Articles publiés dans des revues classées
- Béduwé, C., A. El Akremi, C. Stephanus, "L’accès à la formation des salariés en emplois non qualifiés : s’il suffisait d’aspirer !", Formation Emploi, 2024, pp. 153-177
- Du, S., A. El Akremi, M. Jia, "Quantitative Research on Corporate Social Responsibility: A Quest for Relevance and Rigor in a Quickly Evolving, Turbulent World", Journal of Business Ethics, 2023, vol. 187, no. 1, pp. 1-15
- El Mawla, B., A. El Akremi, J. Igalens, "Irresponsabilité et résipiscence", Revue Française de Gestion, 2022, vol. 2, no. 303, pp. 35-67
- Molines, M., A. El Akremi, M. Storme, P. Celik, "Beyond the tipping point: the curvilinear relationships of transformational leadership, leader–member exchange, and emotional exhaustion in the French police", Public Management Review, 2022, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 80-105
- Croonen, E., H. Van Der Bij, R. Perigot, O. Herrbach, A. El Akremi, "Who wants to be a franchisee? Explaining individual intentions to become franchisees", International Small Business Journal, 2022, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 90-112
- Molines, M., M. Mifsud, A. El Akremi, A. Perrier, "Motivated to Serve: A Regulator Perspective on Public Service Motivation and Organizational Citizenship Behavior", Public Administration Review, 2022, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 102-116
- Nasr, M. I., A. El Akremi, J. Coyle-Shapiro, "Synergy or substitution? The interactive effects of insiders’ fairness and support and organizational socialization tactics on newcomer role clarity and social integration", Journal of Organizational Behavior, Juillet 2019, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 758-778
- El Akremi, A., J.-P. Gond, V. Swaen, K. De Roeck, J. Igalens, "How Do Employees Perceive Corporate Responsibility? Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Corporate Stakeholder Responsibility Scale", Journal of Management, Février 2018, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 1141-1168
- Meiseberg, B., K. Mignonac, R. Perrigot, A. El Akremi, "Performance Implications of centrality in franchisee advice networks, Managerial and Decision Economics", Managerial and Decision Economics, Décembre 2017, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 1227–1236
- Point, S., A. El Akremi, J. Igalens, "L’entrée dans la carrière d’enseignant-chercheur en GRH : quelles sont les spécificités d’accès à un poste en Business school ou Université ?", Revue Française de Gestion, Mars 2017, vol. 43, no. 263, pp. 97-119
- Gond, J.-P., A. El Akremi, V. Swaen, N. Babu, "The Psychological Micro-Foundations of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Person-Centric Systematic Review", Journal of Organizational Behavior, Février 2017, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 225-246
- De Roeck, K., A. El Akremi, V. Swaen, "Consistency matters! How and when does Corporate Social Responsibility affect employees’ organizational identification? Journal of Management Studies", Journal of Management Studies, Novembre 2016, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 1141-1168
- Manville, C., A. El Akremi, M. Niezborala, K. Mignonac, "Injustice hurts, literally: The role of sleep and emotional exhaustion in the relationship between organizational justice and musculoskeletal disorders", Human Relations, Mars 2016, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 1315-1339
- Charbonnier, A., A. El Akremi, "L'influence de la personnalité proactive sur la performance adaptative : le rôle du sentiment d'auto-efficacité et de la justice organisationnelle perçue", Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 2016, vol. 3, no. 101, pp. 45-63
- Borau, S., A. El Akremi, L. Elgaaied-Gambier, L. Hamdi, C. Ranchoux, "L’analyse des effets de médiation modérée : Applications en marketing", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Octobre 2015, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 95-138
- Tillou, C., A. K. Ben Ayed, A. El Akremi, C. Vandenberghe, "Le mentorat envers les consultants salariés du secteur du conseil en management : Levier de fidélisation ou source d’opportunités externes ?", Management International, Octobre 2015, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 67-77
- Mignonac, K., C. Vandenberghe, R. Perrigot, A. El Akremi, O. Herrbach, "A multi-study investigation of outcomes of franchisees’ affective commitment to their franchise organization", Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Mai 2015, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 461-488
- Sassi, N., C. Vandenberghe, A. El Akremi, "Examining the frustration-aggression model among Tunisian Blue-Collar Workers", Journal of Managerial Psychology, Avril 2015, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 336-353
