Image formation bachelor management
Bachelor of Science in Global Management

Bachelor of Science in Global Management - B.Sc.1

To learn the fundamental notions of management in English in order to acquire a first level of international vision of organisations

Evaluation methods

Continuous and final assessment

Teaching methods

The B.Sc. relies on innovative pedagogy by empowering students to reflect on their learning and play an active role in acquiring knowledge and skills. For instance, students work on a group project in each class. Another example is the course “Learn whatever you want wherever you want”, where students are invited to take one of their passions and analyse the economic and social challenges at stake. Teachers, some of whom are trained and certified by the EFMD’s Online Teaching Academy, use the flipped classroom and blended learning models, following best practices of modern teaching. This innovative pedagogical approach is possible thanks to the relatively small cohort of students in the programme.


 Within our classes, we promote seamless communication among our diverse international students. We cultivate an environment where innovative ideas can flourish, integrating cutting-edge technologies aimed at enhancing students’ efficiency. At the core of our approach in the classes is the alignment of our teaching methods with a steadfast commitment to sustainability, responsibility, and ethical conduct. This ensures that our innovative endeavors contribute not only to the success of our students but also to the betterment of the global community.

Fatima Hassan, Head of programme