TSM parc panoramique

Giulia Pavone

  • Last Name: PAVONE
  • First Name: Giulia
  • Last TSM Programme: DP Doctoral Programme - track PhD Marketing
  • Year of graduation: 2021
  • Study regime (full-time programme, executive education, part-time programme): full-time PhD Programme
  • Current employer company: Kedge Business School
  • Current position: Assistant Professor and Researcher
  • Location: Marseille
  • LinkedIn : Giulia Pavone

What is your current position?

I am now an assistant professor and researcher at Kedge Business School. I teach Marketing and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the ethics of AI. As a researcher, I investigate consumers' acceptance of new technologies, trust, and ethics of artificial intelligence, collaborating with researchers and colleagues from various universities around the world.

How has TSM helped you accomplish your projects?

The TSM Doctoral Programme was an amazing opportunity to develop my research and academic skills. The professors and researchers at TSM are widely recognized both nationally and internationally, and I learned so much from their expertise. The programme was incredibly stimulating and intellectually engaging, with a diverse range of courses, seminars, presentations, events, and exchanges that kept me motivated throughout the four years.

In addition, TSM's research lab is very future-oriented, keeping up with societal, technological, and economic changes, and conducting innovative, relevant research. 

Thanks to TSM and its support in attending conferences, and conducting research visits, I also had the chance to build an academic network both nationally and internationally. 

In addition, the programme's multicultural environment was a plus, allowing me to learn and exchange ideas with students, experts, and professionals from diverse cultures and countries. 

Finally, I also received exceptional support from the administrative staff during my time at TSM, which greatly contributed to a smooth and enjoyable journey.

What values of TSM do you use every-day?

As a researcher and a teacher, ethics and scientific rigour are very important in all aspects of my work. I also embrace a multi-cultural and open-minded approach, which helps me to learn from and respect diverse perspectives. I am committed to always learn and update myself, remaining curious and open to new ideas and possibilities, and sharing knowledge and experience with others. 

What is your best memory of TSM?

The entire Ph.D. experience is a wonderful memory, with all its ups and downs, challenges and learning opportunities. However, if I had to choose a special moment, it would be the day of my Ph.D. defense. This was a time to celebrate the four years of hard work and dedication. The hooding ceremony was also a beautiful moment as it allowed us to celebrate together with professors and colleagues, marking the end of this amazing journey, and the beginning of a new chapter.

3 tips for TSM students and future graduates?

- When faced with challenges, it's important to stay determined and resilient. Failure can happen and it is ok. Overcoming difficulties teaches us valuable lessons, and ultimately makes success even more rewarding.

- Being curious is also essential. Don't be afraid to ask questions, reach out to people, and meet other professionals. Build your network and share your expertise with others, not only online!

- Finally, it's crucial to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Take breaks when needed and don't forget to enjoy the things you love.