pp. 1507-1539
An investigation of consumers' self-control mechanisms when confronted with repeated purchase temptations: Evidence from online private sales
Ayadi, N., M. Giraud, C. Gonzalez, "An investigation of consumers' self-control mechanisms when confronted with repeated purchase temptations: Evidence from online private sales", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, May 2013, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 272-281
Fairness lies in the heart of the beholder: How the social emotions of third parties influence reactions to injustice
Human Resource Management
Blader, S. L., B. M. Wiesenfeld, M. Fortin, S. L. Wheeler-Smith, "Fairness lies in the heart of the beholder: How the social emotions of third parties influence reactions to injustice", Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, May 2013, vol. 121, no. 1, pp. 62-80
Liquidity, Risk, and Occupational Choice
Bianchi, M., M. Bobba, "Liquidity, Risk, and Occupational Choice", Review of Economic Studies, April 2013, vol. 80, no. 2, pp. 491-511
Immigration Policy and Self-Selecting Migrants
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L’apport de l’ethnographie multisite à l’étude du consommateur fan
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The effects of purchase orientations on perceived loyalty programmes' benefits and loyalty
Meyer-Waarden, L., C. Benavent, H. Castéran, "The effects of purchase orientations on perceived loyalty programmes' benefits and loyalty", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 2013, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 201-225
Two-sided communication in competing mechanism games
Attar, A., E. Campioni, G. Piaser, "Two-sided communication in competing mechanism games", Journal of Mathematical Economics, January 2013, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 62-70
Determinants of Multi-unit Franchising: An Organizational Economics Framework
Human Resource Management
Hussain, D., R. Perrigot, K. Mignonac, A. El Akremi, O. Herrbach, "Determinants of Multi-unit Franchising: An Organizational Economics Framework", Managerial and Decision Economics, April-July 2013, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 161–169
A Lexical Analysis of Voluntary Press Releases Issued during Takeover Bids
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The impact of reward personalisation on frequent flyer programmes' gratifications perceived value and loyalty
Meyer-Waarden, L., "The impact of reward personalisation on frequent flyer programmes' gratifications perceived value and loyalty", Journal of Services Marketing, 2013, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 183-194
L’influence des relations interpersonnelles sur la socialisation organisationnelle des jeunes diplômés
Human Resource Management
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No strings attached': How attribution of disinterested support affects employee retention
Human Resource Management
Mignonac, K., N. Richebé, "No strings attached': How attribution of disinterested support affects employee retention", Human Resource Management Journal, 2013, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 72-90
La recommandation des fonds ISR. Une étude empirique sur les conseillers clients bancaires français
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Fraudes à l'information financière et contrôle de l'AMF : une étude des réactions du financier français marché
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A Study of the Relationships Between Volunteers' Commitments to Organizations and Beneficiaries and Turnover Intentions
Human Resource Management
Valéau, P., K. Mignonac, C. Vandenberghe, A.-L. Gatignon Turnau, "A Study of the Relationships Between Volunteers' Commitments to Organizations and Beneficiaries and Turnover Intentions", Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science / Revue canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 2013, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 85-95
Participation budgétaire et performance managériale : lien non significatif et contingences
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CSR in Japan: Family Business and Non-Family Business Differences and CSR determinants
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Tentations, impulsions et contrôle du consommateur sur les sites de ventes privées
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Organizational socialization tactics: Determining the relative impact of context, content, and social tactics
Human Resource Management
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Methods in M&A - A look at the past and the future to forge a path forward
Cartwright, S., S. Teerikangas, A. Rouziès, "Methods in M&A - A look at the past and the future to forge a path forward", Scandinavian Journal of Management, 2012, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 95-106
Perceived Gender Discrimination and Women’s Subjective Career Success: The Moderating Role of Career Anchors
Human Resource Management
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Social and Environmental Verification of SBF 120 Firms: The Impact of Ownership Structure and Board of Directors
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Connecting the micro- and macro-level: Proposition of a research design to study post-acquisition synergies through a social network approach
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It's a Dirichlet World: Modeling Individuals' Loyalties Reveals How Brands Compete, Grow, and Decline
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Adaptive Performance : a new scale to measure individual Performance in Organizations
Human Resource Management
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Managerial legacies, entrenchment and strategic inertia
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Reputational Cheap Talk with Misunderstanding
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Sovereign Debt without Default Penalties
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Manipulation and the Allocational Role of Prices
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Experience, screening, and syndication in venture capital investments
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Herding in Delegated Portfolio Management: When is Comparative Performance Information Desirable?
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Trading on Short-Term Information
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Should Short-Term Speculators be Taxed, or Subsidised?
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Optimal Exchange Rates: A Market Microstructure Approach
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Financing and advising: optimal financial contracts with venture capitalists
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Optimal leverage and aggregate investment
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Splendeurs et misères de la RSE
Human Resource Management
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Ethique, droit et gestion : un itinéraire singulier - Mélanges en l’honneur de Madame le Professeur Marie-Christine Monnoyer
Human Resource Management
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The car that knew too much: Can a machine be moral?
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Diagnostic financier de l'entreprise, Méthodologie et stratégies gagnantes
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La responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise
Human Resource Management
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La voiture qui en savait trop: l’intelligence artificielle a-t-elle une morale ?
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Marketing Management
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Management de l'innovation, de la stratégie aux projets
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The Multiple Facets of Innovation Project Management
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Reasoning unbound: Thinking about morality, delusion, and democracy
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La communication interne
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Moral Inferences
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Audit social. Meilleures pratiques, méthodes, outils
Human Resource Management
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Finance actuarielle Méthodologie et applications
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DSCG 2 - Finance
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Management de la fidélisation - De la stratégie aux technologies digitales
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Consumer Empowerment: Is the digital Consumer a happy Consumer
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Management de l'innovation, de la stratégie aux projets
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Analyse financière et évaluation d'entreprise, Méthodologie-Diagnostic-Prix d'offre
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Management de la fidélisation - De la conception d'une stratégie aux technologies pour réinventer le marketing relationnel
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Chapters of books
La gestion des ressources humaines
Human Resource Management
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Heuristics in pre-merger processes
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John P Meyer et Natalie Allen : La force stabilisatrice de l’engagement comme fondement de l’action
Human Resource Management
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Le point de vue de l’économiste
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Alfonso Gambardella : l’organisation et le business model des entreprises innovantes à l’aune des marchés des technologies
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Michael Tushman, l'organisation comme réponse aux dilemmes de l'innovation
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Competitive Nonlinear Pricing under Adverse Selection
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Imagination et créativité méthodologique
Human Resource Management
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L’évaluation par les pairs : comprendre le système, s’y adapter et ... le transformer ?
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Technologies de l'information et démocratie : une étude des cas d'innovations à Tokyo post Fukushima
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Les leçons d’un stratège « hors pairs » : Franck underwood, ventriloques et enseignants en gestion
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L'impact et la responsabilité sociale des entreprises
Human Resource Management
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De la résilience du modèle comptable à une comptabilité de la résilience
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Théorie de l’auto-détermination et recherches en Management des Ressources Humaines
Human Resource Management
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Utility conditionals
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From split-seconds to lifetimes: The temporal fabric of fairness dynamics
Human Resource Management
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De la flexibilité à l'agilité organisationnelle : une analyse d'un antécédent de la performance adaptative
Human Resource Management
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The moral psychology of AI and the ethical opt-out problem
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Identity and Power in Organizational Theory
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Is Trading Fast Dangerous?
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