On Monday, 11th March 2024, took place the 7th edition of Because We Are Tomorrow (BWAT), the annual event of the Junior Enterprise TSM Consulting.It is a key event for students looking to broaden their professional horizons.
Working Beyond Borders: Achieving International Success
This year, TSM Consulting chose to focus on "the internationalisation of our talents" during a panel discussion complemented by testimonials from professionals.
The panel revolved around the theme "Working Beyond Borders: Your Guide to Success". Presenters from Saint Gobain, Indeed, and Continental discussed various aspects, such as:
- What measures do companies implement to encourage international mobility?
- Is mobility a significant recruitment factor for companies?
- Is having international experience crucial for occupying leadership roles?
This was followed by inspiring testimonials on the theme "Career Destination: Pathways to the International".
Emmanuel Rey, International HR Director at Hupskale, shared his various experiences, discussing the steps to best prepare for an international career, as well as the importance of moving beyond the frameworks rooted in one's country of origin, such as culture or even politics.
Pierre Expert, Head of Partnerships at the FDNU (Federation for Diplomacy and the United Nations), based his testimony on understanding oneself through the discovery of others, sharing his experiences and the challenges faced in his professional career abroad.
They both offered invaluable advice for students interested in an international career.
An Asset for Students' Professional Network
The success of this event is not solely due to the quality of the panels and testimonials. Indeed, the BWAT organised by TSM Consulting contributes significantly to broadening our students' professional networks.
By facilitating encounters between future professionals and companies operating in the international market, the BWAT promotes the emergence of new professional opportunities.
Toulouse School of Management once again congratulates the organisers and participants of this 7th edition of the BWAT for their commitment and enthusiasm.
TSM will continue to support and encourage such initiatives, convinced of their added value both for the personal development of our students and for their future professional integration.