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Faculty, TSM Research

Jamal Eddine AZZAM

Function / Statut
  • Full Professor
Research Area
  • Strategy


Jamal Eddine Azzam is a Full Professor in Strategy and serves as the Head of the Master of Innovation Management (Second Year) at Toulouse School of Management. Jamal is also the Research Coordinator for Strategy at TSM-R. 

His research focuses on strategy, innovation, business models, and patent management. His work has been published in journals, including European Management Review, Management International, Revue Française de Gestion, International Journal of Technology Management, Innovations, Décisions Marketing, and M@n@gement. Jamal also serves as a reviewer for several journals, including Finance-Contrôle-Stratégie, Management International, Technology Innovation Management Review, and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. He is also an evaluator for the Collège de Labellisation FNEGE des Ouvrages de Management.

Jamal obtained his doctorate from the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis in 2015. He previously held Teaching and Research Assistant positions at the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis and the Université d’Aix-Marseille. Jamal has also been an academic guest at ETH Zurich and at TIMGROUP (Chair of Technology and Innovation Management).

Award, honors

Array, FNEGE, France