- Paddock, E. L., J. Ko, R. Cropanzano, J. Bagger, A. El Akremi, G. J. Greguras, A. Mladinic, C. Moliner, K. Nam, K. Törnblom, K. Van Den Bos, "Voice and Culture: A Prospect Theory Approach", Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Avril 2015, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 167–175
- El Akremi, A., R. Perrigot, I. Piot-Lepetit, "Examining the Drivers for Fransised Chains Performance Through the Lens of the Dynamic Capabilities Approach", Journal of Small Business Management, Janvier 2015, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 145–165
- El Akremi, A., G. Colaianni, I. Portoghese, M. Galletta, A. Battistelli, "How Organizational Support impacts Affective Commitment and Turnover among Italian Nurses: A Multilevel Mediation Model", International Journal of Human Resource Management, Mai 2014, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 1185-1207
- El Akremi, A., M. I. Nasr, N. Richebé, "La socialisation des nouvelles recrues : un modèle en triple interaction entre les déterminants relationnels, organisationnels et individuels", M@n@gement, 2014, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 317-345
- Manville, C., A. El Akremi, M. Niezborala, "L'effet modérateur des perceptions de justice sur la relation entre pénibilité perçue au travail et trouble du sommeil", Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 2014, vol. 1, no. 91, pp. 3-12
- Hussain, D., R. Perrigot, K. Mignonac, A. El Akremi, O. Herrbach, "Determinants of Multi-unit Franchising: An Organizational Economics Framework", Managerial and Decision Economics, Avril-juillet 2013, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 161–169
Articles publiés dans des revues non classées, éditoriaux
- Perrier, A., A. El Akremi, C. Manville, "The effects of servant leadership on performance and health: A multilevel and multisource study", Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023, no. 1
- Manville, C., A. El Akremi, M. Niezborala, K. Mignonac, "L’injustice fait mal au sens propre du terme", Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l’Environnement, Mai 2018, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 278-279
- El Akremi, A., M. Brasseur, "Editorial. Le social, un risque à défaut d’un projet pour l’entreprise", Revue Interdisciplinaire de Management, Homme & Entreprise (RIMHE), 2018, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 2
- Barraud-Didier, V., M.-C. Henninger, A. El Akremi, "The Relationship Between Members' Trust and Participation in Governance of Cooperatives: The Role of Organizational Commitment", International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 2012, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 1-24
Chapitres d'ouvrages
- El Akremi, A., S. Boujendar, "John P Meyer et Natalie Allen : La force stabilisatrice de l’engagement comme fondement de l’action" dans Les Grands Auteurs en Gestion des Ressources Humaines., F. Chevalier, C. Coron, H. Gaillard & E. Oiry Eds, EMS, Éditions Management et Société, 2024
- El Akremi, A., "Imagination et créativité méthodologique" dans Devenir chercheur en management., Laroche, H. et Schmidt, G Eds, Vuibert, 2023
- El Akremi, A., "De la flexibilité à l'agilité organisationnelle : une analyse d'un antécédent de la performance adaptative" dans Mélanges en l’honneur de Bruno Sire., Devaux, O. Eds, Presses de l’Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, 2020
- El Akremi, A., J.-P. Gond, "Les fondements micro-psychologiques de la Responsabilité Sociale de l’Entreprise" dans Mélanges en l’honneur de Jacques Igalens. Une vision des ressources humaines sans frontières., J.-M. Peretti, M. Plane, A. Scouarnec, & M. Thévenet Eds, EMS, Éditions Management et Société, 2018
- El Akremi, A., "La pénibilité, combinée à l'injustice, fait perdre le sommeil" dans La pénibilité au travail., J.-C. Marquié, M.-C. Amauger-Lattes and C. Rolland Eds, L'Harmattan, 2014
- El Akremi, A., J. Igalens, "Les rôles et les compétences des professionnels RH : une synthèse par les modèles d’Ulrich" dans Encyclopédie des Ressources Humaines., J. Allouche Ed., Vuibert, pp. 1985-1988, 2012
- Igalens, J., A. El Akremi, "L’audit social" dans Encyclopédie des Ressources Humaines., J. Allouche Ed., Vuibert, pp. 89-92, 2012
- Igalens, J., A. El Akremi, "La qualité" dans Encyclopédie des Ressources Humaines., J. Allouche Ed., Vuibert, pp. 1172-1178, 2012
- Igalens, J., A. El Akremi, "Le rapport du développement durable" dans Encyclopédie des Ressources Humaines., J. Allouche Ed., Vuibert, pp. 382-386, 2012
Congrès internationaux
- Perrier, A., A. El Akremi, C. Manville, M. Molines, "The effects of servant leadership on performance and health: A multilevel and multisource study" dans 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), 2023, Boston
- Nour Eddin, M., A. El Akremi, "When and how would workplace gratitude influence employee cheating behavior?" dans EURAM Annual Conference, 2023, Dublin, Irlande
