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Faculty, TSM Research


Function / Statut
  • Full Professor
Research Area
  • Finance


Sophie Moinas is a Full Professor of Finance at Toulouse School of Management. Sophie is the Head of the Master in Finance track Financial Risks and Market Evaluation (second year) and is a member of the Research Commission and Academic Council for Toulouse Capitole University. Sophie is also an Associate Researcher at TSE, a member of TSE-Partnerships (to include coordinating the research initiative “Risks, Regulation and Systemic Risks” in partnership with HEC Paris under the umbrella of the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR)), and CEPR Research Fellow. Additionally, Sophie is the Scientific Director of the TSE Sustainable Finance Center.

Her work focuses on market microstructure (fragmentation and high frequency trading) and asset pricing (experiments, bubbles, electricity markets, sustainable finance). Sophie’s research has been published in Econometrica, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Sophie also serves as an Associate Editor for Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Journal of Financial Markets, Economics Letters, Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting, and the Revue Finance. She is also a member of the Scientific Board of the Society for Experimental Finance, Council of Advisers for Applied Research Academy of Finance (AoF) Hong Kong Institute for Monetary and Financial Research (HKIMR) and the Board of French Finance Association (AFFI).

She obtained research grants from Europlace Institute of Finance in 2009 and 2010, a Junior research grant by the ANR (French National Research Agency) for a project on “Algorithmic Trading” in 2009-2014 as Principal Investigator, and a Junior research grant by the ANR for the project on Price Formation in Financial Markets (PiMs) in 2016-2021 as Principal Investigator.

Sophie obtained her PhD from HEC Paris School of Management in 2005. She also completed a Visiting Full Professor at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Her website: https://sites.google.com/site/sophiemoinas/


Research grant for the project “Are crowds wise?” (joint with B. Biais, C. Bisière, S. Pouget), Europlace Institute of Finance (EIF), France
2016 - 2020
Junior research grant for the project ANR-16-CE26-0008-01 “Price formation In financial MarketS”, French National Research Agency, France
2015 - 2016
Judith C. and William G. Bollinger Visiting Professorship, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Research grant for the project “Pre-opening periods in fragmented market” (joint with S. Boussetta and L. Lescourret), Eurofidai-Bedofih, France
Research grant for the project “Rational and irrational bubbles: an experiment” (joint with S. Pouget), Europlace Institute of Finance (EIF), France
Research grant for the project “Liquidity supply in multiple markets” (joint with L. Lescourret), Europlace Institute of Finance (EIF), France
2009 - 2014
Junior research grant for the project ANR-09-JCJC-0139-01 “Algorithmic Trading”, French National Research Agency, France

Award, honors

“Best paper on a hot topic” Award, “Les Echos” (joint with Bruno Biais and Thierry Foucault, for the article “Equilibrium Fast Trading”, published in 2015), Europlace Institute of Finance (EIF), France
Award for Best Young Researcher in Finance, Europlace Institute of Finance (EIF), France
“Best paper in Finance” Award (joint with Sébastien Pouget, for the article “The Bubble Game: An Experimental Analysis of Speculation”, published in 2013), Europlace Institute of Finance (EIF), France
Joseph de la Vega Prize (2013, joint with Laurence Lescourret, for the paper “Liquidity Supply in Multiple Venues”), Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE), Belgium
PhD Thesis Award, French Finance Association, France