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Article 25 Sep 2023 Updated 25 Sep 2023

Take part in the Toulouse Capitole University SPORT conference!

Whether you're an amateur athlete or just curious, don't miss out on this autumn's sporting event! Come and discover the many facets of sport, under the expert eye of various speakers. This conference, co-organised by IRDEIC and IDETCOM, will take place on 28 and 29 September at Toulouse Capitole University.

Engaging debates on sport and its many challenges

Toulouse Capitole University is organising a national scientific colloquium on sport, spearheaded by three of its seven departments: Law, Administration & Communication and Toulouse School of Management.

The event will be punctuated by a number of debates and exchanges between various speakers (players in the field and experts). 

The main topics will include :

  • the players in sport: the new faces of the professional and institutional sports environment, the various contractual advantages;
  • sporting values: the fight against doping, fair play and neutrality, sporting ethics, the emergence of the European sporting model;
  • new challenges: the legal issues surrounding sport, the new audiences involved (gender issues in particular).

A number of different experts will be taking part, including researchers from Toulouse, Perpignan, Dijon and Sherbrooke, a representative of the bar, a sports doctor and a former national technical director of a sports federation. The event promises to be a rich and interesting discussion on all fronts!

All the information on the event

The SPORT conference takes place from Thursday 28 to Friday 29 September at Toulouse Capitole University, in the E-Maury amphitheatre (Arsenal). 

Admission is free, so come one, come all! 

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