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Faculty, TSM Research


Function / Statut
  • Professor Emeritus
Research Area
  • Finance


Simon Parienté, PhD in Management Sciences, is a Professor Emeritus of Finance at TSM, Toulouse Capitole University. He was a Professor in Compiègne (UTC) and, on several occasions, a Visiting Professor in Montreal (HEC, UQAM).

Simon Parienté has carried out academic studies on the creation of value, the financial role of brands, and on buying out ones’ own shares. He has written thirty or so expert reports on the profitability of companies in the consumer, industrial, and distribution sectors (last appearance in 2017).

Simon Parienté has published eight books on Finance with Vuibert, Economica and Pearson. His last two books, published by Pearson in 2013 and 2016, focus on business valuation and actuarial finance. His work published in 2016 was labelled by the FNEGE in 2017.