Semester 1
Code MLUGB110
ECTS 3.00
Delivery mode On campus
Lecture Hours 21.00
Personal work hours 54.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
a) Comprehend management theories that you are introduced to or discover yourself so that you can adapt them to any work context with ease and flexibility.
b) You will demonstrate a basic understanding of the importance of values, ethics, and social responsibility for the Self and Contemporary Society (your personal and professional environments) that promotes well-being, productivity, corporate development, societal development, and personal achievement.
c) You will begin to exercise the act of critical thinking when reflecting on any circumstance (work or personal) that allows you to propose, communicate, and implement action plans that address the opportunities and issues in front of you and that follow the boundary conditions found in (b) above. In other words, you will formulate your critical thinking based on your values, ethics, and level of social responsibility.
d) You will begin to integrate key management science theories into practical opportunities, actions, and outcomes.
e) Reflect on how elements (a-d) shape personal and community ethics, influencing and determining your decision-making.
f) You will deepen your understanding of key concepts in organizational behavior, including the dynamics of diversity, personalities, goal setting, motivation, empowerment, and leadership styles. By exploring these areas, you will learn how individual and group behaviors influence workplace efficiency, decision-making, and overall organizational success.
Code MLUGB111
ECTS 3.00
Delivery mode Blended
Lecture Hours 21.00
Personal work hours 54.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
- Understand what accounting is all about, its objectives, branches and major concepts.
- Understand the users of accounting information and the type of information they are interest in.
- Know the skills necessary to be a professional accountant
- Understand future issues that may affect the job of accountants
- Comprehend how accounting and accountants can contribute to ESG
- Understand the accounting equation and the double entry principles and their applications
- Develop critical understanding of posting business transactions into various books of accounts, legders, balancing off accounts and extracting the trial balance.
- Prepare income statements and the balance sheet.
- Explain and interpret an income statement and a statement of financial position (balance sheet), show and explain their importance to a business.
Code MLUGB112
ECTS 3.00
Delivery mode Blended
Lecture Hours 21.00
Personal work hours 54.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
- Define key concepts from economic theory, as applied in business contexts
- Explain how supply and demand interact to determine market prices
- Identify how incentives shape buyers and sellers incentives.
- Reflect on changing market conditions and possible government intervention to formulate appropriate and sustainable organizational responses
Code MLUGB119
ECTS 3.00
Delivery mode Blended
Lecture Hours 21.00
Personal work hours 54.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
- Embrace marketing as function within the company and as customer-focused concept beyond departmental boundaries.
- Master the basic concepts in strategic marketing.
- Design a customer- and value-centered marketing plan based on the relevant marketing parameters
Code MLUGB114
ECTS 3.00
Delivery mode On campus
Lecture Hours 21.00
Personal work hours 54.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
- Write a proof using the contrapositive of a conditional statement, a proof by induction
- Manipulate the summation and product operators to add or multiply a sequence of terms
- Know the definition and basic properties of arithmetic and geometric sequences, and how to determine their potential limit
- Know how to solve basic equations and simultaneous equations
- Know the definition of a numeric function, and how to use its derivative, its primitive to study it for example in an optimization problem
- Know the definition and basic properties of a vector, a matrix (especially square matrixes, including diagonal and identity)
- Choose the right mathematical tools to model a situation and answer a specific question or solve a case study
Code MLUGB120
ECTS 3.00
Delivery mode On campus
Lecture Hours 21.00
Personal work hours 54.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
- Apprehend computational problems
- Build and formalize a solution
- Implement solution programs in Python
Code MLUGB121
ECTS 4.00
Delivery mode On campus
Tutorial Hours 30.00
Code MLMGB111-MLMGB112
ECTS 1.00
Delivery mode On campus
Personal work hours 14.50
Tutorial Hours 12.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
Deepen students’ knowledge of the English-speaking working world and English language
Introduce specific vocabulary related to working conditions, business practices, and working abroad experiences.
B1/B2 level
Code MLMGB113
ECTS 1.00
Delivery mode Blended
Personal work hours 14.50
Tutorial Hours 15.00
Teaching Language Spanish
Pedagogical objectives
According to their level (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1), at the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Understand and react to Spanish oral situations, from media news, debates and conversations, conferences, etc.
- Express themselves with linguistic correction, fluency and accuracy
- Communicate in a wide range of situations, specially in business contexts
- Know better the socio-economic environment of Spanish and Latin American societies
- Be autonomous in the research of information and resources in Spanish about the hispanic countries
Code MLMGB114
ECTS 2.00
Delivery mode On campus
Personal work hours 29.00
Tutorial Hours 15.00
Pedagogical objectives
Group 1: This level covers a few basic grammar topics and application of grammar in day-to-day life that is in speaking, listening, reading and writing.
Group 2: This level builds on already acquired grammar structures in order to further develop the ability to communicate in day-to-day life.
Group1: None
Group2: level A2, B1
Code MLUGB122
Delivery mode On campus
Lecture Hours 15.00
Personal work hours 10.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
- Get familiar with the new learning environment.
- Develop skills to effectively learn and work together.
- Collaborate on sustainability-related projects.
