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Faculty, TSM Doctoral Programme

Malaurie FAURE


  • International conferences
    • Faure, M., S. Laporte, "The effect of different types of self-tracking on motivation to control weight" in European Association for Consumer Research (EACR) Conference, 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    • Faure, M., S. Laporte, "The effect of different types of self-tracking on motivation to control weight" in Congrès de l'Association Française de Marketing (AFM), 2023, Vannes, France
    • Faure, M., S. Laporte, "The effect of different types of self-tracking on motivation in health" in EMAC Annual conference, 2022, Budapest, Hungary
  • Conferences, symposiums, workshops
    • Faure, M., S. Laporte, "Poster: The effect of self-quantification on motivation to control weight" in Annual Meeting of Society for the Science of Motivation, 2021, Online