TSM parc panoramique

Alexandre Harpluk

  • Last Name: HARPLUK
  • First Name: Alexandre
  • Last TSM Programme: Master International marketing of innovation - track M2 International marketing of innovation - double diploma - Asian tracks
  • Year of graduation: 2020
  • Study regime (full-time programme, executive education, part-time programme): full-time programme
  • Current employer company: Yamaha Motor Europe Succursale France
  • Current position: Yamalube and Consumable Parts Product Manager - P&A System Officer
  • Location: Parisian Suburbs
  • LinkedIn: Alexandre Harpluk

What is your current position?

I am currently Product Manager for the Yamalube range (oils & maintenance products) as well as all consumables sold by Yamaha Motor in France. I am also in charge of all the information systems relating to the Parts and Accessories departments.

How has TSM helped you accomplish your projects?

Thanks to TSM, I acquired all the strategic and operational skills necessary to access and perform in the positions to which I aspired: analytical skills, project management, english language skills…

What values of TSM do you use every-day?

Rigor in building my research project.

What is your best memory of TSM?

My best memories were the moments I spent with the other students during our holidays in the isles of Thailand.

3 tips for TSM students and future graduates?

- Aim to work in what you love;

- identify knowledge and skills needed to achieve your goals and then master them;
- in case of refusal, if you think you are legitimate, insist!