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Faculty, TSM Research, TSM Doctoral Programme


Function / Statut
  • Associate Professor
Research Area
  • Human Resource Management


Sarah Boujendar is an Associate Professor at TSM in Human Resource Management. She is also the Head of the Master in Human Resources Management 1st year.

Her research focuses on counter-productive behaviours, emotional regulation strategies, identification at work and customer/employee interactions in the service relationship. Sarah has presented her work at several conferences, including the European Academy of Management, the International Conference of the Institute of Work Psychology (IWP) and the British Academy of Management. Her current project “THEVOICES” was awarded funding by the ANR.

Sarah obtained her PhD from the Univeristy Toulouse Capitole in 2018. In 2019, she was awarded the Best Thesis Prize by both FNEGE and AGRH, as well as the Théodore Ozenne Thesis prize.

Sarah has previously held posts of Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Visiting Scholar at the School of Business and Management of the Royal Holloway University of London.

Research contracts and funding

THEVOICES, Research Grant, French National Research Agency, France

Award, honors

Théodore Ozenne thesis prize, Académie des sciences, inscriptions et belles lettres de Toulouse, France
Thesis prize, AGRH, France
Best thesis prize, FNEGE, France