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Faculty, TSM Research

Stéphan PEZÉ

Function / Statut
  • Full Professor
Research Area
  • Strategy


Stéphan Pezé is a Full Professor in Strategy and is the Head of the Strategy Department. Stéphan has also been the Head of the Master in Strategic Management (first year) since 2017. Stéphan also serves as a Senior Editor for M@n@gement.

His areas of research include strategy, identity, as well as the strategic trials that small and medium-sized businesses face. His work has been published in leading academic journals, including Journal of Business Ethics, Human Relations, Management International, Revue Française de Gestion, M@n@gement, La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, and Organization. Stéphan obtained his PhD in 2012 from University of Paris-Dauphine. He has held visiting professor positions at Warwick Business School and as Associate Professor at the Univeristé Paris Est Créteil.

Award, honors

Prize for the Best Pedagogical Case for the case "Naïo Technologies' strategy: robots for a sustainable and less painful agriculture", AIMS-CCMP