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Faculty, TSM Research

Cyrielle VELLERA


  • Articles (ranked journals)
    • Saldago, S., C. Vellera, "Vers un effet de traitement paradoxal : les fablabs comme facilitateurs «accidentels » de l’entrepreneuriat des utilisateurs", Innovations - Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation, 2024, vol. 2, no. 74, pp. 183-210
    • Hemonnet-Goujot, A., É. Jouny-Rivier, C. Vellera, "Crowdsourcing innovation challenges: How participants react when their ideas are rejected", Creativity and Innovation Management, March 2023, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 158-173
    • Busca, L., J. Grobert, C. Vellera, "Effect of congruent scent diffusion on individual creative fluidity: Mental imagery instruction and iconic stimulus as possible moderators", Creativity and Innovation Management, 2021, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 511-522
    • Hamdi-Kidar, L., C. Vellera, "Triggers entrepreneurship among creative consumers", Journal of Business Research, November 2018, vol. 92, pp. 465-473
    • Vellera, C., M.-L. Gavard-Perret, "Identifier les individus créatifs par leur capacité d’imagerie mentale", Décisions Marketing, June 2016, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 17-32
    • Vellera, C., M.-L. Gavard-Perret, "Une meilleure compréhension du rôle et du mécanisme d’action des stimulations de l’imagerie mentale dans l’amélioration de la créativité d’utilisateurs « ordinaires »", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, March 2016, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 122-143
  • Chapters of books
    • Ruspil, T., C. Vellera, A. Munzel, "L'innovation augmentée par le client : de l’idéation à la diffusion" in Stratégie clients augmentée., Gilles N’Goala, Virginie Pez-Pérard et Isabelle Prim-Allaz Eds, ISTE editions, pp. 69-89, 2019
    • Vellera, C., A. Munzel, V. Textoris, "Décathlon crée sa plateforme digitale internationale de crowdsourcing" in Les Communautés d’innovation : de la liberté créatrice à l’innovation organisée., B. Sarazin, P. Cohendet, & L. Simon Eds, EMS, Éditions Management et Société, pp. 69-83, 2017
    • Vellera, C., É. Vernette, S. Ogawa, "The User Innovation Phenomenon" in The Elgar Companion to Innovation and Knowledge Creation., H. Bathelt, P. Cohendet, S. Henn & L. Simon Eds, Edward Elgar, pp. 372-391, 2017
  • International conferences
    • Salgado, S., C. Vellera, "Towards a paradoxical treatment effect: are fablabs "accidental" facilitators of user entrepreneurship?" in Annual European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), 2024, Bucharest, Romania
    • Vellera, C., S. Salgado, Y. Roth, J.-F. Lemoine, "Creative brief attractiveness shaping creative crowdsourcing contest outcomes: a comparison between “top” and “average” contributors" in EMAC Annual Conference, 2023, Odense, Denmark
    • Elmoukhliss, M., E. Le Nagard, C. Vellera, "Determinants of the perceived quality of a creative experience in a group context: The case of Cultura’s thematic creative workshops for adults" in European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), 2021, Madrid, Spain
    • Vellera, C., M.-L. Gavard-Perret, "A better understanding of the role and underlying mechanism of stimulating mental imagery in improving the creativity of “ordinary” users" in 45th Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, 2017, San Diego, USA
    • Gavard-Perret, M.-L., M.-C. Wilhelm, C. Vellera, "L’influence de la forme donnée à un test de concept sur son attractivité – explication par l’imagerie mentale" in 32ème Congrès International de l'Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 2016, Lyon, France
    • Borau, S., L. Hamdi-Kidar, C. Vellera, ""To be or not to be in the ad?” Quelle stratégie publicitaire pour promouvoir un produit co-créé avec les consommateurs ?" in 32ème Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 2016, Lyon, France
    • Vellera, C., M.-L. Gavard-Perret, "Stimuler les capacités créatives des utilisateurs enrôlés dans des processus de cocréation: l’effet du type de stimulation de l’activité d’imagerie mentale" in 31ème Congrès International de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 2015, Marrakech, Morocco
  • Conferences, symposiums, workshops
    • Ma, M.-L., J. Cloarec, C. Vellera, "The Impact of a Chinese museum’s cultural and creative products designed by users on design outputs and outcomes" in 28th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), 2021, Milan, Italy
    • Hamdi-Kidar, L., C. Vellera, A. Vieugué, "Helpful or painful: the role of online creative marketplaces in the development of female end-user entrepreneurship" in 17th International Open and User Innovation Conference, Utrecht University School of Economics, 2019, The Netherlands
    • Jouny-Rivier, É., C. Vellera, "The bright side of crowdsourcing contest rejections on contributors’ attitudinal and behavioral responses toward the brand" in 15th International Open and User Innovation Conference, Innsbruck University, 2017, Innsbruck, Austria
    • Jouny-Rivier, É., C. Vellera, ""Submission rejected? Ok, it’s over for me” - Exploring emotional feelings and behaviors of loser co-creators to a crowdsourcing contest" in 24th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), 2017, Reykjavik, Iceland
    • Jouny-Rivier, É., C. Vellera, "Sorry, your creation is rejected… How should platforms and brands manage loser co-creators to crowdsourcing contests?" in 14th International Open and User Innovation Conference, Harvard Business School, 2016, Boston, USA
    • Borau, S., L. Hamdi-KIdar, C. Vellera, ""To be or not to be in the ad?" Which advertising strategy to promote a co-created product with users" in 14th International Open and User Innovation Conference, Harvard Business School, 2016, Boston, USA
  • Radio, TV, press
    • Vellera, C., S. Suaudeau - "[Dans mon cours] La visée professionnalisante comme moteur pédagogique essentiel" - 2019, Monde des Grandes Écoles et Universités, France
    • Vellera, C. - "Les clients passent à l’action." - 2017, 20 Minutes
    • Vellera, C. - "Le futur est dans la participation." - 2017, 20 Minutes
    • Vellera, C., L. Hamdi-Kidar - "Co-création : le "oui mais" des consommateurs." - 2017, LSA Commerce & Consommation
    • Vellera, C. - "Interview : Consommateurs et créateurs à la fois." - 2017, Comprendre pour entreprendre
    • Vellera, C. - "Des consommateurs inventifs" - 2015, Le Monde, supplément "Idées"