- Learn how to become an active contributor to their new environment.
Code MLUGB118
ECTS 3.00
Delivery mode On campus
Personal work hours 50.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
- Make use of a toolkit for international internship and job search
- Discover business incubators, and managerial and entrepreneurial jobs
- Build their professional project
Semester 2
Code MLUGB226
ECTS 3.00
Delivery mode Blended
Lecture Hours 21.00
Personal work hours 54.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
- Understand the main legal and tax concepts in an international field relating to business and corporate transactions ;
- Define her/his general legal needs when assessing a business situation.
Code MLUGB216
ECTS 3.00
Delivery mode On campus
Lecture Hours 21.00
Personal work hours 54.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
- Compare how securities are traded
- Distinguish the Present Value and the Future Value
- Make use of cash-flows with different time horizons
- Interpret the design of financial instruments (stocks and ETFs)
- Understanding where the risk comes from and how to correctly assess it.
Code MLUGB228
ECTS 6.00
Delivery mode On campus
Lecture Hours 21.00
Code MLMGB213
ECTS 3.00
Delivery mode On campus
Lecture Hours 21.00
Personal work hours 54.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
- Explain the current global climate change issue in a simple way
- Measure the complexity of the issue and identify the different parameters, including social, political, and economic impacts
- Reflect on various solutions to apply at personal, corporate and collective levels.
- Identify key national and legal instruments related to global climate changes
Code MLMGB214
ECTS 3.00
Delivery mode On campus
Personal work hours 35.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
- Summarize main features of a SDGs topic
- Reflect on ethical, responsible, and sustainable issues linked to the topic
- Appraise the international perspective and/or issues linked to the topic
Code MLUGB218
ECTS 3.00
Delivery mode On campus
Lecture Hours 21.00
Personal work hours 54.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
- Understand and manipulate the basic tools in descriptive statistics
- Choose the right graphic to represent data and know how to interpret it
- Know how to compute probabilities, with discrete and continuous random variables
- Know how to solve basic equations and simultaneous equations
- Know how to choose a relevant sample, test an hypothesis, and determine a confidence interval
- Choose the right mathematical tools to model a situation and answer a specific question or solve a case study
Code MLUGB227
ECTS 3.00
Delivery mode Blended
Lecture Hours 21.00
Personal work hours 54.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
• Basics of Excel
• Naming and Reference to cells
• Functions
• Charts
• Macros and Functions
• Interactions with the user
• Conditionals (If ... Then ... Else)
• Loops (Do While ... / For ...)
Code MLUGB220
ECTS 3.00
Delivery mode Blended
Lecture Hours 21.00
Personal work hours 54.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
- Define basic concepts of research terminology
- List and explain the ethical challenges of research
- List the key steps of a literature review process
- Explain quantitative and qualitative approaches to research
- Recall the key steps of a research project
Code MLUGB221
ECTS 4.00
Delivery mode On campus
Tutorial Hours 30.00
Code MLMGB111-MLMGB112
ECTS 1.00
Delivery mode On campus
Personal work hours 14.50
Tutorial Hours 12.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
Deepen students’ knowledge of the English-speaking working world and English language
Introduce specific vocabulary related to working conditions, business practices, and working abroad experiences.
B1/B2 level
Code MLMGB113
ECTS 1.00
Delivery mode Blended
Personal work hours 14.50
Tutorial Hours 15.00
Teaching Language Spanish
Pedagogical objectives
According to their level (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1), at the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Understand and react to Spanish oral situations, from media news, debates and conversations, conferences, etc.
- Express themselves with linguistic correction, fluency and accuracy
- Communicate in a wide range of situations, specially in business contexts
- Know better the socio-economic environment of Spanish and Latin American societies
- Be autonomous in the research of information and resources in Spanish about the hispanic countries
Code MLMGB114
ECTS 2.00
Delivery mode On campus
Personal work hours 29.00
Tutorial Hours 15.00
Pedagogical objectives
Group 1: This level covers a few basic grammar topics and application of grammar in day-to-day life that is in speaking, listening, reading and writing.
Group 2: This level builds on already acquired grammar structures in order to further develop the ability to communicate in day-to-day life.
Group1: None
Group2: level A2, B1
Code MLUGB222
ECTS 3.00
Delivery mode On campus
Lecture Hours 1.50
Personal work hours 58.50
Tutorial Hours 15.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Deal with a complex environment,
- Process numerous and various information to make strategic decisions,
- Develop their understanding of the interactions between companies' different departments, and the impact of the external environment on performance.
It is necessary to have followed the other courses of the BSc. 1 program to have the knowledge necessary to play the game.
Code MLUGB223
ECTS 6.00
Delivery mode On campus
Personal work hours 150.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
- Summarize main features of a topic and its international perspective
- Reflect on ethical, responsible, and sustainable issues linked to the topic
- Check for consistency among sources
Code MLUGB229
ECTS 1.00
Delivery mode Blended
Tutorial Hours 9.00
Teaching Language English
Pedagogical objectives
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Develop methods to efficiently search for and find information,
- Be able to critically evaluate the quality and relevance of information found.