- Perrier, A., A. El Akremi, C. Manville, M. Molines, ""It's all about trust". The effect of servant leadership on firefighters' performance and health: A multilevel and multisource study" dans Annual ASAC conference, 2023, Canada
- Perrier, A., A. El Akremi, C. Manville, "Gimme what I need! Examining firefighters response to servant leadership from a dynamic fit lens" dans 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), 2022, Seattle, USA
- Perrier, A., A. El Akremi, M. Molines, "Servant leadership and firefighters' global health and emotional exhaustion: The mediating role of Safety climate" dans EURAM Online Conference, 2020
- Dhaouadi, I., A. El Akremi, J.-P. Gond, "The impact of the political regime on the politicization of CSR: A longitudinal case study in the context of the Tunisian Revolution" dans 36th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, 2020, Hamburg, Allemagne
- Perrier, A., A. El Akremi, C. Manville, "Opening the black box of servant leadership: The effects of Servant Leadership on emotional exhaustion and global health among firefighters" dans 19th European Academy of Management Annual Conference (EURAM) Conference, 2020, Dublin, Irlande
- Perrier, A., A. El Akremi, M. Molines, "Servant leadership and firefighters' global health and emotional exhaustion: The mediating role of Safety climate" dans Annual Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), 2020, Canada
- El Akremi, A., M. I. Nasr, M. Richards, M. Molines, "How and When Does CSR Encourage Employees' Socially Responsible Behaviour Outside the Workplace?" dans 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), 2019, Boston, USA
- Croonen, E., H. Van Der Bij, R. Perrigot, A. El Akremi, O. Herrbach, "Who wants to be a franchisee? Integrating theories to explain entrepreneurial intentions" dans 33rd Annual International Society of Franchising Conference, 2019, Vienne, Autriche
- El Akremi, A., C. Manville, K. Mignonac, "Why too much Justice is not a good thing" dans 20th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), 2019, Turin, Italie
- Perrier, A., M. Molines, A. El Akremi, "Opening the Black Box of servant leadership: The effects on Firefighters performance and health" dans 18th European Academy of Management Annual Conference (EURAM), 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
- Gordo, K., A. El Akremi, "Socialization as an identity transition process: The investigation of underlying mechanisms and boundary conditions" dans 20th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) “Working for the greater good", 2019, Turin, Italie
- Gordo, K., A. El Akremi, M. I. Nasr, "Organizational Socialization through A Social Identity Approach: The Investigation of Underlying Mechanism and Boundary Conditions" dans 47th annual Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, 2019, St. Catharines, Canada
- Perrier, A., M. Molines, A. El Akremi, C. Manville, "Opening the Black box of servant leadership: The effects of servant leadership on firefighters' performance and health" dans 47th annual Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, 2019, St. Catharines, Canada
- Dhaouadi, I., A. El Akremi, "The role of CSR in the politicization of MNCs: The case of the Tunisian revolution" dans 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), 2018, Chicago, USA
- El Akremi, A., J.-P. Gond, B.-J. Kim, T.-H. Kim, "Reconsidering the micro-foundations of the CSR-performance relationship: Meaningfulness matters!" dans 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), 2018, Chicago, USA
- Molines, M., A. El Akremi, M. Storme, P. Celik, "Beyond the Tipping Point: The Curvilinear Relationships between TFL, LMX, and Emotional Exhaustion" dans 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), 2018, Chicago, USA
- El Akremi, A., J.-P. Gond, M. I. Nasr, M. Richards, "How does Corporate Social Responsibility produce responsible behaviour outside the workplace?" dans 17th European Academy of Management Annual Conference (EURAM), 2018, Reykjavik, Islande
- Igalens, J., A. El Akremi, B. El Mawla, "Comment les entreprises réagissent-elles aux allégations d’irresponsabilité : Une analyse des effets de résipiscence et de disciplinarisation" dans 12ème Congrès du Réseau International de Recherche sur les Organisations et le Développement Durable (RIODD) : Quelles responsabilités pour les organisations ?, 2017, Paris, France
- El Akremi, A., K. Mignonac, "The Adverse Effects of Multi-Unit Franchising on Chains’ Performance" dans 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), 2017, Atlanta, USA
- Dhaouadi, I., A. El Akremi, J.-P. Gond, "How Multinational Corporation politicize corporate social responsibility to face radical geopolitical changes: the government of Shell Tunisia during the revolution" dans 33th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference, 2017, Copenhagen, Danemark
- Croonen, E., R. Perrigot, O. Herrbach, A. El Akremi, "To Be or Not to Be a Franchisee? Explaining Individuals’ Intentions to Join Franchise Networks" dans 31st Annual International Society of Franchising Conference (ISF), 2017, Atlanta, USA
