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Faculty, TSM Research

Cyrielle VELLERA

Function / Statut
  • Associate Professor
Research Area
  • Marketing


Cyrielle is an Associate Professor in Marketing and a researcher within TSM Research (UMR CNRS 5303). Cyrielle is also the Head of the Master in Marketing track Data & Innovation Marketing (second year).

Her research focuses on user innovation, user entrepreneurship and creativity. She wrote an article titled “Des consommateurs inventifs” which was published in Le Monde. She is also the author of several book chapters and scientific articles that have been published in journals, including The Journal of Business Research, The Journal of Creativity and Innovation Management, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, and Décisions Marketing.

Cyrielle has also been a visiting researcher at multiple universities, such as University of British Colombia (Canada, 2011), HEC Montréal (Canada, 2015 and 2019), Kobe University (Japan, 2015), Aalto University (Finland, 2015), and Monash Business School (Australia, 2018). She also often collaborates with organizations (fablab, incubators) and companies in the context of her teaching and research activities.

Cyrielle obtained her PhD from the University of Grenoble in 2013 and her thesis was awarded the French Marketing Association (AFM) thesis prize in 2014.

Award, honors

PhD Thesis Award, France International Marketing Trends Conference, France
AFM PhD Thesis Award, FNEGE, France


JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships Short Term (funding for a two-month stay in Japan at the Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Kobe), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan
2014 - 2016
Young Researcher Programme (IDEX), University of Toulouse, France
2011 - 2011
Explo'ra Doc Grant, Région Rhône Alpes, France