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Faculty, TSM Research


Function / Statut
  • Full Professor
Research Area
  • Finance


Milo Bianchi is a Full Professor in Finance and is the Head of the Finance Department at the Toulouse School of Management (TSM). Milo is also a Junior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France, the Director of the FIT-IN Initiative, and a member of the Sustainable Finance and the Digital Finance Centers at Toulouse School of Economics (TSE).

His current research agenda focuses on fintech and sustainable finance, with a specific focus on individual investors. His work has been published in leading economics and finance journals including Journal of Finance, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Economic Theory, and Management Science. Milo received his PhD in 2007 from the Stockholm School of Economics and he has held research positions at various institutions including MIT, Paris School of Economics, University College London, University of Turin, and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.


Grant, European Savings Institute, France
Fellowship, LTI@UniTO, Italy
Fellowship, LTI@UniTO, Italy
Research Grant, Cepremap, France
2005 - 2006
Studies abroad Grant, Tom Hedelius Foundation, Sweden
2002 - 2003
PhD grant, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Travel Grant, Gould Foundation, Canada
Research Grant, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden
Chair Research Grant (2010 – 2013 and 2013 – 2015), Groupama, France
Teaching Grant (2010, 2011), Fondation du Risque, France

Award, honors

2017 - 2022
Junior Member, Institut Universitaire de France, France
Malinvaud Prize (best published paper among economists under age 40) for “Liquidity, Risk, and Occupational Choices”, AFSE, France
2014 - 2018
Prize for Excellence in Research and PhD Advising, Toulouse Capitole University, France
“Young researcher in economics” Prize
Marie Curie Fellowship, Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation, Sweden