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Faculty, TSM Research



  • Articles (ranked journals)
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., W. Sabadie, "Relationship quality matters: How restaurant businesses can optimize complaint management", Tourism Management, June 2023, vol. 96
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., J. Bruwer, J.-P. Galan, "Loyalty programs, loyalty engagement and customer engagement with the company brand: Consumer-centric behavioral psychology insights from three industries", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, March 2023, vol. 71, no. 103212
    • Attié, É., L. Meyer-Waarden, "How Do You Sleep? The Impact of Sleep Apps on Generation Z's Well-Being", Journal of Interactive Marketing, August 2023, vol. 58, no. 2-3, pp. 222–247
    • Pavone, G., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "Rage Against the Machine: Experimental Insights into Customers’ Negative Emotional Responses, Attributions of Responsibility, and Coping Strategies in Artificial Intelligence–Based Service Failures", Journal of Interactive Marketing, February 2023, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 52–71
    • Cloarec, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "The personalization–privacy paradox at the nexus of social exchange and construal level theories", Psychology & Marketing, 2022, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 647-661
    • Attié, É., L. Meyer-Waarden, "The acceptance and usage of smart connected objects according to adoption stages: an enhanced technology acceptance model integrating the diffusion of innovation, uses and gratification and privacy calculus theories", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, March 2022, vol. 176
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., J. Cloarec, "Baby, you can drive my car : Psychological antecedents that drive consumers’ adoption of AI-powered autonomous vehicles", Technovation, January 2022, vol. 109, no. 102348
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., J. Cloarec, C. Adams, D. Nilusha Aliman, Dorothea , V. Wirth, Virginie, "Home, sweet home: How well-being shapes the adoption of artificial intelligence-powered apartments in smart cities", Systèmes d'Information et Management, 2021, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 55-88
    • Chen, Y., T. Mandler, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Three decades of research on loyalty programs: A literature review and future research agenda", Journal of Business Research, 2021, vol. 124, no. 1, pp. 179-197
    • Suoniemi, S., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, A. R. Zablah, D. Straub, "Big data and firm performance: The roles of market-directed capabilities and business strategy", Information and Management, November 2020, vol. 57, no. 7
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., G. Pavone, T. Poocharoentou, P. Prayatsup, M. Ratinaud, A. Tison, S. Torne, "How Service Quality Influences Customer Acceptance and Usage of Chatbots?", Journal of Service Management Research, 2020, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 35-51
    • Casteran, G., P. Chrysochou, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Brand loyalty evolution and the impact of category characteristics", Marketing Letters, March 2019, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 57-73
    • Munzel, A., L. Meyer-Waarden, J.-P. Galan, "The social side of sustainability: Well-being as a driver and an outcome of social relationships and interactions on social networking sites", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, May 2018, vol. 130, pp. 14-27
    • Munzel, A., J.-P. Galan, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Getting By or Getting Ahead on Social Networking Sites? The Role of Social Capital in Happiness and Well-Being", International Journal of Electronic Commerce, March 2018, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 232-257
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., "Effects of loyalty program rewards on store loyalty", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, May 2015, vol. 24, pp. 22-32
    • Dawes, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, C. Driesener, "Has brand loyalty declined? The longitudinal évolution of repeat purchase behavior in the US and UK", Journal of Business Research, February 2015, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 425-432
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., C. Benavent, H. Castéran, "The effects of purchase orientations on perceived loyalty programmes' benefits and loyalty", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 2013, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 201-225
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., "The impact of reward personalisation on frequent flyer programmes' gratifications perceived value and loyalty", Journal of Services Marketing, 2013, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 183-194
