Carlos Alfredo Plata Jimenez will present his thesis entitled "Essays to Better Understand University-Industry Collaborations" in the thesis room of Université Capitole on 14 March 2025 at 2 p.m.
The defence will be conducted in English.
The jury is composed as follows:
- Mrs Audrey ROUZIES, Professor, Université Toulouse Capitole, Research Supervisor
- Mr Eric JOLIVET, Senior Lecturer, Université Toulouse Capitole, Co-Supervisor
- Mrs Caroline HUSSLER, Professor, IAE Lyon, Reviewer
- Mr Markus PERKMANN, Professor, Imperial College London, Reviewer
- Mr Henry ETZKOWITZ, Professor, Stanford University, Jury Member
- Mr Quentin PLANTEC, Assistant Professor, TBS Education, Jury Member
Zoom ID : 934 0794 5496