image formation marketing innovation
Master International marketing of innovation

Track International marketing of innovation - M1

Acquire an internationally recognised double Master's degree and study in multicultural environments at a leading Chinese, Thai or German university

EQUIS Accreditation

Toulouse School of Management obtained EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) accreditation, in October 2023. This is a European label awarded by the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development). It is a label awarded to prestigious business and management schools following a rigorous evaluation based on the following criteria: the school's governance, strategy and resources; teaching programs and staff; student services; consideration for personal development; the international dimension of the school, its students, teachers and programs; relations with companies; the school's contributions to the wider community.


EFMD Accreditation

The international accreditation processes implemented by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) represent powerful levers for the continuous improvement of the TSM training offer and contribute to the international visibility of our institution.

Internationally recognized by students, employers and the media, EFMD is the leading accreditation for business and management schools. Awarded following rigorous review and auditing processes by higher education and management professionals, this label underlines the academic excellence, practical usefulness, international openness, ethics and social responsibility of a training programme.

The Master in International Management has held this accreditation since 2008. It was renewed in June 2024 for a 5-year period. 

In June 2020, the Master in Finance and the Doctoral Programme received the EFMD Accreditation for the maximal 5-year period. Only about ten Masters in Finance are EFMD Accredited in the world. The TSM Doctoral Programme is the only programme to be EFMD Accredited at the doctoral level.