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Function / Statut
  • Teaching Fellow
  • Accounting


Alain Donadio is Teaching fellow in economics, accounting and finance management. A graduate of IAE Toulouse, he holds a post-graduate degree in finance management. His research paper, supervised by Bruno Biais, focuses on business failures based on an analysis of agency theory and signals.

After teaching DECF, DCG, L3 accountancy-auditing and DUT GEA at IUT Rodez, he joined IAE (Toulouse School of Management - TSM) in 2008, where he took over teaching responsibilities for the third-year of the undergraduate programme in accounting.

At TSM, he teaches accounting courses and management control.

Alain Donadio is co writer of DSCG textbooks (éditions Vuibert) about UE2 and UE3 for which he is part of the national examination boards.

In 2016-2017, he was President of the quality assessment committee of AEQES for the Wallonie-Bruxelles French community for programmes in accounting, taxation, finance.

With Rouergue UTL, he led a series of 13 conferences on the subject of issues related to money (historical, economic, financial, sociological and symbolic aspects).