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Faculty, TSM Research


Function / Statut
  • Full Professor
Research Area
  • Strategy


Audrey Rouziès is Full professor in Strategy. She obtained her doctorate at EM Lyon-Université Lyon 3 in 2007. Following a post-doc at the Université du Québec in Montreal, she joined Toulouse School of Management in 2008. She is currently the Director of TSM Doctoral Programme (ED 478). Audrey Rouzies also serves as Associate Dean for Quality Assurance and International Accreditations at TSM.

Her work focuses on the management of mergers and acquisitions, more specifically on the organisational and human issues involved in the implementation of these operations. Audrey Rouziès uses qualittatives and mixed methods, preferably longitudinal, to understand the research areas she studies. Her recent research has been published in Journal of Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Organization Science, Long Range Planning, European Management Review.  Audrey Rouziès is also a co-founder of the European M&A Institute (eM&Ai).

Award, honors

Best Reviewer Award, European Academy of Management – SIG Strategic Management
Best paper award of the M&A track M&A (EURAM 2018). Article title : “ That’s great on paper… but not in practice! – A routine ecology perspective to understand M&A integration barriers” with Mirc, N., Sele, K. et Angwin, D.
Best PhD thesis award, Strategic management international association, France


2008 - 2008
Research Grant, UQAM, Canada