Articles publiés dans des revues classées
- Mignonac, K., S. Boujendar, G. Bergon, "How Organizational Cynicism Can Promote Customer-Directed Deviance Via Employee Resource Depletion And How Experiencing Supervisory Support May Help Overcome This Effect", Group and Organization Management, 2024
- Coll, C., K. Mignonac, "Perceived organizational support and task performance of employees with disabilities: a need satisfaction and social identity perspectives", International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2023, vol. 34, no. 10, pp. 2039–2073
- Vandenberghe, C., G. Landry, K. Bentein, F. Anseel, K. Mignonac, P. Roussel, "A Dynamic Model of the Effects of Feedback-Seeking Behavior and Organizational Commitment on Newcomer Turnover", Journal of Management, Mai 2021, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 519–544
- Lapointe, É., C. Vandenberghe, K. Mignonac, A. Panaccio, G. Schwarz, N. Richebé, P. Roussel, "Development and Validation of a Commitment to Organizational Career Scale: At the Crossroads of Individuals’ Career Aspirations and Organizations’ Needs", Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Mai 2019, vol. 92, no. 4, pp. 897-930
- Vandenberghe, C., A. Panaccio, K. Bentein, K. Mignonac, P. Roussel, "Time-based differences in the effects of positive and negative affectivity on perceived supervisor support and organizational commitment among newcomers", Journal of Organizational Behavior, Mars 2019, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 264–281
- Mignonac, K., O. Herrbach, C. Serrano-Archimi, C. Manville, "Navigating ambivalence: Perceived organizational prestige–support discrepancy and its relation to employee cynicism and silence", Journal of Management Studies, Juillet 2018, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 837-872
- Meiseberg, B., K. Mignonac, R. Perrigot, A. El Akremi, "Performance Implications of centrality in franchisee advice networks, Managerial and Decision Economics", Managerial and Decision Economics, Décembre 2017, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 1227–1236
- Manville, C., A. El Akremi, M. Niezborala, K. Mignonac, "Injustice hurts, literally: The role of sleep and emotional exhaustion in the relationship between organizational justice and musculoskeletal disorders", Human Relations, Mars 2016, vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 1315-1339
- Mignonac, K., C. Vandenberghe, R. Perrigot, A. El Akremi, O. Herrbach, "A multi-study investigation of outcomes of franchisees’ affective commitment to their franchise organization", Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Mai 2015, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 461-488
- Vandenberghe, C., K. Mignonac, C. Manville, "When normative commitment leads to lower well-being and reduced performance", Human Relations, Mai 2015, vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 843-870
- Gatignon Turnau, A.-L., K. Mignonac, "(Mis)Using employee volunteering for public relations: implications for corporate volunteers' organizational commitment", Journal of Business Research, Janvier 2015, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 7-18
- Valéau, P., K. Mignonac, C. Vandenberghe, A.-L. Gatignon Turnau, "A Study of the Relationships Between Volunteers' Commitments to Organizations and Beneficiaries and Turnover Intentions", Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science / Revue canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 2013, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 85-95
- Hussain, D., R. Perrigot, K. Mignonac, A. El Akremi, O. Herrbach, "Determinants of Multi-unit Franchising: An Organizational Economics Framework", Managerial and Decision Economics, Avril-juillet 2013, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 161–169
- Mignonac, K., N. Richebé, "No strings attached': How attribution of disinterested support affects employee retention", Human Resource Management Journal, 2013, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 72-90
- Herrbach, O., K. Mignonac, "Perceived Gender Discrimination and Women’s Subjective Career Success: The Moderating Role of Career Anchors", Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations, Hiver 2012, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 25-50
Articles publiés dans des revues non classées, éditoriaux
- Manville, C., A. El Akremi, M. Niezborala, K. Mignonac, "L’injustice fait mal au sens propre du terme", Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l’Environnement, Mai 2018, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 278-279
Congrès internationaux
- Mignonac, K., M. Caussimont, J. Boutant Lapeyre, C. Manville, "The Ethical Downside of Giving Employees the Trust They Want: When Trust Congruence Leads to Unethical Pro-Supervisor Behavior" dans Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2024, Chicago, USA
- El Akremi, A., C. Manville, K. Mignonac, "Why too much Justice is not a good thing" dans 20th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), 2019, Turin, Italie
- El Akremi, A., K. Mignonac, "The Adverse Effects of Multi-Unit Franchising on Chains’ Performance" dans 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), 2017, Atlanta, USA
- Mignonac, K., O. Herrbach, C. Serrano-Archimi, C. Manville, "Perceived Prestige-Support Discrepancy and its Relation to Employee Cynicism" dans 18th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), “Enabling Change Through Work and Organizational Psychology: Opportunities and Challenges for Research and Practice", 2017, Dublin, Irlande
- Vandenberghe, C., A. Panaccio, K. Bentein, K. Mignonac, P. Roussel, "Trait affectivity, perceived supervisor support, and organizational commitment during socialization: A dynamic, within-person perspective" dans XXVIIème Congrès de l'Association francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), 2016, Strasbourg, France
- Manville, C., A. El Akremi, M. Niezborala, K. Mignonac, "Organizational justice and muskuloskeletal disorders: the role of sleep and emotional exhaustion" dans 75th Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, 2015, Vancouver, Canada
- Mignonac, K., C. Vandenberghe, C. Manville, "Normative Commitment and well- being" dans 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), 2014, Honolulu, USA
- El Akremi, A., K. Mignonac, M. Molines, "The Relationship between distributive Justice Climate and Affective Commitment among French Policemen : Does the Equity Norm matter at Work-unit Level" dans EAWOP Congress, 2013, Muenster, Allemagne
Colloques, conférences, workshops
- El Akremi, A., K. Mignonac, P. Roussel, "Ateliers doctoraux" dans XXVIIème Congrès de l'Association francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), 2016, Strasbourg, France
Émissions radio, TV, presse écrite
- Mignonac, K. - "Communication employeur : se vanter n’est pas sans danger." - 2018,
- Mignonac, K. - "Communiquer sur la RSE. Le coût de la tartuferie." - 2017, Alternatives économiques
- Mignonac, K. - "Communication employeur : gare aux dissonances !" - 2017, Entreprise & Carrières