Articles (ranked journals)
- PLATA, C., "Innovation Investment and Performance: The Mediating Role of University Collaborations", Journal Management Hisotry, 2024
- PLATA, C., "University-Industry Relationships Beyond Technology Transfer: The Role of Intangible Knowledge", Triple Helix, 2024
- Plata, C., "Unity Index, an alternative "ranking" for bibliometric analyses", MethodsX, Fall 2022, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-14
International conferences
- CHAHINE, L., C. PLATA, Casallas Alejandro, "Empirical Analysis of Factors Influencing University-Industry Collaborations: A Machine Learning Approach" in EURAM, 2024, Bath, United Kingdom
- HERBIG, J., C. PLATA, "A Learning Journey: Unveiling the Dynamics of Post-Acquisition Integration Experiences" in Academy of Management Conference, 2024, Chicago, USA
- PLATA, C., A. Casallas, J. Berbegal Mirabent, "Decoding university-industry partnerships: A neural network approach", 2024, Milan, Italy
- PLATA, C., A. Casallas, L. CHAHINE, "Empirical Analysis of Factors Influencing University-Industry Collaborations: A Machine Learning Approach" in EURAM, 2024, Bath, United Kingdom
- PLATA, C., L. CHAHINE, "Resource-Based View Model: Exploring University Performance Evolution" in EURAM, 2024, Bath, United Kingdom
- J. HERBIG, C. Plata, "Exploring Learning Dynamics within Entrepreneurial Firms through Acquisition Experience" in 49th European International Business Academy (EIBA) Annual Conference, 2023, Lisbon, Portugal
- Plata, C., "An exploratory study to understand university’s industrial collaborations of intangible knowledge transfer." in Second ENGAGE.EU Conference for Early Stage Researchers and Young Scholars, 2023, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Plata, C., "An exploratory study to comprehend the transmission of intangible information between universities and businesses" in EURAM, 2023, Dublin
- Plata, C., "Knowledge transfer a new index and holistic review of the literature" in 48th European International Business Academy (EIBA) Annual Conference, 2022, Norway
- Plata, C., "Unity Index, an alternative method to analise the authors production in bibliometric analysises" in 48th European International Business Academy (EIBA) Annual Conference, 2022, Oslo, Norway
- Plata, C., "A theoretical approach to understanding the relationship between leadership and feedback in a post-covid environment." in ENGAGE.EU Conference for Early Stage Researchers and Young Scholars, 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Dextras-Gauthier, J., M.-H. Gilbert, L. Giraud, J. Dima, C. Plata, "Artificial Intelligence and the future of work: What do we know so far?" in 20th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2022, Glasgow, United Kingdom
- Plata, C., L. Giraud, Y. Le Bihan, S. Frimousse, "Interventions en psychologie positive et pleine conscience : impacts sur les expériences, traits et comportements positifs" in XXXIIème congrès de l’AGRH, 2021, Paris, France
- Plata, C., L. Giraud, "Characteristics of the entrepreneurial university: The Colombian case" in 35th “in the cloud” Conference of the British Academy of Management, 2021
- Plata, C., "Characterization of the mission statement on the higher education system in Colombia and its relationship with structural variables" in Encuentro Internacional de Investigadores en Administración 2019 y del III Congreso Iberoamericano de Investigación sobre Mipyme (FAEDPYME), 2019, Santa Marta, Colombia
- Plata, C., "Differences between secular and religious universities in Colombia, a first approach" in Encuentro Internacional de Investigadores en Administración, 2017, Bogotá
- Plata, C., J. Meza, L. Orozco, N. Suarez, "Characteristics and personal trends toward entreperurship: The MBA case at Unviversidad Externado de Colombia" in Encuentro Internacional de Investigadores en Administración 2015, 2015, Bogotá, Colombia
- Plata, C., N. Suarez, G. Contreras, L. Orozco, "Characteristics of the universities and the entrepreneurship: a preliminary study in Colombia" in Encuentro Internacional de Investigadores en Administración 2014, 2014, Santa Marta, Colombia
Conferences, symposiums, workshops
- PLATA, C., "An exploratory study to understand the intangible knowledge transfer in university- industry relationships." in Third Joint Doctoral Workshop LUBS-TMS-WHU, 2023, Vallendar, Germany
- PLATA, C., "Cross-Cultural Leadership" in TBS Seminars - Mount Carmel College, 2022, Toulouse
- Plata, C., "Differences between secular and religious universities in Colombia, a first approach", 2017, Bogotá
Invited speaker
- Plata, C., "Joint and multidisciplinary research on Climate Change", 2020, Bogotá, Colombia
- Plata, C., "Adaptation of the business sector to the climate change", 2019, Bogotá, Colombia
- Plata, C., "I Encuentro Regional Semilleros de Investigación Aplicada en las Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas - SENA", 2014, Bogota, Colombia
- PLATA, C., "Intercultural Inteligence"
Radio, TV, press
- Plata, C. - "Unlocking the Power of Collaboration: University-Industry Partnerships for International Business" - 2023, EIBAZine
- Orozco, L., N. Natalia Suarez, C. Plata - "La tercera misión universitaria y la cuarta hélice de la innovación en el posconflicto" - 2016, Revista Experto, Bogota, Colombia
Research Visits
- 2022 — Visiting (Strategy and International Management), Radboud University, The Netherlands