TSM parc

Article 01 Jun 2023 Updated 05 Jun 2023

TSM achieves HappyIndex®AtSchool accreditation!

TSM is delighted to announce its accreditation in the prestigious HappyIndex®AtSchool category of ChooseMyCompany 2023, which attests of the School's commitment to the satisfaction and well-being of its students.

Proof of TSM student satisfaction

The HappyIndex®AtSchool label embodies the values of simplicity, authenticity and transparency in education. It is based exclusively on certified ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) opinions provided by students. Their opinions and feedback are the reason for this valuable recognition.

A big thank you to each student who shared their experiences, opinions and level of satisfaction. Their contribution and enthusiasm fuel the ongoing commitment of the teaching staff and everyone at TSM to creating a positive and enriching environment in which students can flourish.

Student well-being, a priority at TSM

At TSM, the quality of student life has always been a priority. Teachers, administrative staff and partners all strive to provide an exceptional educational experience that goes beyond academic excellence. This accreditation validates our ongoing efforts to put the happiness and success of our students first.

We strongly believe that the well-being of students is essential to their overall development and achievement. The HappyIndex®AtSchool recognition reflects our institution's commitment to fostering a caring and supportive environment, enabling every student to flourish. As we move towards our goals, we remain committed to further enhancing our students' experience and the quality of our School. Together, let's continue to build a promising and positive future for generations to come. Our students' success is our greatest reward. Hervé Penan, TSM's Dean

 A promising and positive future

For the start of the 2023-2024 academic year, stay tuned for our upcoming initiatives and get ready for an even more incredible journey with TSM.

Share your pride and let others know that TSM is recognised for its quality and commitment to student satisfaction! Follow our news on social networks and don't hesitate to share!