TSM parc

Article 21 Dec 2023 Updated 23 Jan 2024

TSM wishes you all the best for 2024

Everyone at Toulouse School of Management wishes you all the best for the holidays as the year 2023 draws to a close.

To make the most of these festive moments, TSM will be closed from the evening of 22 December 2023 until 7 January 2024 (included).
We look forward to meeting you in 2024 for a new year filled with exciting projects and unifying events, such as :

  • the Infosup Fair - from 11 to 13 January 2024
  • TSM Open Days - 03 February 2024
  • and many other surprises!

Are you unable to wait until 2024 to apply? Good news: our new course application dates are now online. Visit our Applications area and find all the information you need to apply in each course description.

We hope that 2024 will bring you happiness and many successes in all your projects!


Happy holidays!

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