- Molines, M., A. El Akremi, "Differentiated Leader-Member Exchange and Team Performance: Exploring the Role of Work Engagement and Support Climate" dans 18th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) “Enabling Change Through Work and Organizational Psychology: Opportunities and Challenges for Research and Practice", 2017, Dublin, Irlande
- Nasr, M. I., A. El Akremi, P. Roussel, "Anticipatory injustice and newcomers’ social integration: the consequences of expecting injustice during socialization" dans XXVIIème Congrès de l'Association francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), 2016, Strasbourg, France
- De Roeck, K., A. El Akremi, V. Swaen, "Integrating Social Identity and Justice Perspectives to Explain Employees’ Responses to CSR" dans 75th Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, 2015, Vancouver, Canada
- Akinlade, D., R. C. Liden, A. El Akremi, "Power Distance as a Moderator between the effect of LMX & Intellectual Stimulation on Creativity" dans 75th Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, 2015, Vancouver, Canada
- Manville, C., A. El Akremi, M. Niezborala, K. Mignonac, "Organizational justice and muskuloskeletal disorders: the role of sleep and emotional exhaustion" dans 75th Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, 2015, Vancouver, Canada
- Demortier, A.-L. P., N. Delobbe, A. El Akremi, "Opening the Black Box of HR Practices - Performance Relationship: Testing a Three Pathways AMO Model" dans Academy of Management Meeting, (AOM), 2014, Philadelphia, USA
- El Akremi, A., J. Coyle-Shapiro, M. I. Nasr, "Supervisor Fairness and Support, Organizational Socialization Tactics and Newcomers’ Adjustment" dans Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference (SIOP), 2014, Honolulu, USA
- El Akremi, A., N. Delobbe, M. Molines, "Expanding Supervisory Support and Organizational Commitment to the Next Level" dans Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting "Capitalim in question", 2013, Lake Buena Vista, USA
- Demortier, A.-L. P., N. Delobbe, A. El Akremi, "Human Capital Contribution to Company Performance : HR Practices Effects and Human Capital Emergence. Best paper HRM division" dans Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting "Capitalim in question", 2013, Lake Buena Vista, USA
- El Akremi, A., K. Mignonac, M. Molines, "The Relationship between distributive Justice Climate and Affective Commitment among French Policemen : Does the Equity Norm matter at Work-unit Level" dans EAWOP Congress, 2013, Muenster, Allemagne
- Dhaouadi, I., A. El Akremi, "CSR and the Politicization of Multinational Corporations: A Foucauldian Governmentality Framework" dans Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting " The informal Economy", 2012, Boston, USA
- Manville, C., A. El Akremi, F. Bénichoux, N. Dutheil, "The Relationships between Work Stress and Obesity: A Job" dans Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting " The informal Economy", 2012, Boston, USA
Colloques, conférences, workshops
- Nour Eddin, M., A. El Akremi, Y. Griep, "Playing Nice or Paying for Favors? How Positive Reciprocity Orientation Fuels the Dark Side of Gratitude in the Workplace" dans Academic Writing Workshop, Octobre, 2023, Toulouse, France
- Nour Eddin, M., A. El Akremi, "When and how would workplace gratitude influence employee cheating behavior?" dans WHU-LUMS-TSM Joint Workshop, Mai, 2023, Vallendar, Allemagne
- Nour Eddin, M., A. El Akremi, "When and how would workplace gratitude influence employee cheating behavior?" dans ENGAGE.EU, Avril, 2023, Toulouse, France
- El Akremi, A., K. Mignonac, P. Roussel, "Ateliers doctoraux" dans XXVIIème Congrès de l'Association francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), 2016, Strasbourg, France
- De Roeck, K., A. El Akremi, V. Swaen, "The Impact of CSR on Employees' attitudes : Testing an Integrative Framework through the lens of SIT" dans CSR Research Conference, 2013, Brussels, Belgique
- El Akremi, A., O. Herrbach, R. Perrigot, "Multi-unit Franchising" dans 19th international conference of The European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies (EIRASS) "Recent advances in Retailing and Services Science", 2012, Vienna, Autriche
Émissions radio, TV, presse écrite
- El Akremi, A. - "La question managériale est trop souvent sous-estimée au sein de la police" - 2021, Acteurs publics, France
- El Akremi, A. - "Une politique RSE efficace a un impact sur le bien-être au travail" - 2021, Entreprise & Carrières, France
- El Akremi, A. - "Police : pour une remise en cause de la politique du chiffre" - 2021, Libération, France
- El Akremi, A. - "Police : la « politique du chiffre » au cœur du problème" - 2021, Alternatives économiques, Paris, France
- Manville, C., A. El Akremi - "L'injustice au travail, ça fait mal" - 2014, L'Expansion