    • Sharp, B., M. Wright, J. Dawes, C. Driesener, L. Meyer-Waarden, L. Stocchi, P. Stern, "It's a Dirichlet World: Modeling Individuals' Loyalties Reveals How Brands Compete, Grow, and Decline", Journal of Advertising Research, 2012, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 203-213
  • Books
    • Geyer-Schulz, A., L. Meyer-Waarden, Consumer Empowerment: Is the digital Consumer a happy Consumer, Karlsruher Institute für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany, 2015
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., Management de la fidélisation - De la stratégie aux technologies digitales, Vuibert, Paris, France, 2015
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., Management de la fidélisation - De la conception d'une stratégie aux technologies pour réinventer le marketing relationnel, Vuibert, Paris, France, 2012
  • Chapters of books
    • Attié, É., L. Meyer-Waarden, "The acceptance process of the Internet of Things: How to improve the acceptance of the IoT technology?" in Smart Marketing With the Internet of Things., Simões, D., Barbosa, B., & Filipe, S. Eds, IGI Global, pp. 21-45, 2018
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., W. Sabadie, "Les facteurs clés dans le management de la réclamation" in Management de l'insatisfaction client : Transformer le pépin en pépite., B. Meyronin, M. L. Jullien, & S. Bourrier Eds, Dunod, 2018
    • Castéran, H., L. Meyer-Waarden, W. Reinartz, "Retention and Churn Modelling" in Handbook of Market Research., C. Homburg, M. Klarmann, & A. Vomberg Eds, Springer, pp. 1-33, 2017
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., W. Sabadie, "Le management de la réclamation au regard de la qualité de la relation client" in Management de l'insatisfaction client. Transformer le pépin en pépite., B. Meyronin, S. Bourrier, & M.-L. Jullien Eds, Vuibert, 2017
    • Munzel, A., J.-P. Galan, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Are you happy, my friend? Effects of online social interactions via social networking sites" in Always Ahead im Marketing – Offensiv, digital, strategisch., S. Bartsch & C. Blümelhuber Ed., Springer, pp. 485-543, 2015
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., W. Sabadie, "Complaint Management and the role of relationship quality" in Consumer Empowerment & Emerging consumer behaviors., A. Geyer-Schulz and L. Meyer-Waarden Ed., Karlsruher Institute für Technologie (KIT), 2014
    • Sabadie, W., L. Meyer-Waarden, "The Long-Term Impact of Sales Promotions on Customer Equity" in Consumer Empowerment & Emerging consumer behaviors., A. Geyer-Schulz and L. Meyer-Waarden Ed., Karlsruher Institute für Technologie (KIT), 2014
  • International conferences
    • Strobel, S., M. Kuhn, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Revolutionizing B2B Mobility: Unveiling the Power of Transformative Marketing in Disruptive Business Landscapes" in Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, 2024, Miami, USA
    • Teychenié, T., J. Cloarec, M. Kuhn, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Algorithm Morality: The Impact of Autonomous Vehicles’ Accidents on Driver Responsibilities, Guilt, and Well-being" in 39th International Congress of the French Marketing Association, 2023, Vannes, France
    • Strobel, S., L. Meyer-Waarden, "Transformative Marketing - What We Know and What We Should Research? A Structured Literature Analysis: An Abstract" in Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, 2023, New Orleans, USA
    • Strobel, S., M. Kuhn, L. Meyer-Waarden, "A Brand-New Look at the Business Ecosystem – Conceptualizing the B2B Clip-Out Perspective" in European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference, 2023, Odense, Denmark
    • Strobel, S., L. Meyer-Warden, "Transformative Marketing - What We Know and What We Should Research? A Structured Literature Analysis: An Abstract" in Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, 2023, Katowice, Poland
    • Teychenié, T., J. Cloarec, M. Kuhn, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Algorithm Morality: The Impact of Autonomous Vehicles’ Accidents on Driver Responsibilities, Guilt, and Well-being" in 48th Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, 2023, New Orleans, USA
    • Schwing, M., M. Kuhn, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Lime, Bird or Campus Drive? Where Institutions can be ahead of Markets - An Empirical Study about Consumers’ Intention to use Closed-campus Micromobility" in AMS Conference, 2022, Monterey, USA
    • Pavone, G., J. Cloarec, M. Kuhn, L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "Now, take your hands from the steering wheel! How trust, well-being and privacy concerns influence intention to use semi- and fully autonomous cars" in 38ème Congrès international de l'Association Française de Marketing (AFM), 2022, Tunis, Tunisia
    • Gordillo, D., L. Meyer-Waarden, J. Cloarec, "How algorithmic aversion shapes autonomous vehicles adoption" in AMA Conference, 2022, Las Vegas, USA
