TSM parc

Article 18 Apr 2023 Updated 02 Jun 2023

Mon Master: the New One-stop Platform for Finding your Master's Degree

Are you a Bachelor's student or a Bachelor's graduate? Would you like to enter the first year of a Master's programme? Since February the first, the application procedures for a Master's degree have changed!

The Mon Master national platform now brings together all the information on national Master's degrees. All L3 students continuing their studies should therefore use this platform to apply for a Master 1, with the exception of a few special cases.

Find a TSM Master's degree on the platform

Would you like to find out more about the Masters courses on offer at TSM? The Mon Master platform gives you access to the full range of courses on offer at the school.

All you have to do is enter "TSM" in the site's search bar, then browse the descriptions of the various Masters courses displayed to make your choice.