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TSM Doctoral Programme

Prince Gilbert FIALOR


  • Conferences, symposiums, workshops
    • Fialor, P. G., E. M. Laviolette, A. Lô, "Open lab as a key intermediary to foster collaborations between a Research and Technology Organization and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" in 23rd European Academy of Management, Summer, 2023, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
    • FIALOR, P. G., "The role and impact of an open lab in the open innovation strategy of a research technology organisation towards small and medium-sized enterprises", 2022, Washington DC, USA
    • Fialor, P. G., "The role of an open lab in a research & technology organization to foster the innovative capabilities of SMEs" in 6th Research Group on Collaborative Spaces (RGCS) Symposium, 2022, Montpellier, France