TSM parc panoramique

Maysam Nour Eddin

  • Last Name: NOUR EDDIN
  • First Name: Maysam
  • Current programme: DP Doctoral Programme - track PhD Human Resource management and Organisational Behaviour - 2nd year
  • Year of graduation: 2025
  • Baccalaureate Specialties: general Sciences/ BS in Computer & Communications Engineering/ MS in Management
  • Country of origin: Lebanon

Why did you choose Toulouse?

Toulouse is a great destination for students from all over the world! The rich culture and artistic heritage create a wonderful environment for thriving. It's like stepping into a time capsule and being transported back 2000 years. I am also obsessed with the warm vibes and friendly locals here! It's like I've found my second home.

Why did you choose TSM?

In my quest for research excellence and a global academic network to launch my Doctoral pursuit, I could not but land on the renowned Toulouse School of Management (TSM) and its EPAS-accredited Doctoral Programme. TSM provides a rich foundation of courses and seminars, which help enhance my critical thinking, research methodologies, information monitoring, written communication, and public speaking and engagement. I also find the close supervision of TSM skilled and experienced professors truly inspiring and empowering. At TSM, I am confident that I will thrive in an environment of academic rigor and innovative collaboration.

What is your best memory of your life in France?

I am grateful for all the wonderful memories I have in France, and one that particularly brings me joy is what I fondly refer to as "the daily mindful coffee experience!" It's amazing to unwind in the delightful coffee bars of Toulouse, bask in the pleasant atmosphere of historic streets, savor the beautiful weather, and appreciate the present moment.

Why would you recommend TSM to students from your home school?

I would greatly encourage students from Lebanon (and comparable cultures) to attend TSM. Lebanon has a strong community culture. We like spending time with our family and friends, and we prefer to live in embracing environments. However, adequate education is highly valued in the Lebanese society. The combination of a top-notch TSM education and the atmosphere in Toulouse makes for an ideal study abroad experience. Put simply, it is easy to develop a sense of belonging here, which will definitely help you stay motivated throughout your pursuit!

3 adjectives to describe TSM

If I am to choose three adjectives/phrases to describe TSM, I would say it is warm & welcoming, broadens your horizons, and fosters growth.