Monday Nweke IGWE will present his thesis entitled "Essays on ethnic diversity on corporate boards" on 19 December 2023 à 2.00pm. The presentation will be in English..
- Venue : Salle des Thèses, Université Toulouse Capitole.
- Composition of the Jury :
- Mme Wafa KHLIF, Professor, TBS Education, Research Director
- M. Sami EL OMARI, Professor, TBS Education, Research Co-Director
- Mme Nourhene BEN YOUSSEF, Professor, Sherbrooke University, Rapporteur
- M. Teerooven SOOBAROYEN, Professor, University of Essex, Rapporteur
- Mme Isabelle MARTINEZ, University Professor, Toulouse Capitole University, Member of the jury
- M. Konan Anderson SENY KAN, Associate Professor, Grenoble Ecole de Management, Member of the jury
Corporate board diversity has gained attention from academics, the media, practitioners and policymakers worldwide. However, the existing research efforts and policy reforms have predominantly focussed on board gender diversity, neglecting other aspects like ethnic and neuro diversity. Given the recent calls for researchers to explore other aspects of boardroom diversity to help advance the research stream, this thesis focuses on board ethnic diversity (BED). BED has gradually witnessed increased policy reforms and research in recent decades, however, studies exploring this area still remain fragmented, limiting the generation of valuable insights to policymakers and practitioners. Consequently, the first paper of this thesis sheds light on the scattered literature on BED and provides a state-of-the-art snapshot of the domain to help researchers, managers, policymakers and practitioners better understand BED and its implications on corporate outcomes. Given the paucity of research from Africa emerging countries, the second paper contributes to the understanding of the impact of BED in improving firm information environment in the weak institutional context of Africa emerging countries characterized by high level of uncertainty and information asymmetry. The third article of the thesis explores the factors that affect the effectiveness of the corporate governance codes implemented in Africa emerging countries using Nigeria as a case study. Overall, the studies highlight the importance of BED in helping firms to generate better outcomes. Therefore, this thesis contributes to the value-in-diversity debate which often suggests that a diverse workforce is generally more beneficial for firms than a homogeneous workforce.