Articles publiés dans des revues classées
- Saldago, S., C. Vellera, "Vers un effet de traitement paradoxal : les fablabs comme facilitateurs «accidentels » de l’entrepreneuriat des utilisateurs", Innovations - Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation, 2024, vol. 2, no. 74, pp. 183-210
- Azzam, J. E., D. H. Henard, S. Salgado, "Le « marquage brevet » comme stratégie de signalisation : influence sur l’innovation perçue des produits et sur leur adoption", Décisions Marketing, Janvier-Mars 2023, no. 109, pp. 13-34
- Salgado, S., A. Hemonnet-Goujot, D. H. Henard, V. De Barnier, "The dynamics of innovation contest experience: An integrated framework from the customer’s perspective", Journal of Business Research, Septembre 2020, vol. 117, pp. 29-43
- Salgado, S., V. De Barnier, "Encouraging and rewarding consumer creativity in new product development processes: How to motivate consumers involved in creative contests?", Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition), Août 2016, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 88-110
Congrès internationaux
- Salgado, S., D. H. Henard, J. E. Azzam, "“Patent marking” as a signaling strategy: Impacts on perceived product innovativeness and innovation adoption" dans Annual European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), 2024, Bucharest, Roumanie
- Salgado, S., C. Vellera, "Towards a paradoxical treatment effect: are fablabs "accidental" facilitators of user entrepreneurship?" dans Annual European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), 2024, Bucharest, Roumanie
- Vellera, C., S. Salgado, Y. Roth, J.-F. Lemoine, "Creative brief attractiveness shaping creative crowdsourcing contest outcomes: a comparison between “top” and “average” contributors" dans EMAC Annual Conference, 2023, Odense, Danemark
- Chameroy, F., S. Salgado, "Collaborative Consumption: Modelling the Antecedents and Effects of the Three Dimensions of Trust" dans EMAC Annual Conference, 2020, Budapest, Hongrie
- Salgado, S., R. Huaman-Ramirez, "Comment les produits co-créés par les fans de marque sont-ils perçus par les consommateurs ? Etude du rôle de l’amour des fans et de l’effet modérateur du domaine de produit sur la perception de la capacité à innover" dans 34ème Congrès de l’Association Française du Marketing (AFM), 2018, Strasbourg, France
- Salgado, S., R. Huaman-Ramirez, "How Consumers Perceive Co-Created Product by Brand Fan? Examining the Effect of Love and the Moderating Role of Product Domain on Perceived Product Innovation" dans 47th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), 2018, Glasgow, Royaume-Uni
- Banoun, A., L. Hamdi-Kidar, S. Salgado, "Explorer l’influence des récompenses sur la prise de pouvoir des participants à un challenge d’innovation" dans 33ème Congrès International de l'Association Française de Marketing (AFM), 2017, Tours-Orléans, France
Colloques, conférences, workshops
- Meyer-Waarden, L., J. Cloarec, S. Salgado, V. Favarin, "The perceptions of benefits and risks of AI-powered drones for last-mile delivery" dans Assumption University of Thailand Virtual International Conference, “Entrepreneurship & Sustainability in the Digital Era”, 2022
- Chameroy, F., S. Salgado, "Reconsidering Trust in the Context of the Sharing Economy: Conceptualization of an Alternative Composite Hierarchical Index of Trust on a Collaborative Consumption Platform" dans International Research Seminar on Marketing Communication and Consumer Behavior, The La Londe Conference, 2019
- Hemonnet-Goujot, A., S. Salgado, "Co-creation experience for innovation: the critical role of perceived challenge" dans 24th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Reykjavik University, 2017, Reykjavik, Islande
- Banoun, A., L. Hamdi-Kidar, S. Salgado, "Exploring the influence of rewards on participants’ empowerment in open innovation challenges" dans 24th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDM), Reykjavik University, 2017, Reykjavik, Islande