    • Favarin, V., J. Cloarec, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: The Adoption and Use of AI-based m-Health apps" in AMA Conference, 2022, Las Vegas, USA
    • De Ona, N., J. Cloarec, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Giving Up Control: The Role of Automation Level, Data Processing, and Network in Autonomous Vehicles Acceptance" in EMAC Conference, 2021, Madrid, Spain
    • Pavone, G., A. Munzel, L. Meyer-Waarden, "When technology fails: rage against the machine or self-control ? Investigating customers' negative emotions and coping strategies in AI based service failure" in 37ème Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing, 2021, Angers, France
    • Favarin, V., J. Cloarec, L. Meyer-Waarden, "The Adoption of AI-based m-Health apps" in EMAC Conference, 2021, Madrid, Spain
    • Cloarec, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "Happiness as a Driver of Social Exchanges" in 2019 American Marketing Association Summer Academic Conference, 2019, Chicago, USA
    • Pavone, G., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "The effect of communication styles on customers attitudes: a comparison of human-chatbot versus human-human interactions" in 48th European Marketing Academy Annual Conference (EMAC), 2019, Hamburg, Germany
    • Pavone, G., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "The effect of communication styles on customers attitudes: a comparison of human-chatbot versus human-human interactions" in 35ème Congrès International de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 2019, Le Havre, France
    • Cloarec, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "Happiness as a Driver of Social Exchanges" in 48th European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, 2019, Hamburg, Germany
    • Cloarec, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "Happier with the Internet thanks to Social Networking Sites: An Affective and Cognitive Framework" in 48th European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, 2019, Hamburg, Germany
    • Cloarec, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "Happier with the Internet Thanks to Social Networking Sites: An Affective and Cognitive Framework" in 35th International Congress of the French Marketing Association, 2019, Le Havre, France
    • Cloarec, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "Happiness as a Driver of Social Exchanges" in 35th International Congress of the French Marketing Association, 2019, Le Havre, France
    • Attié, É., L. Meyer-Waarden, "L’influence des applications santé sur les sensations de bien-être de l’utilisateur" in 34ème Congrés International de l'Association Française de Marketing (AFM), 2018, Strasbourg, France
    • Cloarec, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "Privacy Calculus in the Sharing Economy" in 47th European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, 2018, Glasgow, United Kingdom
    • Attié, É., L. Meyer-Waarden, "The impact of consumer wellbeing and trust on the internet of things adoption and word-ofmouth intentions" in 33ème Congrès International de l'Association Française de Marketing (AFM), 2017, Tours-Orléans, France
    • Cloarec, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "The role of rating systems in disclosing information for personalized recommendations" in 33ème Congrès International de l'Association Française de Marketing (AFM), 2017, Tours-Orléans, France
    • Cloarec, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "Disclosure willingness for personalization in a social commerce context" in 33ème Congrès International de l'Association Française de Marketing (AFM), 2017, Tours-Orléans, France
    • Suoniemi, S., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "Big Data –Driven Marketing" in 45th Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, 2017, San Diego, USA
    • Suoniemi, S., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, R. Olkkonen, "Big Data Resources, Marketing Capabilities, and Firm Performance" in American Marketing Association (AMA) Conference, 2017, Orlando, USA
    • Attié, É., L. Meyer-Waarden, "A theoretical model incorporating social influence and cognitive processes to explain the adoption of the Internet of Things and smart connected objects" in 45th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 2016, Oslo, Norway
    • Attié, É., L. Meyer-Waarden, "Un modèle théorique incorporant l’influence sociale et cognitive pour expliquer l’adoption de l’internet des objets et des objets connectés" in 32 ème Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 2016, Lyon, France
    • Castéran, G., P. Chrysochou, L. Meyer-Waarden, "The Signaling Effect of Price on Private Label and Organic Food Brands" in 45th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 2016, Oslo, Norway
