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Faculty, TSM Research


Function / Statut
  • Associate Professor
Research Area
  • Accounting


Sandrine Fernez-Walch received an engineering degree from AgroParisTech, and a PhD in industrial economics from MINES Paris Tech, where she was a lecturer and researcher. She is Associate professor, HDR.

Her research focuses on the study and improvement of innovative management practices and aims to build, along with innovation management practitioners, relevant models and methodologies that are applicable in various contexts (company size and other types of organizations). She has developed a multi-project management model with Liebherr Aerospace Toulouse, a model that currently structures the company's R&D and innovation projects. She is very involved with practitioners: vocational training, support for individual projects, research partnerships, and the publication Innovation Management, From Strategy to Projects, which offers the most up-to-date, comprehensive overview of scientific knowledge (4th edition published in September 2017).