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Corps professoral, TSM Research



  • Articles publiés dans des revues classées
    • Wen, Y., S. Laporte, "Experiential Narratives in Marketing: A Comparison of Generative AI and Human Content", Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 2024
    • Wilcox, K., S. Laporte, G. Ward, "How Traditional Production Shapes Perceptions of Product Quality", Journal of Consumer Research, Août 2024, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 256–275
    • Borau, S., T. Otterbing, S. Laporte, S. Fosso-Wamba, "The most human bot: Female gendering increases humanness perceptions of bots and acceptance of AI", Psychology & Marketing, 2021, vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 1052-1068
    • Laporte, S., B. Briers, "Similarity as a Double-Edged Sword: The Positive and Negative Effects of Showcasing Similar Previous Winners on Perceived Likelihood of Winning in Sweepstakes", Journal of Consumer Research, Avril 2019, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 1331-1349
    • Grégoire, Y., F. Ghadami, S. Laporte, S. Sénécal, D. Larocque, "How can firms stop customer revenge? The effects of direct and indirect revenge on post-complaint responses", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Novembre 2018, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 1052-1071
    • Legoux, R., S. Laporte, D. Larocque, S. Belmati, T. Boquet, "The effect of critical reviews on exhibitors' decisions: Do reviews affect the survival of a movie on screens?", International Journal of Research in Marketing, Juin 2016, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 357-374
    • Laporte, S., G. Laurent, "More Prizes are not always more Attractive: Factors Increasing Prospective Sweepstakes Participants’ Sensitivity to the Number of Prizes", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Mai 2015, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 395–410
    • Briers, B., S. Laporte, "A Wallet Full of Calories: The Effect of Financial Dissatisfaction on the Desire for Food Energy", Journal of Marketing Research, Décembre 2013, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 767-781
  • Articles publiés dans des revues non classées, éditoriaux
    • Chaxel, A.-S., S. Laporte, "Truth Distortion: A Process to Explain Polarization over Unsubstantiated Claims Related to COVID-19", Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, Janvier 2021, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 196-203
  • Ouvrages
    • Brunet, J., F. Colbert, S. Laporte, R. Legoux, B. Lussier, Marketing Management, Chenelière Éducation, Canada, 2018
  • Congrès internationaux
    • Faure, M., S. Laporte, "The effect of different types of self-tracking on motivation to control weight" dans European Association for Consumer Research (EACR) Conference, 2023, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
    • Faure, M., S. Laporte, "The effect of different types of self-tracking on motivation to control weight" dans Congrès de l'Association Française de Marketing (AFM), 2023, Vannes, France
    • Wilcox, K., S. Laporte, G. Ward, "How traditional production shapes perceptions of artisanal product quality" dans Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2022, Denver, USA
    • Laporte, S., B. Briers, "The link between the Beliefs in a Just world and the Unhealthy = tasty intuition in food consumption" dans EMAC Annual Conference, 2020
    • Ghadami, F., Y. Grégoire, S. Laporte, D. Larocque, S. Sénécal, "Is Revenge Sweet? The Differenciated Effects of Direct and Indirect Revenge Behavior on Desire for Revenge" dans Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference, 2014, Miami, USA
    • Ghadami, F., Y. Grégoire, S. Laporte, D. Larocque, S. Sénécal, "The Boundary Role of the Type of Revenge Behaviors: Longitudinal and Experimental Approaches" dans NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 42, eds. June Cotte and Stacy Wood, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 490-491, 2014, Duluth, USA
  • Colloques, conférences, workshops
    • Laporte, S., B. Briers, "The link between the Beliefs in a Just world and the Unhealthy = tasty lay belief in food consumption" dans Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Mars, 2020, Huntington Beach, USA
    • Laporte, S., S. Borau, "The Ethical Dilemma of Gendering AI" dans Society for Consumer Psychology Boutique Conference on Consumers and Technology, Juin, 2019, Montréal, Canada
  • Conférences invitées
    • Laporte, S., "Invited Speaker, EM Lyon", 2023, France
    • Laporte, S., "Invited Speaker, HEC Montreal", 2019, Canada
  • Émissions radio, TV, presse écrite
    • Laporte, S. - "Un sentiment de pauvreté relative, même temporaire, suffit à déclencher un désir de calories" - 2020, Le Monde, France