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., "The effects of loyalty programs rewards’ timing, tangibility and image compatibility on value perception and store loyalty" in 45th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 2016, Oslo, Norway
    • Munzel, A., J.-P. Galan, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Too Many Friends? Effects of Online Interactions Via Social Networking Sites" in 44th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 2015, Louvain, Belgium
    • Castéran, G., P. Chrysochou, L. Meyer-Waarden, "L’impact des antécédents lies au marché sur la fidélité à la marque. Une étude longitudinale avec des données de panel" in 31ème Congrès International de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 2015, Marrakech, Morocco
    • Castéran, G., P. Chrysochou, L. Meyer-Waarden, "The impact of market-related drivers on brand loyalty. A longitudinal investigation with panel data" in 44th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 2015, Louvain, Belgium
    • Castéran, G., P. Chrysochou, L. Meyer-Waarden, "The impact of price on behavioral loyalty on organic food brands" in 44th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 2015, Louvain, Belgium
    • Castéran, H., P. Chrysochou, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Les déterminants de l’impact à long terme des promotions de prix sur les composants de la valeur à vie des clients" in 31ème Congrès International de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 2015, Marrakech, Morocco
    • Castéran, G., P. Chrysochou, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Does Brand Loyalty Decline? Investigating Brand Loyalty Evolution and the Role of Product Category Characteristics" in 43rd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 2014, Valencia, Spain
    • Castéran, G., P. Chrysochou, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Une analyse longitudinale de la fidélité à la marque" in 30ème Congrès annuel de l’Association Française de Marketing, (AFM), 2014, Montpellier, France
    • Hanana, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, "Influence du bouche à oreille électronique sur le comportement du consommateur" in 30ème Congrès annuel de l’Association Française de Marketing, (AFM), 2014, Montpellier, France
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., J. Dawes, C. Driesener, "Is Brand Loyalty Decline a Buzz-Word or an Empirical Fact? A Longitudinal Analysis of Repeat Purchase Behavior in the UK and the USA" in 43rd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 2014, Valencia, Spain
    • Castéran, H., P. Chrysochou, L. Meyer-Waarden, "L'impact à long terme des promotions de prix sur le capital client" in 30ème Congrès annuel de l’Association Française de Marketing, (AFM), 2014, Montpellier, France
    • Castéran, H., P. Chrysochou, L. Meyer-Waarden, "The Long-Term Impact of Sales Promotions on Customer Equity" in 43rd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 2014, Valencia, Spain
    • Munzel, A., J.-P. Galan, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Too many friends? The effects of online social network size and intimacy on happiness through social capital" in 22nd International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing, 2014, Newcastle, United Kingdom
    • Galan, J.-P., M. Giraud, L. Meyer-Waarden, "A Theoretical extension of the technology acceptance model to explain the adoption and the usage of new digital services" in 42nd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., C. Benavent, M. Calciu, G. Castéran, "The Effects of Purchase Orientations on Perceived Loyalty Programs’ Benefits and Loyalty" in 42nd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
    • Galan, J.-P., M. Giraud, L. Meyer-Waarden, "A Theoretical extension of the technology acceptance model to explain the adoption and the usage of new digital services" in 29ème Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 2013, La Rochelle, France
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., W. Sabadie, "La qualité de la relation permet-elle de diminuer les compensations financières dans le cadre du management des réclamations" in 29ème Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 2013, La Rochelle, France
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., W. Sabadie, "La qualité de la relation permet-elle de diminuer les compensations financières dans le cadre du management des réclamations ?" in 29ème congrès de l’Association Française de Marketing, 2013, La Rochelle, France
    • Castéran, H., L. Meyer-Waarden, "L'impact à long-terme des promotions sur le capital client" in 29ème Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 2013, La Rochelle, France
    • Dawes, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, C. Driesener, "La fidélité à la marque a-t-elle déclinée ? Une analyse longitudinale des achats répétés en Grande-Bretagne et aux Etats-Unis" in 28ème Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 2012, Brest, France
