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Function / Statut
  • Associate Professor
  • Accounting


Marie-Pierre Blin-Franchomme is an Associate Professor in Private Law and Criminal Sciences at Toulouse Capitole University. She is the Head of the Master in Law and Management track Law and Management of CSR at TSM. As a member of the Centre de Droit des Affaires (EA 780), she is responsible for the EJERIDD research area: Etudes juridiques Entreprise Risque Industriel et Développement Durable.

Her individual and collective research, which has received several grants, focuses on the normative framework - both flexible and regulatory - accompanying the ecological transition of economic players and on the tools and effects of the observable 'hardening' of corporate social responsibility. In addition to articles published in journals, his work has led to the organisation of several conferences and the editing/coediting of several books. The latest is entitled "L'entreprise Résiliente" and has received the support of the CNRS Maison des Sciences de l'Homme network: published in June 2023 in the Travaux de Planète Social collection by LexisNexisFrance, it is the result of multidisciplinary and international research involving more than 50 contributors. This research is put to use in training and teaching: creation of courses dedicated to CSR in various programmes, co-design of the programme and then direction of the Master in Law and management track Law and management of CSR, distance learning, courses abroad... She also supports her administrative responsibilities for the University (Vice-President of Sustainable Development at UT Capitole from 2007 to 2016; representation of UT Capitole in national work by CPU-CGE).

Marie-Pierre obtained her doctorate in Law in 1998/ Her thesis focused on power in corporate groups. She also obtained a postgraduate diploma in Community Law from the College of Europe in Belgium, and studied at Sciences Po Toulouse.

Her scientific publications: https://www.ut-capitole.fr/accueil/mme-marie-pierre-blin-franchomme