TSM parc panoramique

Youssef Lagsaibi

  • Last Name: LAGSAIBI
  • First Name: Youssef
  • Current programme: DP Doctoral Programme - track PhD Accounting, Auditing, and Management control
  • Year of graduation: 2022
  • Baccalaureate Specialties: experimental sciences
  • Country of origin: Morocco

Why did you choose Toulouse?

 I have always heard that Toulouse is a beautiful city with a rich culture, a deep-rooted history, and a pleasant climate. It is known to be a vibrant and dynamic city with a vibrant student life. That makes it, to me a wonderful place to live, study, and explore. At least, these were my pre-conceptions of Toulouse before I came to it. I was not disappointed when I got here. It was more than that ... very welcoming and charming city.

Why did you choose TSM?

To be honest, joining TSM was something that I really wanted to achieve. I remember talking with some friends after the bachelor's about how a great achievement it would be to join TSM for the Master. So, I can say that TSM already had a nice reputation among students. TSM was attractive from a pedagogical perspective as well. It offered training in management control which I was so interested in. It also offered the possibility of joining the Doctoral Programme. It’s one of the leading programmes in Europe, with a strong reputation and a diverse student body. I’m so proud to be part of it.

What is your best memory of your life in France?

My best memory in France is the day I received the news that my research proposal was accepted, and that the university offered me a research contract. That was a moment of great joy, at least to me. It is a moment when I felt like I stepped a big step ahead in my career. I remember I invited a lot of friends to a restaurant to celebrate. I waited for that moment for a long time.

Why would you recommend TSM to students from your home school?

I would really advise TSM and its Doctoral Programme to students from Morocco or to anyone whose interested in undertaking an academic career. The educational programmes are attractive and constructive. I wouldn’t ask for a better student-professor relationship. TSM gives you the chance to bring out the best in yourself. At TSM everyone is open and pleased to help you. You get to meet people from all over the world and learn from them. Yeah! You can learn about the world at TSM.

3 adjectives to describe TSM

 Ambitious, influential, growth-oriented.