TSM parc panoramique

Marine Vergote

  • Last Name: VERGOTE
  • First Name: Marine
  • Last TSM Programme: Master International marketing of innovation - track M2 International marketing of innovation - double diploma - Asian tracks
  • Year of graduation: 2015
  • Study regime (full-time programme, executive education, part-time programme): executive education
  • Current employer company: Samsung Electronics
  • Current position: Key Account manager – E-Store
  • Location: Dubaï, Emirats Arabe Unis
  • LinkedIn: Marine Vergote

What is your current position?

After graduating with a Master's degree in Toulouse and a MBA in Bangkok, I was thirsty for adventure. So I decided to try my luck abroad. My adventure started with Amazon, a company for which I worked for a total of 6 years. From Prague, through Seattle, then Luxembourg and Dubai. For Amazon I worked in several different jobs, I started in the Supply Chain, then in Account Management and finally as Online Marketing Manager.

Since February 2023, I am Key Account Manager for Samsung Electronics in Dubai. In my current position I am responsible for samsung.com for the Emirates and I am in charge of all the digital marketing, product promotion and partnerships. My goal is to attract consumers to samsung.com.

How has TSM helped you accomplish your projects?

TSM gives you all the cards to accomplish all your projects. Rigor, organization, quality teaching but also learning to work in a team which is essential in today's working world.

What values of TSM do you use every-day?

Mutual support and open mindedness.

What is your best memory of TSM?

My year as an exchange student in Bangkok. Without TSM this would not have been possible. It is from this year that I got my thirst for adventure and discovery. TSM opened my eyes to the world around us, helped me to adapt to all situations, to work and collaborate with all nationalities.

3 tips for TSM students and future graduates?

- Choose a sector that you like, it will be difficult to reorient yourself later on without the right degree.

- Go and discover the world, whether it is to study or for a first work experience, it's an incredible experience!

- English is very important if your goal is to go abroad. Choose a taught in English Programme to help you progress quickly.