TSM parc panoramique

Camille Delpech

  • Last Name: DELPECH
  • First Name: Camille
  • Last TSM Programme: Master International marketing of innovation - track M2 International marketing of innovation - double diploma - german track with WFI Ingolstadt School of Management
  • Year of graduation: 2019
  • Study regime (full-time programme, executive education, part-time programme): full-time programme
  • Current employer company: Henkel
  • Current position: Gobal Junior Manager
  • Location: Hamburg, Germany
  • LinkedIn: Camille Delpech

What is your current position?

I am a Global Junior Manager for Schwarzkopf Professional: responsible for the brand image with the bi-annual hair trend collection called « Essential Looks ».

How has TSM helped you accomplish your projects?

A student of the same Master 2 International Marketing, doing her internship abroad, had shared an internship position via email with the students from the German track, which I have directly applied for.

What values of TSM do you use every-day?

In my current position, I daily use values such as a strong ethic, respect, rigor and open mindedness. TSM taught me to be a real team player while adapting to different environments and embrace cultural differences.

What is your best memory of TSM?

TSM offers theoretical and more practical courses, such as group projects with international students to help real companies solve specific problematics. Those exchanges with international students and professionals are part of my best memories. I particularly liked the combination of different teaching methods in France and Germany with constant support from teachers and students alike. 

3 tips for TSM students and future graduates?

- Be curious, ask questions and get reading recommendations.

- Network as much as you can within and outside the Master program, both with teachers and students.

- Embrace change, think outside the box and create your own opportunities.


Camille Delpech

Master International marketing of innovation - track M2 International marketing of innovation - double diploma - german track with WFI Ingolstadt School of Management

Consult Camille Delpech LinkedIn profile