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., W. Sabadie, "Quelles dimensions de la théorie de la justice privilégier pour satisfaire les réclamants : le rôle de la qualité de la relation ?" in 28ème Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 2012, Brest, France
  • Conferences, symposiums, workshops
    • Meyer-Waarden, L., J. Cloarec, S. Salgado, V. Favarin, "The perceptions of benefits and risks of AI-powered drones for last-mile delivery" in Assumption University of Thailand Virtual International Conference, “Entrepreneurship & Sustainability in the Digital Era”, 2022
    • Tayakee, D., L. Meyer-Waarden, "An empirical study of Technology Adoption of Smart Homes in Thailand" in Assumption University of Thailand Virtual International Conference “Entrepreneurship & Sustainability in the Digital Era”, 2022
    • Schwing, M., M. Kuhn, L. Meyer-Waarden, "How E-scooters enhance identification with an organization-An empirical study about closed campus Micromobility" in Assumption University of Thailand Virtual International Conference “Entrepreneurship & Sustainability in the Digital Era”, 2022
    • Attié, É., L. Meyer-Waarden, "Comment une application de sommeil améliore-t-elle le bienêtre des utilisateurs et ainsi son succès sur le marché des applications mobiles ?" in Rencontres AFM/SYNTEC 2019, 2019, Paris, France
    • Cloarec, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "The influence of happiness with the Internet on intention to disclose information for personalized recommendations" in International Colloquium of Relationship Marketing, 2016, Toulouse, France
    • Suoniemi, S., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, R. Olkkonen, "Big Data Analytics Use in CRM: Antecedents & Perfomance Implications" in International Colloquium of Relationship Marketing, 2016, Toulouse, France
    • Munzel, A., J.-P. Galan, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Too many friends? The impact of Facebook on Happiness" in 4th French-German Workshop on Consumer Empowerment and Transformative Services, 2015, Strasbourg, France
    • Castéran, G., P. Chrysochou, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Do organic and fair trade brands develop higher excess loyalty?" in 3rd French-German Workshop on Customer Empowerment Services, 2014, Montpellier, France
    • Duguet, J., L. Meyer-Waarden, "Collaborative Consumption andWell Being – A netnography of the www.Covoiturage.fr car sharing website: Is the digitally empowered customer a happy customer?" in 3rd French-German Workshop on Customer Empowerment Services, 2014, Montpellier, France
    • Castéran, H., P. Chrysochou, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Impact of Sales Promotions on Customer Lifetime Value" in 3rd French-German Workshop on Customer Empowerment Services, 2014, Montpellier, France
    • Klarmann, M., L. Meyer-Waarden, A. Munzel, "Does the Internet Keep the Consumer Empowerment – Happiness Promise? A Reality Check" in 3rd French-German Workshop on Customer Empowerment Services, 2014, Montpellier, France
    • Castéran, G., P. Chrysochou, L. Meyer-Waarden, "Has brand loyalty declined? A longitudinal analysis of repeat purchase behavior of private label and national brands" in 11th International MAPP Workshop on Consumer Behaviour and Food Marketing, School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, 2013, Aarhus, Denmark
  • Radio, TV, press
    • Meyer-Waarden, L. - "La voiture autonome : entre enthousiasme et réticence" - 2022, Touléco, France
    • Meyer-Waarden, L. - "Fidélisation du consommateur : de la satisfaction au bien-être (interview)" - 2022, Xerfi Canal, France
    • Meyer-Waarden, L. - "Comprendre l’enjeu de la voiture autonome et l’internet des objets (interview)" - 2022, Xerfi Canal, France
    • Meyer-Waarden, L. - "Le véhicule autonome servirait-il vraiment à quelque chose ? (interview)" - 2022, Xerfi Canal, France
    • Meyer-Waarden, L. - "Marketing : « Les chercheurs sont parvenus à des mesures de bien-être beaucoup plus prédictives en matière de fidélité »" - 2021, Le Monde, France
    • Meyer-Waarden, L. - "Avec les chatbots, l’efficacité prime sur l’empathie et l'éthique" - 2019, Stratégies, France
    • Meyer-Waarden, L. - "Grande distribution : quel est le réel intérêt d'un programme de fidélisation ? (Interview)" - 2017, Action Co, Paris, France
    • Meyer-Waarden, L. - "Jusqu'où faire travailler les consommateurs ?" - 2013, Comprendre pour entreprendre
    • Meyer-Waarden, L. - "Quand les marques enrôlent les consommateurs" - 2013, Le Monde
    • Meyer-Waarden, L. - "Les consommateurs n'ont jamais été fidèles" - 2012, Toulouse Mag
    • Meyer-Waarden, L. - "La fidélité aux produits de grande consommation n'existe pas" - 2012, 20 Minutes
    • Meyer-Waarden, L. - "Management de la fidélisation des consommateurs" - 2012, JT de France 3 Toulouse
    • Meyer-Waarden, L. - "En finir avec le mythe du consommateur "fidèle"" - 2012, Le Monde
    • Meyer-Waarden, L. - "Les cartes de fidélité ne fidélisent pas les consommateurs !" - 2012, Agro-media.fr