TSM parc panoramique

Rui Xiong

  • Last Name: XIONG
  • First Name: Rui
  • Current programme: DP Doctoral Programme - track PhD Finance
  • Year of graduation: 2025
  • Baccalaureate Specialties: science
  • Country of origin: China

Why did you choose Toulouse?

Toulouse is the home to some prestigious universities and educational institutions. And Toulouse is known for its high quality life, with a pleasant climate and excellent public transportation. Toulouse is located in the heart of southwestern France and is surrounded by picturesque villages, therefore offers many short journey options that can easily be arranged and can enrich your weekends.

Why did you choose TSM?

TSM is one of the most prestigious school in France and has strong international reputation. It is accredited of EPAS delivered by EFMD (the leading accreditation for business and management school). TSM offers a range of programs in English, which prepares students for successful careers in international environment. TSM has highly qualified and experienced faculty, with many big name professors that are experts in their fields. The faculty are devoted to provide students with high-quality education, and are warm-hearted to help students with any problems (study, life, etc.). TSM offers a dynamic and vibrant research environment, there are workshops and seminars held every week, and students have many opportunities to exchange with and receive feedbacks from the professors. The university has subscribed to many resource and database that may be useful to your research, and the research program has decent funding thatcan cover fees of attending outside seminars for PhD students. TSM doctoral program allows PhD students to give courses, which enhances PhD’s competitive advantages on the job market. TSM program is friendly and thoughtful that allows new PhDs to adapt soon to a new environment. Each new-coming PhD is accompanied with a fellow senior (buddy) that helps them get familiar with a research life faster. TSM doctoral program has a well-designed feedback system that allows students to raise comments on anything you have encountered during your research to PhD representatives or directly to the program director.

 What is your best memory of your life in France?

My best memory, also is what I value the most, is the help I received from the professors and from the colleagues. All the professors are highly experienced, warm-hearted and are willingness to help. I have received lots of valuable advises from the professors based on which I can improve my research. My colleagues are super nice as well, we encourage each other when we are confused and stuck at some point in research.

Why would you recommend TSM to students from your home school?

At TSM, I really learnt lots of things that I believe are valuable to my life and to my career. The professors at TSM not only impart knowledge but also inspire you to think individually. This helps boost one’s initiatives and build one’s own personality. Also, TSM has an international environment, students are from all over the world. You can communicate and enjoy cultural exchange with your classmates, this will rich your experience and broaden your horizon.

3 adjectives to describe TSM

Convivial, innovative, and inspiring.

Rui Xiong

DP Doctoral Programme - track PhD Finance